Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1295: It’s shameful to waste time

Outside the imcrc headquarters building, traffic in the vicinity was almost blocked.

The reporters of major TV stations and newspapers almost blocked the gates, which seriously affected the staff who came in and out of work.

Even though the security of imcrc blocked some people, there are still a small number of reporters who have mixed into the parking lot through various official or unofficial channels.

Just as Luo Wenxuan had just parked the car in the parking space and pressed the electronic lock to go upstairs, he looked at the group of reporters who were holding the camera and holding the microphone, and surrounded them like zombies.

"...Hello, I am a reporter for the Observer. May I ask Secretary Robert, does the latest research from imcrc mean that the speed of navigation is possible?"

"There is a possibility in the theoretical sense, and the reality is very hopeful."

"General Secretary Luo, does this mean that China will soon begin exploration of the distant star system? Can we set foot on Andromeda in our lifetime?"

"This question is well asked, if you can live to two centuries later, or longer."

"Robert Secretary"

"Please let me know, the meeting is about to begin. If you have any questions, please contact the imcrc spokesperson, which is our only official certification window."

Struggling to squeeze out a path from the crowd, under the cover of the security guards at the venue, Luo Wenxuan squeezed into the hall.

Looking at the wooden door behind the staff who was struggling to close, and the crowd gradually dispersed under the guardian's persuasion, he took a sigh of relief and reached out to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"It seems that the reporters outside are not embarrassing you."

Upon hearing the familiar voice, Luo Wenxuan looked up and saw that Lu Zhou stood beside him with a smile.

The face suddenly showed a surprised expression, Luo Wenxuan could not believe to look up and down Lu Zhou, the expression was weird.

"How did you get in... I mean, you are not blocked by the reporters?"

"I naturally have my method," Lu Zhou smiled faintly, and then turned around. "The meeting is about to begin, let's go together."

Although there are many things to ask, it is obviously not the time to ask in detail.

After swallowing the problem that had already flowed to the side of the scorpion, Luo Wenxuan gasped for two breaths and quickly caught up with the footsteps of Lu Zhou and walked with him in the direction of the conference hall...


The imcrc board meeting is about to begin.

Although the discussion is boring academic issues, because of the vast and amazing prospects behind the vibrating particles, this conference has rarely attracted the attention of the world.

However, although people are eager to know more about the inside story, Lu Zhou still does not allow any media reporters to come and listen, but the media that have obtained the right to interview through formal channels are arranged in another building. reception center.

The official spokesperson of imcrc will report the results of the meeting to them in the first time and answer some questions.

Looking at the directors who had sat at the conference table, Lu Zhou cleared his throat and said.

"Long story short, let's get started."

The laser pointer in the hand was pressed, and on the big screen behind it, there was a star map of the solar system.

For the sudden changes in front of the scene, the members of the board of directors sitting at the conference table looked at each other and did not know what Lu Zhou was going to do. Only a few people, including Luo Wenxuan, probably guessed something, and his face was so expressive.

It also seems to confirm the speculation of these people, Lu Zhou continued to speak.

"The theoretical argument I have completed, and then the experimental part. We need to deploy a z-particle clock on the orbit and the orbit around Mars, then"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, what is the theoretical part of the argument?"

After interrupting Lu Zhou, Professor Whittle, a member of the US Imcrc Board of Directors and director of the Brookhaven Science Society, raised his right hand and stood up with a clear expression of distrust, watching Lu Zhou continue.

“According to the normal process, we should not discuss the paper itself first, make sure it is correct, then discuss how to design the experiment to prove it?”

Not angry because his speech was interrupted, Lu Zhou nodded and said cleanly. "Of course, if you have doubts about a certain part of the paper, you can come up now."

Professor Whittle’s face was slightly stagnation, and for a while, he said, “Although I haven’t found any problems yet, it doesn’t mean that others think so. I think at least should”

Lu Zhou also looked at the conference table and said.

"Other people have questions that can be raised."

The directors sitting at the conference table looked at each other, and eventually there was no one who stood up.

Don't talk about asking questions.

Most of them didn't understand the paper. Some people, even if they understood it, were only a very reluctant understanding of it, and they were better than a little.

"As you can see, we are wasting time," looked at Professor Whittle, who was looking at the face. Lu Zhou shrugged his shoulders and continued. "If we have to wait until the physics community generally approves this theory, then we will Design experiments for the whole problem, according to past experience, at least wait for five years or even more than ten years."

Professor Whittle: "Is there anything wrong with this?"

Lu Zhou said unceremoniously: "The bad thing is that it is shameful to waste time. Either you find out my mistakes, or you are quietly watching, I will naturally prove that I am right. ""

Professor Whittle still wants to say something, but it may be that he thought of the last swollen face on the z particle, and eventually he slammed his stomach full of complaints.

Looking at Professor Whittle who was sitting back in the position, Lu Zhou nodded and continued to look at the conference table.

“Do other people still have questions?”

"I have some questions to ask."

"please say."

"The matter of the paper is not like...but why is it not the moon? It must be on Mars."

After getting permission from Lu Zhou to speak, Professor Fernando, a member of the British Imcrc Council, stood up and raised his own question with a hesitant expression on his face.

However, after hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou sighed.

"You will ask such a question, obviously I have not seen my paper."

Professor Fernando’s face was red and he said: “I swear I saw it, but there is a part of it... I haven’t finished reading it yet.”

In fact, it is not understood at all.

Mathematics is not an area in which he is good at.

Although he can also use most of the mathematical tools to solve problems encountered in theoretical physics research, most of those tools are outdated.

Without paying attention to Professor Fernando’s excuse, Lu Zhou held the conference table with his hands, stood up from the chair, turned and walked to the whiteboard next to the conference room, and picked up the marker brush that was stuck next to it. A few lines of calculations.



Looking at the calculations on the whiteboard.

Almost all the participants did not know what Lu Zhou wanted to do.

However, just as Lu Zhou wrote the last line of calculations, several professors’ faces showed a faint expression.

This includes Luo Wenxuan and another European physicist from cern.

After completing the necessary board books, Lu Zhou turned and looked at the conference table, as well as the participants sitting at the conference table, explaining.

"The z-particle itself does not have such a large amount of energy that can change the curvature of the space, nor can it poke a hole in space... or more academically, get a wormhole out."

"However, it can cause disturbance to the gravitational field."

Looking at the directors sitting at the conference table, Lu Zhou continued in a serious tone.

"This is very important."

"Time and space are distorted by the interference of gravity, and uneven distribution around us. Changing the gravitational field is equivalent to indirectly changing the curvature of space and time."

"Imagine if we are going to sail at a speed of light in the light year, how should we smooth out a few universes that are as long as light years? Through manpower? This is obviously impossible, but"

Said, Lu Zhou holding the marker in his hand and tapping the whiteboard.

"But we can use the gravitational pull of the stars or, in other words, the gravitational ties between the stars and the stars, using the time and space that is distorted by the gravitational force between the stars and the stars! Then find a path closest to the end point, Complete the light year level sailing!"

"Of course, if it's just an experiment, we don't have to send the detector to an adjacent star a few light years away to do the experiment. It can only be done in the solar system."

"For example, with the gravitational link between the planet and the planet, open a hyperspace channel between the planet and the planet, which is what we call a shortcut."

After a pause, Lu Zhou continued.

"Get down to business, that's why, we have to send the experimental equipment to Mars."

“The gravitation of the star is the threshold.”

"The quality of the moon is only one-tenth of the Earth's. Although the distance is an advantage, it is difficult to form a stable hyperspace channel based on the calculation results."

"In theory, Jupiter is a more appropriate choice, but the distance is too far, and the middle asteroid belt is also a hassle."

"Integrating all aspects of the factors, quality is 14% of the Earth's Mars is the best choice."

“Is there any other questions?”

Professor Fernando hesitated for a while, shook his head and sat back. Professor Whittle, who was sitting in a chair, swallowed and opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he did not say anything.

It’s just the feeling of being taught in class, so that he can’t be happy...

"It seems that no one has any opinions."

Very satisfied with the efficiency of the meeting, Lu Zhou turned the meeting documents in one hand, and cleared the scorpion to continue.

"Then we will discuss the structure of the z particle clock."

"And, how do you do this experiment."

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