Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1268: Have to add money

In the deserts of East Africa, there is an abandoned military base in the three borders of the borders of the borders.

Since the withdrawal of the troops stationed here, the small villages that lived near the military bases have been completely ruined. Today, there are only a few dry wells and gray-yellow earthen houses.

Because the nearby terrain is not convenient for light armed defense, the temporary airport is not meaningful to most of the scattered squadrons who are behind the equipment. Therefore, no armed forces have occupied this place, but let it be so ruined.

However, unlike in the past, this deserted military base is welcoming a group of uninvited guests...

Wrapped in the dust, a Toyota pickup passed through the abandoned checkpoint and came inside the military base. A group of poorly equipped, black soldiers holding ak jumped out of the car.

Seeing this scene, several mercenaries dressed in American equipment standing next to the Hummer in front of the abandoned hangar immediately tightened their nervous nerves and involuntarily placed the index finger on the insurance of the weapon.

With a few confidants, he went forward, and Maras, who had a slap in the face, did not see the weapons on the hands of the mercenaries. He walked straight to the suit in front of the crowd and stopped. , lifted the chin.

"What about it?"

The suit man smiled slightly, and turned his face to his eyes to indicate the abandoned hangar behind him, said the opening.

"Just behind me... open to our guests to see."

The door of the hangar was opened.

I saw that the abandoned hangar was filled with a large box of military green.

The nearest box to the doorway was open, from which you can see the stuffed orange-yellow ammunition and the bundle of weapons that leaned against it.

Looking at all this in front of me, Marath's two green beans in the big eyes, flashed a trace of greed.

As a famous warlord who is active in the nearby generation, although it seems to be prestige on weekdays, the days are actually too tight. Those expensive diamond mines and oil fields are controlled by the zf army. They are mostly playing the autumn wind and do not dare to touch the fingers.

His biggest source of income on weekdays is simply to command the yacht to rob a few search boats, to find a hostage family or a company behind him to extort a ransom. As for those cargo ships that have patrols with warships, he does not dare to touch him with a hundred courage. After all, no one wants to risk swimming by a cannon to feed the fish and swim on the high seas.

According to his estimation, the munitions in this hangar are worth at least $10 million.

And the unmanned area shipped to East Africa, the price must at least double.

The arms in the hangar were like a piece of fat in his eyes, and the soldiers who seemed to be armed to the teeth did not look at them at all.

Here is his place.

If necessary, he can pull out a division's tour.

However, he still intends to listen to what these people say, to decide whether to cooperate with them, or simply swallow them.

"This is a $20 million munition." As if he didn't realize that he was in the mouth of the tiger, the man in the suit not only reminded him of the actual value of the goods, but also handed him a cigar. "And this is the best cigar in Guba."

No polite, the result is a cigar point.

Rudely spit a ring of smoke, Maras looked at the hangar and narrowed his eyes.

"this is all?"

“Just prepayment,” the suit man said with a smile. “There are good things worth about $80 million in total, and I am sure you will be interested.”

It was a prepayment, and it was a big deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The dangerous atmosphere in Marath was slightly weakened.

Of course, this is not because of professional ethics and conscience, but purely for greater interests.

"Sounds good... How did you get these things here?"

The suit man smiled and said: "We have a large transport plane. We have someone at the customs. You don't need to worry about it. As long as you help us do that, it's not just that these materials are yours. We can even The c-130 for shipping is for you."

When I heard the c-130, Marath’s face finally changed.

What does a transporter mean?

It means that he can transport goods from farther places, whether it is arms or necessities. He can even get rid of the pirate business and start the business of the two traffickers.

There are many invisible business opportunities in this desert, and these business opportunities can be seen.

As for the pilot...

This may be a problem, but it can be solved in dollars.

"What do you need? Attack the tanker? Or which oil field?" With his dry lips, Marsh’s heart could not wait.

Looking at the apparently already moving Marath, the suit man just smiled and did not speak. He took a newspaper out of the bag and threw it at him.

The newspaper is bbc.

Looking at the cruise ship on the cover, Marath's face was filled with a careless expression.

However, when he looked down the line of text, his eyes gradually floated a little dignified.

Even at the end, the condensate became anger.

"What is the difference between this and suicide?" Throwing the newspaper on the ground, Marath angered and looked at the suit man in front of him. "Are you teasing us?"

A cruise ship that attacks the royal family.

And it is still a cruise ship carrying the important members of other countries!

This provocative is not just a country!

Although he is greedy, he is not stupid!

Seeing his movements, several mercenaries standing nearby immediately tightened their arms nervously, and several militants who followed the man of the hustle and bustle took the same action.

The atmosphere in front of the hangar was instantly smashed.

Facing the murderous line of sight of the army and the head of the valve, the expression on the man’s face of the suit has not changed, as if he did not see the ak pointing to him, only he can hear it. The voice, whispered.

"Yes, it is suicide."

"People who attack the cruise ship will definitely die. However, before I die, I need you to use them to kill a person on board."

Marath’s eyes slammed dangerously.

It seems that the pros and cons are weighed in the heart. After a while, he speaks.


"I have sent his information to your mailbox and will see it when you go back."

Perhaps greed has prevailed, perhaps thinking of a perfect way to ensure that no one knows about it and Marathi said slowly.

"...I can't guarantee the safety of other passengers on the cruise."

"You don't have to guarantee," the suit man smiled and said in a pleasant tone. "Afterwards, whether it is a sinking or covering up other accidents, you can receive the rest as long as you confirm the target death. The last paragraph."

"So, what is your choice?"

Marath was silent for a while.

Suddenly, he said.

"After doing this, I may have to keep a low profile for a while."

The man in a suit smiled and nodded.

"Wise choice, this is the best."

"...I haven't finished my words yet."

After taking off the cigar on his mouth, as if he finally made up his mind, Marsh’s eyes were stained with fierceness and continued.

"The light is not enough."

"I have to add money."


Since the completion of the controlled fusion project, Lu Zhou has become the scent of the politicians of various countries.

There is no reason for him.

As the father of controllable fusion, the shareholders of East Asia Power, and the titles of countless Chinese scientific research organizations, his status has long been no longer just a simple scholar, but a heavyweight who can influence a country's decision-making.

At least in the field of nuclear fusion, his words even have a hammering energy.

And this energy can even determine the future of a country or region, half a century later.

As one of the five Nordic countries, Sweden has always hoped to be the first to talk about the controllable fusion reactor project with China, and let the nuclear power plant that dominates the Nordic power grid settle on its own site.

To this end, they have already offered a number of preferential conditions, such as allowing Chinese companies to intervene in public facilities projects, such as allowing extradition of wanted criminals, etc...

It can be said that the current fusion core is almost playing the role of the former giant panda, and all countries are rushing to get this stuff to go home.

Therefore, the voyage of this trip to Copenhagen is somewhat diplomatic.

Not only is Sweden's royal family on board, but there are also many Nordic entrepreneurs and rich people on this "Arctic Light" cruise ship, accompanied by entrepreneurs and diplomats from the Chinese side.

Both sides hope to start economic and trade cooperation and exchanges with each other and win more cooperation opportunities and markets for the country.

Standing next to his father, Prince Ferre, Princess Lilian was stunned at her father’s face.

This little girl seems to be still angry, what happened at the dance that day.

However, as an adult, Lu Zhou naturally does not need to care about a child, facing her face is only a friendly smile. Seeing his own grimace did not seem to work, the little princess's lame, turned his head and completely ignored him.

Lu Zhou did not care.

Standing on the side of the ship, he just looked up at the distant sea and sky.

Looking at the rolling waves, he always felt like something was going to happen.

"The wind on the deck seems a bit awkward."

Hearing this feeling, Wang Peng, standing behind him, said.

"I feel that you are in a good mood."

"Have it?"

Wang Peng nodded and confirmed.

"And it's not normal."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou smiled embarrassedly.

I did not expect that my performance was so obvious.

Ok, he’s on the showdown. He admits that he’s really good in the past few days, even some sorrow.

Looking at Lu Zhou’s bright smile on his face, Wang Peng didn’t know what to say, so he chose to keep silent.

However, the expression of Lu Zhou’s sorrow did not hang on his face for a long time.

Because at this time, the alarm bell suddenly sounded...

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