After the imcrc press conference ended, the relevant news quickly spread to every corner of the world along the network cable.

The resulting sensation is also like a tsunami, sweeping the entire physics community.

Imcrc set up an advisory board!

Lu Zhou served as the first consultant!

Almost everyone was shocked after hearing the news.

An internationally renowned physics forum.

The management of this website was very well prepared. Two servers were temporarily added before the press conference began. It was not an hour before the end of the press conference, and it really came in handy.

Not only did the number of visitors to the forum doubled in an hour, but almost all of the topics discussed on the forum were related to the press conference.

"consultant Committee?!"

"One-vote veto is okay! This will prevent organizational rigidity and prevent new members of the board from making major mistakes in decision-making. It's perfect!"

"Haha, I know that Professor Lu is still reluctant to leave the physics community!"

"Although a little regret is left in this form, but in any case, those who say that he intends to leave the physics community are rumors..."

There are still some differences between the consultant and the chairman.

Compared with the latter, the former no longer participates in the specific decision-making work of the imcrc board, and only works when there is a major crisis or change in imcrc.

However, even so, for many people, this is better than Lu Zhou completely withdraw from imcrc.

At least if the position of the chairman of the board is handed over to the wrong person, they also have one of the most academically acclaimed consultants in the field of physics to look forward to, no matter what kind of mistake or crisis, there is hope to correct it.

Originally because Lu Zhou resigned from all the duties of the board of directors, many people fell into pessimism about the future of physics and concerns about the future of imcrc. However, after hearing that Lu Zhou did not leave, it suppressed the haze in everyone’s mind. Immediately swept away.

The sensation is obviously not just the physics community.

Relevant news quickly made headlines in major newspapers and online media platforms on the second day, and was broadcast during the prime time of major news TV channels.

The bbc reporter who had interviewed Professor Higgs a few days ago once again found the old professor who is nearly a hundred years old.

This time, the old man’s point of view was a 180-degree change. Not only did the worry between the eyebrows disappear, but the words did not hide the praise of the decision of imcrc.

"...This is a very smart choice. It is also a significant reform. If you just leave, he will probably be a mess that no one can accept, but now he not only has a solid The system also leaves hope for all those who have high hopes for imcrc."

"Although I was pessimistic before, but now... I am very optimistic about the future of imcrc!"

"Without an accident, it will still be the center of world physics in a hundred years!"

"Unless there is a natural disaster or war, and there is a stronger and larger research cooperation organization that can replace it, I can't think of anything that can shake its position... and at least for now, these The possibilities are very, very embarrassing."


Imcrc headquarters.

Still in that coffee shop.

Professor Verzek and Professor Witten were sitting opposite the window, drinking coffee and chatting about what had happened recently.

"Is you suggesting that he do this?"

“Oh?” Hearing the question that the old friend suddenly threw, Professor Witten raised his eyebrows and smiled and asked, “Why do you ask?”

"Because it is not like what he will do," Professor Verzek said sharply. "Although his academic accomplishments are unpredictable, some of his personalities are actually many young people in their twenties and thirties. There is no difference. Say it is reckless or self-confident... In short, I have never expected that he can replay the first place."

"People will always change," Witten said with a smile. "I am not much better than him when I was thirty, and some people may be older."

Feeling that this sentence seems to be saying myself, Verzerk coughed and said.

"I just want to find some fun for life... Don't look at me always bet with people, but the bet is nothing more than an insignificant gadget."

Witten tweeted and said: "And the gambling contract with Dr. Garrett Rees?"

Upon hearing the name, Verzek's eyebrows twitched and gnawed his teeth.

"Yes... after all, I just lost $1,000."

That bet was a shame for his life! (See Chapter 171 for details)

Thinking of being a Nobel laureate, he actually lost a bet to a bridge worker who couldn't understand the physics. Every time he heard the name, he couldn't help but feel sick and goose bumps.

"Don't go far... Do you think that's okay?"

"I feel very good," said Wei Teng, after inquiring about the sight of Professor Wilzek. "I saw that the imcrc system is improving and is taking the kingdom centered on him." Become a holy place belonging to all physicists around the world."

"And the most exciting thing is that I also saw his own growth."

Speaking of this, Professor Witton’s face floated with a smile.

Leaning back on the chair, he continued in a relaxed tone.

"I can see that he really hopes that imcrc can get better. I am more and more confident in my own vision. I really didn't look at the wrong person!"


With the establishment of the advisory committee, the storm caused by Lu Zhou’s resignation has finally subsided, and the things on the imcrc side have finally come to an end.

After a few days, the imcrc committee meeting was successfully held, and the new chairman was elected. Lu Zhou could smoothly give up the position of the director of imcrc and say goodbye to the place where he struggled for two years.

And as the agenda of the conference is getting closer, the internal meeting of imcrc has successfully replaced the Centennial Physics Summit, attracting the attention of the world.

Many physics forums at home and abroad even put aside the voting stickers, giving countless people to eat melons a voting channel, and selecting the most suitable directors in addition to Lu Zhou.

However, most of these votes have turned into a vote for "the most influential mechanics in addition to Lu Zhou in today's physics community," and the director of imcrc does not use academic ability as the only indicator of evaluation, so such voting is actually nothing. The meaning is.

Considering that China is currently in the Council's absolute advantage, there is no suspense in the election of Brother Luo.

Lu Zhou, who no longer cares about these troubles, entered the system space after a day of rest and opened the taskbar that had not been seen for a long time.

In addition to the physics level +1, the void memory, and a golden draw chance, the last mission reward did not reward him with additional mission cards.

Therefore, this lottery is a long-lost three-choice one.

As Lu Zhou’s index finger touched the translucent holographic screen, three random missions quickly jumped out in front of him.

The first task is related to informatics, which requires observation of 10,000 virtual family samples.

Although this task sounds somewhat abstract, it is still very easy to implement. In short, it encourages those who log in to the virtual reality world through the phantom system, and then collect data from these samples.

At present, the number of registered users of the Mirage system has reached 60 million, and it is still expanding rapidly in North America, Europe and Southeast Asia. It is a combination of 10,000 couple players and they are not too easy to assign small tasks. The rewards are also considerable.

However, for the current Lu Zhou, the priority of informatics is relatively low.

Therefore, Lu Zhou temporarily reserved it as an alternate option.

If other tasks are not cost-effective, it is still quite good to use this task.

The second is the sand sculpture mission, which is related... probably mentally retarded? The request is to make a joke on the day of April Fool's Day. The more people influence, the more trouble it causes, and the higher the reward.

Such a task without a festival, Lu Zhou just took a look, it was completely into the cold palace.

This is followed by a third task, which is related to material science.

In the moment of seeing this task, Lu Zhou’s heart gave birth to a wonderful feeling.

It’s like falling in love at first sight!

This task is just like tailoring for yourself!

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