Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1336: Civilized flesh

[Task: Space Component a]

[Description: The material is the flesh and blood of civilization, from the ancient city wall to the innocent star ring, all the magnificent wonders are closely related to it. 】

[Requirement: A material with a Young's modulus ≥ 2.1 tpa and a breaking strength ≥ 80 n/m... was found. 】

[Reward: 500,000 materials learning experience, one lucky draw opportunity, 1000 points. 】

Physics is already full, and Lu Zhou is planning to enter the field of materials science. With reference to the materials required on the blueprint of the Lagrange Space Base, the task is as tailor-made as he is.

“A strong tensile material?”

“It sounds very interesting.”

Lu Zhou’s mouth curled up with a smile.

His mind has already had a bottom on how to implement this technical requirement, but he still needs to experiment to verify the speculation about the experiment.

No accident, this task should not delay him for a long time.

"Fifty thousand material science experience... just enough to raise the material science to lv8."

Confirmed the progress bar on the property panel, Lu Zhou did not hesitate to reach out and selected this task.

Looking at the pop-up "Task Received Successfully" dialog box, he stretched out his index finger and stroked it on the holographic screen, turning off the taskbar.

However, just before the taskbar completely disappeared, Lu Zhou suddenly noticed that at the end of the task id, there seems to be an "a" logo.

"It means... is this still a series of tasks?"

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou’s heart could not help but ponder.

Since there is a, that is to say, will there be a series like bcd in the future?

Fortunately, this task is not the kind of task chain that he has encountered in the past, which can be turned back onwards.

Otherwise, he really thinks about investing so much time cost for the 500,000 experience in the district. Is it worth it?


Just as Lu Zhou was lying on his own bed in the system space, far away from Chang'an Street in Shangjing City, in a quaint conference room, many people in formal costumes sat at the conference table with seriousness.

Judging from the signs prevented at the conference table, the identity of the person sitting here is not to be underestimated. It is not the leader of the science and technology development department, but the leader of the state key unit.

I took a look at the time on the watch and saw that it was almost ten minutes from the beginning of the meeting. Director Li sitting at the conference table unscrewed the mug and took a sip of tea.

Just as he was preparing to close his eyes and organize a speech in his mind, Vice Minister Liu, who was sitting next to him, suddenly spoke to him.

"This time the handwriting is not that big."

I don't quite understand the intention of this colleague and myself. After a moment of thinking, Director Li just took a moment and added a sentence.


At the same time, two super projects are carried out, and they are all investing in large projects with billions of trillions.

Even in the current national strength of China, it is a matter of pressure.

In particular, these two projects are still concentrated in the aerospace field, and it is the kind of bottomless hole that can't be seen in the short-term.

Maybe it is worth it in the long run, and it will benefit countless generations of Chinese children, but who can guarantee this?

Most of them may not live at that time. When the project is completed, most of the responsible people are no longer alive...

Therefore, even if this plan was initiated by Lu Zhou himself, not everyone agrees with this plan.

In the previous high-level meetings, this controversy has been highlighted during the discussion.

"Do you think it is appropriate to do this project now?"

Upon hearing this sentence from the same class, Director Li immediately responded.

For a long time, this guy is exploring his own tone.

Smiling, Li said.

"It doesn't matter how you look at this problem."

Vice Minister Liu asked thoughtfully.

"How to say?"

"Remember that some time ago, Academician Lu and I said a word, Lagrange Space Base is a springboard to distant galaxies. The Mars Scientific Research Station is a test field for our colonial distant galaxies. Together, the two will be promoted. The catalyst for the prosperity and development of our aerospace industry within a hundred years. If we are going to explore the farther world, this step will be taken sooner or later, just a matter of time."

“Is it just a matter of time?” Vice Minister Liu sighed. “This is what I said, but I always feel... it sounds a bit too far away.”

Director Li did not know what to say, but just nodded.

"That is inevitable."

This topic seems to be over here.

However, just when he had just thought so, the vice-president Liu suddenly thought of something like that, and asked casually.

"I heard that when the elders went to Shanghai, did they meet with Academician Lu?"

Director Li sneaked a little and subconsciously lowered his head.

"it seems to be like this."

In the eyes of Vice Minister Liu, there was a glimpse of sorrow. After thinking for a while, he gently pointed his head and said it was meaningful.

"That meeting is a bit interesting."

At the ten o'clock hour, the meeting officially began.

Like the previous discussion sessions, the elders were responsible for hosting the meeting. However, unlike the previous ones, this time it was not ppt, but a device with a strange shape.

"...What is that stuff? Air humidifier?"

Seeing the thin white mist floating on the device, Vice Minister Liu whispered.

Most people reacted like him, and it was somewhat unclear by this strangely shaped machine.

The old man standing at the conference table smiled and said to the audience that they were surprised.

"Holographic projection system."

“I found that this device is not only used for entertainment, but also allows many things that are very abstract to be intuitive in the presentation.”

During the conversation, a blue light emerged from the top of the quirky machine, a magnificent space fortress woven into the gauze-like mist.

When the black-black fortress appeared in the mist, many people's eyes were completely taken away by it, and the dead and dead adhered to the metal-filled outer shell.

The shocked emotion was read from the pupils of the double magnification, and the old man smiled and continued.

"When I was in Shanghai, Academician Lu gave me a demonstration of this device. I was surprised that there was no less than you."

"The space fortress we are seeing now is the three-dimensional concept map that was scaled down after the completion of the blueprint for the Lagrange space base."

“It’s not just the Lagrange space base, but the final form of the Martian city... like this.”

The image in the white fog continues to change, and the reorganized light granules weave a yellow sand in the heavy fog barrier, and in the yellow sand, like a mirage, a space city with a sci-fi sensation emerges. .

Looking back at the city full of science fiction, the old man continued to speak.

“This is a conceptual map of the Martian city...and the ultimate goal of the Mars scientific research station. Just like our expectations for the Guanghan City Special Zone, they will one day become a reality.”

"And whether to turn it into reality, the choice is always in our hands."

The light above the holographic system dissipated along with the white fog.

After the old man paused for a moment, he smiled and continued.

"I feel that since all of us are now in an era of rapid development, we can be more imaginative about the future."

"And this is also a young man, give me advice."

When I heard this sentence, Vice Minister Liu, who was sitting under the stage, suddenly showed a surprised expression in his face, and whispered in his heart.

"...It really was talked to the academician of the land."

The expression on Director Li’s face was also full of surprises. Although he was clear about Lu Zhou’s influence, he did not expect it to be so large.

The old man standing on the stage did not make any stay, put on a serious tone, and continued to speak.

"We have been discussing it for a long time from the first meeting to the present, and we should have a result today."

"If this is the case, vote!"

As the voice of the old man fell, the voting session soon began.

Looking at the voting device on the table, Director Li did not hesitate and reached out and pressed the button of approval.

From a long time ago, he thought so, and his thoughts have not changed.

The blueprint for the space base, as long as the same brand, has been deeply imprinted in his heart. He believes that the blueprint must have a chance to become a reality under the disdainful efforts of the academician of the land and the aerospace industry of China!

Regardless of whether he had the chance to see him become a reality, he hoped that he was at least not the one who dragged his legs.

At this time, Director Li suddenly noticed with Yu Guang that Vice Minister Liu, who was sitting next to him, also pressed the same button on the voter.

It seems that although in the previous chat, the tone of Vice Minister Liu was full of hesitation, but in the end he still voted for approval.

Thinking of this, Director Li suddenly felt a little happy.

Although he is not very clear about himself, what is the element that makes him happy.

Five minutes passed.

The voting results soon appeared on the big screen.

A total of 211 votes were approved, 13 votes against, and 5 abstentions.

There is no doubt that this is an overwhelming victory!

Looking at the voting results on the screen, the old man’s eyes showed a touch of approval and nodded lightly.

Looking back at the conference room, he announced the results of the issue with a solemn and calm voice.

"I announced."

"Mars Scientific Research Station Project, Lagrange Point Space Base Project -"

“Approved project!”

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