Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1330: Congratulatory messages from all over the world!

With the announcement of the century, the "Hundred Years of Physics" conference officially kicked off.

After a night of brewing, the news about the opening ceremony of the previous day was finally released in the eyes of people's eagerly awaited attention.

"Shanghai News": "The highest prize academic award of this century was born in Shanghai International Convention and Exhibition Center!"

"Washington Times": "Individuals contribute a hundred million rewards to the unification theory, is it that no one can take away the bonus? Or do you believe that this proposition can be solved within a hundred years?"

"The Sun": "Lu Zhou: Who can unify the four basic forces, who will receive a bonus of one hundred million!"

The Times: "The moment to open a new era in the history of physics!"

There is hardly any suspense, and the focus of the news is almost entirely focused on the century-old question published by a hundred well-known physicists, and the huge bonuses that imcrc set for it.

Especially after the award of the Great Unification Theory was announced, almost everyone in the academic or academic circles was shocked by the jaw-dropping amount of bonuses.

On the collar.

"I rely! One hundred million!"

"What is wrong with it?"

"No one is stopping me. I am a physicist from today!"

"Save the province, have you passed the big thing? A few dishes have been like this!"

"It’s just no humanity! It’s a **** for Lu!”

"I can't believe that he is engaged in scientific research. Why is it so rich? I suggest that he check his account funds carefully to see if there is any pyway transaction behind this. Nothing else is a little suggestion. The keyboard man doesn't like to spray."

"This is how the Internet 2.0 era has such mental retardation."

"Without what, just because he has made a controllable fusion reactor, you can now use a penny of electricity to play games. Why can't people have such money?"

On a school forum in a well-known university.

"One hundred million bonus! It is terrible."

"I am still not too busy to understand why Dr. Lu does not consider solving this problem by himself? Or is he already confident that he can solve this problem himself, so he deliberately set the bonus so high, and anyone else can't get it?"

“Did you not read the interviews written by the editor of the latest issue of Nature on Belinda?”

"What did you write above?"

"At the dinner after the announcement of the Century, I interviewed Lu Zhou himself! If you read it, you will know why people don't solve this problem by themselves! Oh, I have to blow a wave. This is really convincing. It is."

"Where, what did he say during the interview?"

"I have to give young people a chance... If I remember correctly, this is his original words! Think about it. It has been so many years since the completion of the unified theory of power and electricity. So far, there are no problems that can cause him to be curious. The exception has been solved! According to common sense, he has no reason to leave the last step. I even suspect that the big unified theory, in his mind, already has an answer!"

The whole world was shocked by Professor Lu’s masterpiece.

Just the news is no longer able to satisfy people's gossip, and all kinds of arguments are mad on the Internet.

In this way, under the hot discussion of netizens, the century-old question initiated by a hundred well-known cybers of the physics, overnight, occupied the headlines of major network platforms at an incredible speed.

It was also during this night that physics seemed to be a popular subject that was relished from an unpopular profession that only belonged to a small number of people.

And not just that.

It is not just the people who eat the melons on the Internet, but even the political figures of various countries have sent congratulatory messages to imcrc.

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Face-to-face reporters gathered at the press conference, the president held the speech in his hand and read it.

"...this is a glorious moment in the history of physics, a moment worthy of being recorded in history!"

“The smartest minds on this planet come together to discuss the issues that all of us face together. I believe that our physics, under the leadership of imcrc, will be able to go further and create even greater miracles. ""

10 Downing Street.

Also facing reporters from all over the world, the Prime Minister said in a solemn tone.

"... Although physics is far away from our lives, looking back at history, every social change is closely related to the revolution of physics. I believe we are standing at the intersection before a great era, and I believe that our future must be full of light. ——"

"Because those great people."

Chang'an Street is the same.

Not even a congratulatory message.

Even the elders themselves have come to Shanghai for a while...


Five-star hotel next to the International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Executive Lounge on the top floor.

The two sat in a seat away from the window, chatting about what happened in the recent days while drinking afternoon tea.

"... In the next 100 years, the physics pattern has been set, and imcrc has replaced it with no suspense with the lunar plane collider and huge scientific research power, becoming the new world physics center. ”

“In the past 100 years, Western academia has occupied an absolute right to speak in the world of academia, and now this pattern has changed. Our scholars can communicate with the world academic community in a more fair environment. So far, nothing has to be done by me personally."

Taking a sip of tea, Lu Zhou looked at the old man sitting opposite and said his decision.

"I intend to quit my position as chairman after this conference."

Although it was an unexpected thing, after the end of the controllable fusion project, similar things happened. But when Lu Zhou said it, the old man’s face could not help but reveal a surprised expression and sat up straight. Asked.

"Is the work of imcrc too hard? If you have any difficulties, you can tell me. We can't help anything academically, but I can help you think about things outside of academics."

"It doesn't matter if you are busy," Lu Zhou said with a smile. "It's just that the two-year period is full, and it's time to change."

The old man sighed and said with a strong heart.

"But this imcrc has made it easy to achieve today's achievements. It is difficult for our young physicists in China to find another scholar who can serve the public. I am worried that after you left, the Chinese physics community is hard to be here. The advantages and status gained in the international cooperation organization will be divided by others."

"Or, do you do another one?"

"Your worry is actually superfluous," Lu Zhou said with a smile. "The younger generation of physicists still have quite a lot of talents. For example, our professor Wei, he must have one in three years." Nobel Prize. There is also our Professor Luo. Although he has not achieved any outstanding achievements in academics for the time being, his research scope is extensive. He is also a Witeng, who is good at using mathematical tools and has a wide network of contacts. I am very reassured to be the next chairman."

Luo Wenxuan?

When the name was heard, the old man frowned.

The name seems to be a bit of an impression, but I can't think of it when I heard it.

However, since the academician of the army has said this, presumably this young man still has some remarkable points.

Out of trust in Lu Zhou’s vision, the old man did not say anything more. He just nodded and changed his subject to continue.

"Since you feel it's right, then that's it... Speaking, I heard that you are planning to leave the physics community for the time being?"

Lu Zhou shook his head gently.

“It’s not a departure, but for me personally, it’s hard to make a higher breakthrough in pure physics research.”

The old man asked seriously.

"What is your plan?"

"Energy, materials, information, these three are the three pillars of modern science. The former has controllable fusion, the core capacity has not fully met the needs of the global market, the latter our submarine quantum cable is also laying, The construction of the Pacific section is only halfway through. The technology has not yet been fully digested, and even if there is any major breakthrough, the marginal effect will limit its development."

After a pause, Lu Zhou thought for a moment and said.

"I am going to try to start with the material."

“Look at seeing if I can combine what I have learned in mathematics and physics, and create something interesting.”

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