The phone was called by Li Gaoliang.

A few days ago, Lu Zhou also thought about finding an opportunity to make a phone call and thanked him, but thought that his cargo ship might still be floating on the sea, so he put this matter aside for the time being.

I didn't expect this to be a week, he has already returned?

As soon as the phone was connected, Lu Zhou asked.

"Have you returned to China?"

"The cargo ship has just passed the Bering Sea, but now the Navy has taken over, is dragging to our port, and there is nothing wrong with us. We will come back one step at a time."

"It’s good to come back safely," Lu Zhou said with a smile. "I thank you very much last time."

"Hey, don't thank me, I will be a soldier. What's more, I really want to say thank you. I have these two legs that you want to find out. I didn't make that nerve bridging technology. I am now retired." How much do you think I say thank you?"

"Okay, then I don't say anything to thank you. I want you to drink two cups the next day. Yes, you are all okay, there are no casualties like that?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Li Gaoliang suddenly laughed and said, he put his hand down.

"A group of walking first-class functions have caused casualties? Isn't that white equipment?"

"Not to mention that the soldiers of our brigade have been practicing thousands of times in the virtual reality system. When they landed, they gave them a stunned look and there was no way to fight back."

Said, Li Gaoliang painted and painted the situation at the time.

Although the real battlefield and the feeling of playing fps games in the virtual reality system are still very different, but wearing the exoskeleton, carrying the shellless rifle and the superman on the battlefield, the whole battle is simply one-sided.

Even before I even had time to test all the equipment on my body, everything was over.

"...Oh, yes, patronize and brag with you, almost forgot the business."

Halfway up, Li Gaoliang at the other end of the phone suddenly remembered something, took a shot and continued, "The person who attacked you has already detected it. It is an army active in the East African region. It is located at the junction of Kenya and Somalia. The zf zone. Interpol has been eyeing them for a long time, and we have provided all the information to us immediately after we learned that we intend to do it for them."

Lu Zhou Khan said: "How do I get into the army of East Africa. Valve."

He has never been to the African continent.

"The people who look at you are of course not African troops. Valves or pirates. They are also employed by people. If you are curious or ask Wang Peng, they are checking this. We don't care. Of course, those people are Take money to do things, but since things have already done half of them, if they don’t let them pay a price, it’s as if we won’t be angry.”

Hearing the smell of gunpowder and murderous in Li Gaoliang's tone, Lu Zhou curiously asked.

"You are going to shoot?"

Li Gaoliang grinned and said. "Okay, although it is not directly sent out, it will definitely give them a lesson, and by the way, test and test the new weapons of our army."

Lu Zhou: "New weapon?"

Li Gaoliang: "It is not convenient to say on the phone. If you are interested, come over tomorrow!"

The Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies is mainly engaged in the study of theoretical science and civil technology. For the military industry, there are only a few research institutes with higher levels of confidentiality, and basically cooperate with several other national defense research institutes. Engage.

For example, the miniaturization of the fusion battery, installed on the aircraft carrier, submarine, such as how to improve the combat effectiveness of the air force troops and so on.

As for the specific project, Lu Zhou is not particularly aware of it and is not directly involved.

So for Li Gaoliang’s new weapon, he really didn’t listen to anyone who said it in advance, and he couldn’t help but wonder what it was.

Because there were guests at home, Lu Zhou did not talk to Li Gaoliang for too long, and then hanged up after a few chats.

Just as he put away his mobile phone and returned to the living room, the two physics professors had finished drinking coffee and stood up from the sofa. Looking at him from the corner, Professor Wei said first,

"It's not too late, we won't bother you to rest."

Lu Zhou: "Don't you stay for dinner?"

Professor Wei shook his head: "No, just... I just had a little thought, I plan to go back to imcrc and verify it."

Professor Davik also nodded.

"me too."

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the two people, Lu Zhou could probably guess that his previous words should have inspired them, so he did not retain the two, and smiled and said.

"Thank you good luck, I hope I can hear your good news soon."

Wei Hong thanked the location for the downside.

"Thank you! We will definitely live up to your expectations."

Pointing promising young people is a pleasant thing, especially when this kind of pointing can produce tangible results, it is double happiness for Lu Zhou.

For him, the honor is actually not much meaningful.

Compared with his personal achievements, he is more willing to see some young people with potential to emerge, and on his way to the road, continue to explore the peak of physics.

Of course, the young people here are not referring to young scholars, but to young physicists under the age of fifty. After all, I really want to find a young and promising scholar, and I am afraid I can only search in history.

On the other hand, whether the gravitational anomaly of z-particles can be the key to the advancement of physics lv10 is also closely watched by Lu Zhou.

Although the standard behind it is not enough to be "sufficiently great", at least as far as its current display is concerned, Lu Zhou has already seen this potential.

What is gravity?

This is a question that has been discussed for a long time in physics.

The ultimate theory of unifying the four basic forces is now stuck in the gravitational level.

I am not sure, these two studies can bring some different colors to the understanding of gravity in modern physics...

The two were taken to the door, and finally the individual, watching the back of the two disappeared at the corner of the intersection, Lu Zhou was preparing to return to the house, and saw a silver car coming from the intersection and stopped at the road. Next.

The lights flashed slightly, and a beautiful figure took off from the car.

Seeing the face that made his heart move, Lu Zhou’s sight could not be moved.

It seems that he is very satisfied with the expression on his boyfriend's face, and the slightly curled mouth suddenly picks up a touch of happiness that is both happy and proud, and with a bit shy.

I was embarrassed to be seen at the end. Chen Yushan gently cleared her throat, and some of them were embarrassed and white.

"Okay... have you seen enough?"


"That... missed me?"

"I can't help it!"


Not good, I feel that my head is strange again!

Why is my boyfriend so gentle, excellent, handsome...

Even, there is even a little cute!

In fact, I don't have to feel it.

The hot temperature is gradually climbing the earlobe. Chen Yushan can even guess without looking in the mirror. At this moment, the expression on his face must be filled with "绅 (bian) (tai)."

Instead, Lu Zhou, standing at the door, was a bit aggressive, not knowing what he had said, and making her blush like this.

its not right.

If he remembers correctly, he clearly does not drive? !

"Hey, are you okay?"


After a moment of returning to the gods, Chen Yushan hurriedly closed the door and slammed on the sprint to the side of Lu Zhou. She shook her hand and shook his sleeve, and said, "Stupid, Stupid, this shameful word... don't say it at the door."

Lu Zhou: "...???"

It was not until he was dragged into the house that Lu Zhou did not understand it. Apart from a "thinking of the thoughts" that expresses his own thoughts, what else did he say that he was red-faced...

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