Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1331: I will resign from the board of directors!

Going to Beijing.

Chen Baohua's home.

The family is watching TV and eating and laughing.

The news on the TV just happened to be broadcast to the scene of the 100-year physics conference in Shanghai. Chen Yushan could not help but stop the chopsticks in his hand, and his eyes were stuck on the screen.

I noticed that the daughter's face was awkward, as if it was a gleaming expression. Chen Baohua couldn't say anything about it, but he still said a word.

"Don't go with you?"

A little regret to sigh, Chen Yushan said that the mood is not very high.

"I was originally planning to go with him... but suddenly there was something going on in the work. I have to come to Beijing to go on a business trip. I can only go alone."

Originally, she even booked the magnetic levitation ticket to Shanghai. She was very depressed for this matter for a while.

However, Lu Zhou comforted her very intimately, saying that it was the same in front of the TV and on the scene. No matter how far apart, their hearts were close together.

I have to say that this guy is getting more and more girls.

In this way, the two men temporarily separated for a while, Lu Zhou went to Shanghai, and she came to Shanghai.

It is rare to go back to my hometown, Chen Yushan did not go to live in the hotel, but lived in his old lady.

In the past, she didn't love to come back here except for the holidays, because she always had to be urged by her elders to be a lifelong event.

But this time, she didn't have much concern.

Someone asked, she can justifiably say that she not only has a boyfriend!

And my boyfriend is still so good!

"...I listened to the old friends of the propaganda department and said that the whole country has set off a wave of physics learning," and turned his attention to the TV, watching the elders on the screen from the podium, and then walking to the podium. Lu Zhou, Chen Baohua said with emotion, "Half of them have the merits of Professor Lu."

Chen Yushan said with a sigh.

"National...? Will it be too exaggerated?"

Chen Baohua said with a smile.

"There is no exaggeration. When the story of Chen Jingrun was just reported, did the country not set off a wave of learning mathematics? You have never seen it. At that time, some people even posted in the unit, what Goldbach guessed me. See, there are ten proofs of Goldbach’s conjecture... It’s really fun to think about it now.”


Looking at the gleaming expression on her daughter's face, Chen Baohua asked with a sour taste.

"What are you and Lu Zhou now?"

Chen Yushan’s face was red, and she said a little.


Staring at her daughter for a while, Chen Baohua suddenly sighed.


Chen Yushan asked this sigh to make it inexplicable.

"What sigh you sigh?"

“Nothing,” he ordered a cigarette. Chen Baohua sighed and said, “It’s just that my daughter’s daughter can’t get married, and she’s married. It’s just a father’s entanglement! When you are a child, you estimate I can understand it!"

When I saw Chen Baohua smoking, Chen’s time spent sitting next to him said.

"You old man, don't smoke at home."

"What is the old man!" Chen Baohua squinted, arguing, "I am still early from the old man's word. Anyway, I have to wait for my grandson to talk about it!"

Although he said so on the mouth, he still consciously smashed the smoke.

When I heard the word grandson, Chen Yushan was shy and couldn’t do it. I didn’t know what to say.

In fact, she is not very anxious about the marriage. After all, both of them are so busy, even if they are married, it is unlikely that they will be so fast.

"Dad, these things are not in a hurry, still early..."

"What is still early!" Upon hearing this sentence, Chen Baohua, who was still arguing that he is not the old man, turned his head and glanced at his daughter. "Your mother was in his early twenties, and you have turned over the calendar. Now it’s been in the past 20 years? And Shan Er, I’m not saying that the academician who is in his early thirties is not worth mentioning when he rises in his career. He is also a good person. You have to say that there is no temptation in his life. It is not believed."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yushan suddenly became anxious, blushing and arguing: "What are you talking about! He is so busy, there is time -"

"It’s not a busy question," Chen Baohua sighed. "In fact, I wanted to find an ordinary person in the local area. However, my feelings are your own. Dad only reminds you, really like it. Don't hesitate, hesitate, and the cooked ducks can fly."

Chen Yushan blushes and says: "What cook, cooked duck! Dad! You again, look like this, I will move out after a meal!"

"You old things, what are you talking about here! We are not as good as others? You are talking about it! Don't eat it if you can't say it!" Not just Chen Yushan, the old lady sitting next to me is also in awe Joined the battle.

As soon as I saw that I had committed public anger, Chen Baohua finally got a little embarrassed.

However, just as he was preparing to play haha, the lens on the TV was to keep the family stunned...


Shanghai International Convention and Exhibition Center.

With the passage of seven days, the large-scale academic summit with a total attendance of more than 100,000 finally ushered in the final closing.

At the closing ceremony of the No. 1 conference hall, the elders on behalf of Hua Guo stood in front of the podium, facing the scholars inside and outside the conference hall, facing the people of the world who sat in front of the screen and watched the end of the event. The physics community has extended a good wish and sent a blessing from the Chinese people.

In fact, when the elders appeared on the stage, many people under the stage showed a surprised expression. No one expected that at an academic conference, there would be a person with such a high weight.

I felt the respect of the Chinese culture for the academics. After the old man’s speech ended, the audience resounded with warm applause.

In a warm applause, the old man nodded slightly to the stage, followed by the Luzhou and walked to the stage.

Taking over the position of the microphone, after clearing the scorpion, he said with a clear and steady voice.

“Thank you all for coming to Shanghai and coming to participate in this summit that will affect the future of all of us.”

“For centuries, our discipline has been as prosperous as it is today, precisely because we understand the importance of communication and cooperation.”

“Here, on behalf of the imcrc Council, I would like to extend my highest respect and gratitude to all scholars who are constantly seeking physics on the road to physics.”

"This century-old physics conference has come to a successful conclusion!"

"Let us give the applause to ourselves and give it to the future!"

There was another round of applause from the audience.

The boiling sound was like a tumbling wave, and almost didn't rush to the entire venue.

Bathed in the applause of the audience, Lu Zhou quietly waited for half a minute, waiting for the applause to calm down a bit.


Just when everyone thought that this closing ceremony had ended, he stood there again.

And with an opening, he threw such a nuclear weapon-class bomb...

"In addition, announce one thing."

"The next imcrc committee meeting will be held after the 7th, and the next imcrc board member list, as well as the chairman of the board of directors!"

"At the same time, I will be after the campaign and handover work -"

"Resigned from the imcrc board of directors!"

The air is frozen.

The elders standing behind the scenes sighed softly and turned and walked away.

Luo Wenxuan opened his mouth, although it was already decided, but Lu Zhou announced this thing here, still makes it difficult for him to hide his surprise.

Davik, Wei Hong, Wei Teng, Wei Zeke... Those physicists who are familiar with Lu Zhou but do not understand the inside story have an incredible expression on their faces.

No one expected that Lu Zhou will announce his withdrawal here!

The entire conference hall was in a dead silence, silent.

And the exhibition hall outside the conference hall -

It’s the voice that has been surprised and unbelievable, and it’s completely blown up...

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