
I don't know how many meters underground.

Dr. Fan, who was standing in an empty "main hall", was now filled with the words aggressive.

Common sense tells him that it is impossible to have a signal here, let alone hear human voices.

So when the voice of "Can you hear it?" Echoed in his ear, he even wondered whether he had hallucinations because of dehydration.

Seeing that he didn't respond, the intermittent voice was clearly hesitant, and he muttered to himself.

"Strange ... Is there a problem with the translator? It is logically impossible."


What it is.

After returning from the persecution, Fan Yi flashed a flashlight and looked around, looking for the source of the radio signal, and spoke back.

"You can hear ... who are you?"

Hematite is nearby and the signal penetration is poor. Considering the full signal condition, the signal source should be near here. However, the light beam of the flashlight searched every corner of this hall, and Fan Tong did not see any shadow of electronic products.

"Don't look for it," looking at Fan Tong looking around, the voice in the communication channel, suddenly a bit of fun, "If you can find me here, then it is really fun."

Gradually realizing that he was doing useless work, Fan Tong took a deep breath and gave up useless searching.

Reaching out and touching the transparent wall again, he stepped back tensely nervously, repeating his previous question with vigilant tone.

"Who the **** are you? Isn't it ..."

"Did it?"

"Are you ... a Martian?"

Quietly said this sentence.

However, while Fan Tong was nervously waiting for that person's answer, there was suddenly no movement in the communication channel.

The silence lasted for about a minute.

As he gradually began to doubt whether he was right or not, strange alien soldiers were on their way to catch him, and suddenly there was a string of harsh laughter in the communication channel without warning.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Interesting, I haven't heard such an interesting joke for a long time ... But unfortunately, you don't seem to be very smart."

Fan Tong: "..."

"If your Martians refer to the bed bugs that once lived on this planet, then I'm sorry, I'm not that inferior," the laughter converged, and there was a hint of irony in the tone of the voice, And a touch of regret, "I was pleasantly surprised to see the civilization composed of lactating primates and organic living organisms. I didn't expect it to be a primitive civilization that didn't even go out of the mother star. No wonder you even have me everywhere Can't find it. "

Looking at Fan Tong with a nervous back in his face, the voice smiled and continued.

"Don't be nervous ... I won't eat you again. Come on, take off the mask and let me see what you look like."

"Are you crazy?" Eyes stared forward, Fan Tong said subconsciously, "there is no air here."

If it weren't for the underground where the electromagnetic signal could not reach, he couldn't help but suspect that the people in the base had turned on a voice changer to trick themselves.

He now dare to be certain that there must be a camera or the like around him to monitor him, and the person hiding in the monitoring room might have laughed crazy.

As for who it is and why ...

He felt his brain was messy, just like the tofu brain being crushed.

"Oh, that's what I said, I almost forgot ... this planet has been ruined by its former owner," it seemed to be self-examination, after the voice muttered, and got into a dilemma, "What to do What about those guys with problematic heads that don't tell me how to distinguish them ... "

Fan Tong: "What are you mumbling about?"

The owner of this planet?

Does it mean that there has been civilization on this planet?

And the reason why Mars has become what it is now is actually not the reasons that the academic circles guess at all, but the ancient civilization that once lived here?

It doesn't matter who he is anymore. Fan Tong, an expert in planetary geology, is only curious about one thing now.

"... What did Mars look like before?"

"What was it like before? Even if I described it with you, most of you ca n’t understand it because of your level of civilization. After all, you have only seen your own parent star. In short, there is a gentle and enviable world, in the atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen There is an ecosystem with strong self-healing ability. The environment, temperature, humidity, and other elements at different latitudes meet the survival needs of known advanced organic living organisms. You can understand it as an extremely rich ecosystem. All living organisms of the genus Olemenaceae are 120% habitable. "

Livable for all advanced creatures?

Fan Tong does not particularly understand what the concept of 120% corresponds to, but listening to this description alone should be a better place than the earth.

After all, at the rate of extinction of species on the earth, it is hard to imagine that 120% of all living things are livable. And according to this trend, it is said that it is not necessary for a thousand years, and human beings can't stand it ...

"With that, I suddenly thought of a wonderful idea." Suddenly I thought of something, and the voice in the communication channel brought a hint of excitement. "You tell me first, to what extent your civilization has developed."

The moment he heard this sentence, the expression on Fan Tong's face gradually became vigilant.

It seemed that he had noticed the fluctuations in his mood, and the voice said with a smile.

"Don't be nervous, don't say that we are not in the same universe, even if we are, we are not interested in a group of monkeys living on the planets of the continent, especially these monkeys are so ugly.

"... not in a universe?" Thinking of some interpretations of Academician Lu's thesis and the concept of extra dimensions that I have seen on the Internet before, Fan Tong frowned and said, "Can you still come from the void?"

"Oh? Are the lower civilizations so good now?" There was a hint of interest in the voice, "It seems that the gods of those guys still play a role ... if it is not a translator Question. "

Incomprehensible concepts are increasing.

Now even the shrine came out.

Looking at the empty hall, Fan Tong clenched the multi-purpose **** in his hand and continued calmly.

"I can't believe a person who doesn't even want to show his face, talk and hide his head. I won't answer any questions you have about us until you say who you are and why you are here."

"Then we will answer each other one by one," said the voice in a nonchalant tone, "If you think my question offends you or violates your poor **, you can choose to refuse Answer. Out of politeness, I can allow you to ask questions first. "

"The deal."

Although there are still doubts in my heart, I am quite satisfied with this sincerity.

Fan Tong organized the language in his head and continued to speak.

"So my question ... who the **** are you?"

"Who am I? This question is a bit abstract. I believe you should not seek a philosophical answer from me, but my name is meaningless to you. In that case, use what you call it The Martians are fine. They called me 'Holy Relics' while they were still alive. "

"Holy relic?"

"Well, in their culture, it is probably similar to a special life form that exists far above them. Their understanding is indeed correct, and I do have a higher level than them. Well, I say so much, Although I don't mind talking to you more, it involves a question of sincerity. "

Fan Tong tried to argue, "But you didn't explain anything at all."

"That's because the question you asked was confusing," the voice continued politely. "If you don't want to continue wasting time, answer my question before our conversation can proceed."

"……go ahead."

"Does your communication module have the function of receiving text messages? Although the problem is not very complicated, it may not be remembered by your brain capacity."


Refraining from the urge to get angry, Fan Tong reached out his hand silently and double-clicked on the wrist-mounted computer, and quickly switched the communication channel to the text input interface.

Although I don't know why this guy is so familiar with the communication technology and language he uses, it is always a good thing.

After both sides showed enough sincerity, he naturally had the opportunity to ask why.

Soon a line of newsletters was sent.

However, the moment he opened the text message, the whole person was stupid as if stupid.

[For any e> 0, there are only a limited number of triples (a, b, c), so that a, b, and c are positive primes, and a + b = c, there is c> rad (abc) ^ (1 + e). 】

Fan Tong: "???"

this is……

math problem?

What the hell? !!

He originally thought that this guy would ask questions like "how many planets do you control", "how many starships do you own", or at least ask "how many populations" and he even thought about what to do Out answer.

However, he did not think that it was a math problem that was finally thrown over.

Frowning, Fan Tong stared at the subject carefully.

Although most of his math knowledge was returned to the teacher the year he graduated, the subject was still barely understandable.

I just don't know why ...

A problem that seems to be very simple, but he has no clue.

Seeing that Fan Tong did not respond for a long time, the voice gradually brought some disappointment.

"It looks like you are not the one selected."

"... the one selected?"

"Usually, it is the smartest one in your civilization, or at least there is something unusual about it from the same kind. As if facing the same stone monument, some baboons only pee at it, but some baboons However, he can realize the true meaning of civilization from it, leading his tribe to get rid of obscurity and move towards enlightenment ... I do n’t know if I can say that if you understand it. After all, your understanding of intelligent creatures may still be on you.

There was a hint of jokes in the voice.

Although dissatisfied with the quantifier "only", Fan Tong was unable to refute it.

As if he couldn't understand what the invisible "wall" was blocking him, where the mysterious voice came from, and how he knew the language he used ...

Perhaps the person he was talking to really came from a civilization so powerful that he couldn't imagine it.

And at this moment, standing in front of him is really no different from the primitive man.

A sigh came from the communication channel.

"Let's go back."

"Bring my question back with me."

"Find someone of your fellow who can untie it and ask him to come here with me with the answer."

"If you still want to do something good for your fellow citizens."


(Ps: Professor Lu is about to be a second-class star soon, my brothers are rushing to heart ~~~)

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