Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1296: Get it before the Spring Festival!

the conference has ended.

Stepping out of the door of the conference room, Professor Whittle’s face was filled with indignation and whispered a curse.

"This du clerk! Simply turn the council off."

When he was a similar position at Cern, no one dared to ignore his opinions like this. However, during the year of the imcrc board of directors, the frustration he tasted was almost equivalent to his life in the past forty years. The sum that has been tasted,

Walking next to him, the British director of the imcrc director Fernando slightly hesitated, and said: "In fact, I think... he said something is reasonable."

Unbelievably looking at Professor Fernando, Whittle is like seeing a monster, saying in an incredible tone: "I can't believe it... you actually think he makes sense?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Professor Fernando continued.

“Without a better choice, it’s better to do something than to waste time on meaningless arguments. And as he said, very few people can fully understand his proof process. If you have to wait The physics community generally accepts his views, and then we verify that he is right, and may have to wait five years later or even a farther future."

Professor Whittle said: "Do you think that suspicion is a necessary procedure?"

"Doubt is of course a necessary procedure, and we should always be suspicious, but only if this suspicion makes sense. For example, there is a loophole in his paper that cannot be easily fixed. You or I question it, then he Explain this... but now, we obviously don’t have such conditions."

Looking at the meditation of Professor Whittle, Professor Fernando continued.

"Since he can prove himself through experiments, what is wrong with it?"

"Let's think about it. It's a happy thing to have a reliable leader walking in front."


The imcrc closed meeting was over.

The results of the discussion at the meeting also announced the global media in a subsequent press conference.

This time, imcrc once again shocked the world.

The headline of the Wall Street Journal on the same day, with a picture of the five letters of imcrc, as a map, published this amazing news.

[According to the results of the meeting, imcrc will launch a test rocket loaded with a "z particle clock" to the Mars sync orbit in the near future to test the correctness of the hyperspace theory. 】

[If this experiment is successful, it will mean that interstellar travel in light years is possible! 】

From an objective point of view, in fact, this statement is still somewhat optimistic.

Even if the experiment is successful, it only theoretically proves the possibility of realizing the superluminal speed through the hyperspace channel, and wants to maintain a stable hyperspace channel and transmit a space of several tens of tons or even hundreds of tons through this channel. With the current technology, it is almost a thing that does not see hope.

In fact, let alone maintain a stable hyperspace channel. So far, the research on z-particles has only stayed on several detectors of the Hadron Hadron Collider. The physics community even preserves or stably produces z-particles. None of the technology.

But that being said, if you only let z particles appear briefly and maintain a physics experiment, you can still do it through many alternatives.

such as.

High power laser!

Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies.

A spacious factory building.

Suddenly looking at the experimental equipment in front of him, Professor Davik opened his mouth and opened it for a long time, only to say in a difficult tone.

"What is this?"

It is a round metal ball that is about two people high. On the surface of the ball shell, you can see the fist-sized rivets with the dew, as well as various pipes and interfaces.

From a structural point of view, it is very similar to the national ignition device (nif) that has been swept into the historical tomb.

In fact, it is also based on similar technical concepts. The only difference is that it is not used to simulate nuclear explosions, but to generate z-particles.

"Z particle clock, we can use it to produce z particles," looked at the metal dome, Lu Zhou's face showed a slightly smug smile, blinked and continued, "although expensive, not Recycling and a series of shortcomings, but it is absolutely reliable enough."

According to his calculation results, only when two lead ions collide with 1.25tev energy, can the z particles release 750gev energy from the high dimension to the three-dimensional space, that is, the oscillating z particles.

After starting, the device can generate energy comparable to stars in a very small reaction chamber, thereby accumulating the lead core located in the center of the reaction chamber, pushing the ionized lead ions to collide with each other in friction and extrusion, thus making z Particles continue to fall from high dimensions to low dimensions.

Since its energy is released in less than a minute, the massive heat will destroy the device itself while generating z-particles and disturbing the gravitational field, so this stuff is basically scrapped after an experiment.

By the way, the cost of this equipment is about 200 million yuan.

In an experiment, it will probably consume two.

The physics experiment of burning money, only imcrc can do it.

"But... I still don't understand, how did you make this thing in such a short time?" Looking at Lu Zhou, Professor Davik said in an incredible tone, "From the end of the meeting to the present... ...has it only been less than two weeks?"

It can be said that this is the place that surprised him the most.

If it was a thing that took a year to make, he might not be surprised. But for two weeks, it is too exaggerated.

“Because of the strong industrial capabilities of the high-tech park, and... our smart manufacturing philosophy. As long as there are materials and processing conditions, the park can turn the drawings into reality in a short time, just like a 3D printer.” After a pause, Lu Zhou continued, "As for the design work, I have already done it earlier."

For the former chief architect of controlled fusion engineering, designing a laser ignition device is not a difficult task. Especially now his engineering level is already lv7, and it is not the same as the original.

And regardless of David, who was shocked to say nothing, Professor Wei, who stood next to him, did not say a word after stepping into the factory.

Staring at the z particle clock for a long time, he only converges on the shocking expression on his face and said with emotion.

"If this z particle clock really does... the whole world will be changed by it."

"Maybe," Lu Zhou smiled. "But my expectations for it are more in the future."

Wei Hong: "When are you going to send it to Mars?"

Lu Zhou thought about it and said something.

"The launch plan will be launched before the end of the month."

"If everything goes well."

"I want to get it before the Spring Festival!"

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