The living room of Zhongshan International Villa.

A home robot with a robotic arm and various functional devices attached to a high-profile, cylindrical casing, placed three cups of coffee on the coffee table.

The expression was sitting on the sofa with a stern expression. Professor Davik squatted and rested for a while before he coughed softly and said with courage.

"I introduce myself, I am"

"Rudy Davik, Professor of the University of Brussels, Wei Hong, Professor of the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences," the line of sight stayed on the strange expression of the two for a while, and Lu Zhou took a sip from the coffee cup on the table. You don't have to introduce yourself, you probably know me."

"You actually... know us?" Unbelievably looking at Lu Zhou, Wei Hong’s face was a little excited, besides being surprised.

It is not an easy task to be able to impress the academia.

In particular, it is even more difficult for him to put his name and face on the top.

"It’s not too late to know.” I took off the ar glasses worn on the bridge of the nose. Lu Zhou clipped it to the collar and then leaned forward to look at the two. "I was planning to rest for two days." Go to imr and talk to you, but since you have all come, then we will go straight to the topic."

Professor Davik nodded immediately and did not dare to waste the time of Lu Zhou. He immediately took out the papers printed before Jinling from the briefcase he carried and handed it to Lu Zhou.

However, after taking over, Lu Zhou only glanced at it and threw it back to Professor Davik.

"I have seen these things, you don't have to show me again."

“Hey, don’t you need to look back?”

"No, if it's the research I'm interested in, I've basically remembered it once," said Lu Zhou, who looked at the hesitant color of Lu Zhou, and continued, "Explain in detail with the experimental After that, how did you find out that z particles interfere with gravity when they are expanding from a high dimension to a low latitude? I am more interested in this part of the content."

David and Wei Hong exchanged their sights, and finally Professor Wei opened his mouth.

"For this part, let me say it. It’s quite unexpected."

Lu Zhou looked at him and nodded.

"Please start."

“As detailed as possible, the better.”

That's what happened.

Since the introduction of the z-particle theory last year, the field of physics has been advanced to the field of high-dimensionality for the first time, and research in related fields has immediately become a hot spot.

Professor Davik found in the data collected on the gravitational wave detector of the lunar scientific research station that in the recent high-energy area collision experiment, the gravitational wave data had a special disturbance phenomenon.

This phenomenon caused the interest of Professor Wei Hong, who worked in the z-particle research group. The two quickly wrote a report on this phenomenon and applied for related topics.

After spending half an hour, Professor Wei Hong explained everything from the opening of the project to all the work done in the first half of the year, as well as all the problems encountered.

After listening carefully to the words of Professor Wei Hong, Lu Zhou nodded.

"I know about the situation."

"The things you found are really interesting, and the research ideas are very novel... However, after listening to your statement, I have some other ideas."

Upon hearing this sentence, Professor Davik said quickly.

"You please say."

Looking at the excitement of Professor Davik, Lu Zhou smiled and said.

"Don't be so excited, just a little thought, it's not necessarily right... maybe it may not be right."

Suddenly, he continued.

"According to Einstein's theory, as long as the inhomogeneity still exists in one part of the universe, the gravity must be uneven. The general theory of relativity reveals to us a deeper fact, how time and space tells matter how matter moves. , matter tells how time and space bend."

Having said that, Lu Zhou thought about it for about ten minutes, how to describe the abstract thought in his heart.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, raised his head and made a snap.

Soon, the home robot that had previously poured coffee for three people returned to the living room slowly, and this time brought a whiteboard. Then a drone flew over behind it, placing a marker on the hand of Lu Zhou.

Looking at the stunned two people, Lu Zhou, who was preparing to speak, slightly squatted and immediately realized what they were thinking, so he smiled and said.

"Don't be too surprised, just some gadgets that come out when you are bored. After all, it's still a bit lonely to live alone in such a big house."

Upon hearing this sentence, the eyebrows of David and Wei Hong couldn't help but twitch, and almost didn't vomit.

The gadgets that come out when you are bored are ok...

Don't say that the home robot doesn't look like a gadget. Can you make the two elements of intelligence and flexibility to the extent that it is boring?

How much do you despise those high-tech companies that specialize in home machines.

I didn’t care for the two people who were still shaking in the heart of the digestive heart. The boat that stood up from the sofa and walked to the side of the whiteboard.

After thinking for a moment, he printed the marker in his hand and began to use the mathematical and physical language to weave those abstract and awkward guesses into a visible blueprint...



Time passes by one minute.

The coffee on the coffee table, I don’t know when it’s cold.

Davik and Wei Hong stared at the whiteboard intently, and their eyes didn't dare to move away. They were afraid to miss a letter or even a punctuation. They wanted to print every detail on the whiteboard in their heads.

Finally, the nib that wandered on the whiteboard stopped.

Looking back at the two physics professors sitting on the sofa, Lu Zhou gently placed the marker on the side of the whiteboard.

"Basically, the idea that I can think of for the time being is this... It may seem a little difficult, but if you look at it twice, it should be quite understandable."

Just a little difficult?

Dr. Davik and Professor Wei Hong couldn’t help but smile a bit.

Can barely keep up with his ideas, or because they have been studying in this field for more than half a year, and the nerves that have been tightened from half an hour ago have not relaxed.

It is hard to imagine that these things were temporarily thought out by Lu Zhou.

Looking at the contents of the whiteboard, Wei Hong fixed his mind and raised his hand and asked.

"...Can I take a photo?"

Going to the sofa and sitting down, Lu Zhou took a sip of the coffee that had cooled off, and smiled and said.

"Of course, I have written so much, the purpose is to bring a little inspiration to your research. If you forget it when you turn back, then am I not talking about it?"

Looking at the two words, the two people who decisively took out the phone to take pictures, Lu Zhou continued.

"Time and space tells how matter moves, and matter tells how time and space bend. This is the core idea of ​​this research idea. The steps on the whiteboard are just some framework content, many of which are not perfect."

"For example, in the first part, we should first set up a control group, calculate the gravitational anomaly of the z-particles, and derive the z-gravitational fluctuation formula. So, the situation should be much better..."

Just when it was critical, the mobile phone that Lu Zhou had placed on the coffee table suddenly rang.

Seeing the caller, Lu Zhou squatted slightly, then stopped the conversation and saw an apologetic smile to the two.

"Sorry, you study first, I will pick up a phone next to me."

Said, Lu Zhou stood up and took the phone to the side.

However, at this moment, he did not know that his previous words, to Wei Hong and Professor Davik, who were repeatedly trying to figure out the contents of the whiteboard, set off a wave of turbulence in their hearts.

Calculate the amount of gravitational anomalies...

Deriving the z-gravitational fluctuation formula...

Wei Hong’s eyes sparkled with excitement, and the fists clenched involuntarily.

Just in the moment!

Although only for a moment!

He seems to have a little thought...

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