Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1267: Visiting Copenhagen

The restaurant is decorated in a medieval style.

The TV on the Chen Mu cabinet shows the news of bb.

In the picture, radical environmentalists pulled up banners on the streets, climbed the statue of Churchill, blocked traffic, and shouted the slogan “Look at God, we care about the world”, forming on the streets of London. A "beautiful landscape."

Looking at the picture on the TV set, a white man in a formal dress sitting at the table snorted.

"It’s really full."

“Speaking of this year’s Peace Prize awarded to an environmentalist?”

"Yes, but obviously a peace prize can't appease them. We still have to find a way to solve the problem fundamentally," the white man in the suit sighed. "If there is a controllable fusion substation in London, it would be fine."

“I think that illiterate people who will put stupidity into action may make things even more dangerous.”

" said it makes sense."

Far from hearing the conversations of those people, Lu Zhou looked up in the direction of the TV set, but the news on TV has switched to the next one and became a report on the food crisis in Central Africa.

When the landing boat didn't pay attention, Chen Yushan moved the sandwich from his plate and quietly moved to his plate. However, although her movements were very careful, she still caught her back without looking back.

Seeing my own little tricks were discovered, Chen Yushan’s cheeks were red, and she simply stopped hiding, but said softly.

" Eat more, don't be hungry."

"Well... you don't eat?"

"I have to control it a little."

"No, you are slim enough... and I think it's good now."

Chen Yushan is trying to say something, but many people here are embarrassed to say that in the end, they only had to look at Lu Zhou and then buried their heads to start solving their own salad.

The little cockroach sitting on the side of the two men looked at the two people suspiciously, and then poked the arm of the boat with his index finger.


"...have it?"

"are you……"

The thief thief bends the index finger of one hand into the shape of an o, and the small scorpion then draws a one with the index finger of the other hand. However, before she could overlap her hands, she had a blast on her head.

"Hey!" The short sorrow screamed, and the little squatting back took back the boat, holding his head and dissatisfied, "What do you knock on me?"

"Small age, don't always think about something weird!"

"I am not small, good!"

"Don't say anything about me," wiped his mouth with a paper towel. Lu Zhou transferred the topic without incident. "How are you studying at Princeton? Is there anyone bullying you?"

Xiao Yan spit out his tongue and said: "I have such a powerful brother, who can dare to bully me, and hide far away."

Looking at the brothers and sisters who were mixing their mouths, Chen Yushan’s mouth couldn’t help but smack a smile. At this time, she suddenly thought of the schedule of tomorrow, so she said softly.

"There is still something to be done at the company. I will return to China in the afternoon. When are you going to go back?"

Lu Zhou thought about it.

"Maybe tomorrow."

"Then I wait for you."

After breakfast, Chen Yushan did not stop here and left the restaurant. The back of the gaze disappeared into the corner of the elevator, and Xiaoyan took back his gaze and whispered.

"Brother, you..."

Did not give her any opportunity to spy on intelligence, Lu Zhou directly blocked her back in one sentence.

"Eat your meal."


After the breakfast, Lu Zhou returned to his room.

Although I stayed here last night, my sister had already returned to her room. I called the hotel and bought the set of bedding in the room. Then the boat opened at the desk and opened. Computer, check out your own mailbox.

Unsurprisingly, Professor Rudy Davik has already replied to his email.

In the mail, the Belgian physicist from the University of Brussels used at least a full page to praise his wisdom and assured him that he would not live up to his expectations and cultivation.

To be honest, seeing his exaggerated flattering, Lu Zhou’s heart is a bit embarrassing.

Because academics are good at slipping people, they are often not so proficient in scientific research.

However, when I thought of a professor who had worked with him, Mr. Sarrot thought that some research bosses usually responded to emails as assistants, and Lu Zhou settled down a little and decided to give him a chance to prove himself.

Anyway, after waiting for you to go back, it will be better to read his report.

Just then, the phone ringing on the bedside table suddenly rang.

From the chair, Lu Zhou stepped forward to pick up the receiver.


A polite voice soon came from the phone. "Hello, Dear Professor Lu, I am the administrative secretary of the Embassy in Sweden. You can call me Sun Xuewen or Sun Secretary."

Lu Zhou: "Is there anything?"

Secretary Sun: "This is the case. Ambassador Zhang Wenbin wants to meet with you. When do you have time?"

Lu Zhou thought about it and said, "I will go there in the afternoon."

"No, no, how can this let you go, of course, we come to visit you," the secretary of the Sun on the phone said with a smile. "If there is time in the afternoon, can you see three o'clock? It takes a long time for you, about an hour."

"...I am fine, but will this be too much trouble?"

The man smiled and said.

“Where, this is the most convenient option.”

In a certain sense, it is true. Every time Luzhou goes out to take a car, whether it is sitting in the car or passing the road, it has to be checked inside and outside for three or five times. It is better for them to come over.

I also thought of this in my heart, and Lu Zhou did not continue to insist.

However, after hanging up the phone, he suddenly thought that Chen Yushan would return to China in the afternoon. And if she had to meet with Ambassador Zhang, she couldn't send her to the airport, so she opened the door and came to her room.

Because he had left a room card for him, Lu Zhou swiped the card directly after knocking on the door and getting permission to enter the door.

When he walked into the house, the school sister was just packing up.

Putting the last piece of clothing into the trunk, Chen Yushan, who stood up, gently licked the long hair on his shoulder and looked back at Lu Zhou.

"I missed me so soon? I also said that when I packed my luggage, I went to your room to see you."

After hesitating for a while, Lu Zhou decided to tell the truth, so he said.

"I can't send you the plane in the afternoon, the embassy side"

"Nothing, I know," kissed Lu Zhou's lips with a sip of water, and with a scent of incense, Chen Yushan jumped back two steps in a fluttering manner, looking at him with a gentle smile on his face, " Don't feel embarrassed, I didn't think about standing up all your time, and I don't want emotional things to put too much pressure on you."


"You have your career, just like I have my career, we can work together. I want to be a better self, so I can feel a little more peace... so,..."

The index finger turned around the hair of the horns for a few laps, and Chen Yushan, whose voice suddenly stuttered, looked embarrassed to the side. It seems that I still don't get used to saying that the little girls will tell the love words. Her sly face is almost ripe, and she whispers the words on her lips.

"In any case, the academician of the land belongs to the world, but Lu Zhou belongs to me alone... as long as your heart is here with me."


"Don't call my wife, it's too nauseating! And, it looks like I am very old. We are just male and female friends, still, haven't promised to marry you," looked at Lu Zhou's face and moved, Chen Yushan's expression appeared Both happy and flustered, the mouth is unspeakable, "Call, call the school sister!"



I always feel that this title is in my own point.


Why is my boyfriend so cute!

Still so smart, so handsome!


Suddenly hugged, Chen Yushan felt that his brain was stuffed into the steamer, and even could not think properly.

Is this the legendary love period?

I can't wait to stick together for twenty-four hours.

However, I always feel a bit bad about myself.

"That one……"

"what happened?"

"Before you return home... I want to play a game with you."

"what game?"

Lu Zhou was a little embarrassed to say.

"hide and seek."

"..." The cheeks were printed with a layer of red. Chen Yushan, who put her head on the shoulder of the boat, whispered a whisper in his ear. "Hey, when did you become so bad?"

"...if you don't want to forget it."

Subtly removed the line of sight, the face is already thoroughly cooked like a red apple like Chen Yushan, buried his eyes on the shoulders full of security.

Quietly, she whispered.


"Do I need to hide it first?"


in the afternoon.

Lu Zhou sent Chen Yushan to the car to the airport.

After wavering, until the Volvo disappeared at the end of the street, he turned around and returned to the hotel.

What did you say?

If the two emotions are long, they will linger in the dynasty.

For men and women in love, although I can't wait to stick together for 24 hours, he knows that feelings are only part of life, not all of them. Whether she or she has a lot of work to do, it is impossible to be like a little girl. The sweat and tears of youth that the boys are so profligate.

However, it always felt that after the confession that night, in the original black and white world, there was a touch of blue that he had never seen before.

That is the color of responsibility.

“Are you interested in the Global Climate Action Summit in Copenhagen?” Sitting in the hotel’s executive lounge, wearing the formal dress Ambassador Zhang Wenbin, looked at Lu Zhou with a smile.

“Global Climate Summit?”

Unexpectedly, the ambassador Zhang suddenly threw such a proposition, and Lu Zhou cast a question of doubt on him.

"Yes," read the question from Lu Zhou's eyes. Ambassador Zhang continued with a smile. "The past five years have been five years of economic growth in China. In the case of gdp maintaining a high growth rate of more than 10%. Instead of sacrificing an inch of green hills, we have spent five years on carbon emissions per capita to 50 percent five years ago!"

“For a more intuitive statement, we have created a miracle in the history of world development. With the least pollution, we have fed more than 20% of the world's population!”

“And all of this is due to the controllable fusion technology that you completed four years ago. So our foreign affairs department is negotiating, let you go to the Global Climate Action Summit to make this report, show off to other countries, let’s show off In the past few years, I have handed in a satisfactory answer to the overall interests of the community of human destiny."

Hearing here, Lu Zhou nodded thoughtfully.

It turned out to be forced for the country.

Oh, there is a touch of interest in the eyes.

"It sounds very interesting, just go to the end and finish it?"

Ambassador Zhang said with a smile.

"It's almost like this, it will delay you for three or four days at most. Oh, yes, there may be some slight adjustments in the way you travel."

"What is the specific point?"

“The Swedish royal family is going to visit Denmark and take the cruise ship “Arctic Light” to Copenhagen to represent their people in the action of saving the global climate. There will be politicians and entrepreneurs from the Nordic countries on the cruise. They are full of us. Interests. And we are here to strengthen our relationship with the Nordic countries, and they are our allies who can be drawn on the Silk Road strategy. The idea on our side is that you are also in Stockholm, so we can and them. Take the same flight."

"Of course, if you are not used to taking a boat, we can also arrange a special plane for you here. The specific way of travel depends on what you mean."

It is quite interesting to take a cruise to the sea. It is said that on winter nights, the beautiful aurora can be seen on the Baltic Sea.

Thinking of the beautiful scenery I saw on the shore of Lake Mälaren, Lu Zhou smiled and gently tapped his head.

"Protecting the global climate is the responsibility of all mankind. It is my responsibility to be a citizen of China to show the world the contribution of the Chinese nation in safeguarding the interests of the community of human destiny."

"In any case, these days are not very busy. After two days, I will drop in the way."

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