Deserted desert.

The two Mars vehicles coming from a distance met together.

He pushed the car door and jumped out, watching Sun Wenzhe walking towards himself, Han Kangyu in a space suit striding forward, and asked with an anxious expression on his face.

"Did you find someone?"

With a dignified look in his eyes, Sun Wenzhe shook his head.

"No. I've searched for this generation nearby, not to mention the figure, not even the crack where he fell ... What about you? Are there any clues?"

Hearing the bad news, Han Kangyu's face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

"I don't have it either."

He searched almost every corner he could find, and even ventured a short distance towards the interior of the Hell's Gate Mountains, but the result was just like what his teammate Sun Wenzhe said, let alone a silhouette, even a little Deep cracks were not seen.

Pessimistic emotions are gradually emerging from his heart, and he is now more and more doubtful whether the missing Fan Tong is still alive.

"It's not easy ..."

Wiping the sand stuck to the mask of the spacesuit, Sun Wenzhe looked with a little headache at the mountain range stacked next to the two of them. "It's still impractical for us to turn this place around ... Headquarters What happened to the side? Didn't the captain apply for support? "

"No support," shook his head, Han Kangyu said in a heavy voice. "The ground command center asked us to use all the resources available at the scene to search and rescue the missing people. In addition, they said they would use the deployment on Mars. There is no better way to support our equipment than to support us. "

"That is to say, there is no support?" Sun Wenzhe sighed. "But speaking it is ... a two-week voyage. Even if it arrives, most people are gone."

Equipment already deployed on Mars ...

Except for the few probes that were dropped long ago, and the available equipment deployed on Mars, they suspect that only themselves are left.

With a serious look at the time on the computer on his wrist, Han Kangyu's brows couldn't help but a look of sadness.

It's been almost five hours.

Every minute passes, the hope of surviving decreases.

However, while the two were discussing how to carry out the next rescue work, deep behind the billowing red sand, there suddenly appeared a very unnatural black spot.

Gradually, the black dot approached, showing its outline in their eyes.

At the moment when they saw the outline, the two men still discussing the rescue work were dumbfounded.

I saw them guilty of finding the culprit for more than five hours, riding a self-driving autonomous reconnaissance vehicle and drove over them side by side.

"Thank you."

Gently patted the roof of the survey vehicle, and the whole body was dirty like a coal mine, and jumped off the roof.

As if I heard this thank you, the camera on the top of the automatic survey vehicle humanized a bit, and then made a 180-degree turn to continue his previous mission and headed farther into the desert.

Watching the unmanned reconnaissance vehicle that probably belonged to the Jinling Institute of Advanced Research, Fan Tong then looked at his two stunned teammates, and a look of shame gradually appeared on his face, and he bowed his head.

"Sorry to make you worry."

"Do you know what I want to do now?" Muttered in his mouth, Han Kangyu's eyes stared at him, "I now want to give you a punch."

"I know, I want to punch myself ... but this is not the time to say this," the ashamed expression on his face gradually wrote a little complex, Fan Tong took a deep breath and continued with a bitter smile, "I There are important findings to report. "


Mars Scientific Station.

Fan Tong, who was used as a temporary conference room, changed into casual clothes, sat at the conference table with his four teammates, and told his experiences in the underground world in a straightforward way.

After listening to his story, everyone, including Captain Liang Youcheng, was there.

Mars civilization?

Holy relic?

It sounds as if they are actually living in a science fiction blockbuster ...

"Do you mean ... did you see the aliens underground?" Raising his hands and browing his eyebrows, Liang Youcheng sorted out his confused thoughts and continued, "Then it is actually not a group with the Martians. They come from a solar system. A third-party civilization other than that, he has been alive hundreds of millions of years ago, and told you that there were civilizations above the industrial age? "

Sun Wenzhe, who had been silent, suddenly said.

"People are said to have hallucinations in extreme circumstances."

"I swear it's not an illusion," Fan Tong continued in a serious tone, looking at his teammates with unbelieving expressions on his face. "We reported ourselves to each other. He claimed to be a" sacred relic "and mentioned this one. The civilization that once existed on the planet ... that is, the Martian. In fact, I did find evidence of the existence of the Martian civilization in the ground. On the way to that place, I passed a corridor, which was on both sides of the corridor. Something like a coffin. So it doesn't matter that it claims to be a holy relic, it really looks like a funeral in my opinion. "

Capturing a key message from his monologue, Sun Wenzhe immediately asked.

"What about samples? You've all found such amazing things, let alone you didn't sample them."

"It's in the sample library, but if you want to extract the DNA from that stuff, I think it's better to give up the idea. In addition to being able to barely recognize the row of 'coffins', there are traces of artificial carving, most of the materials Basically, they have been weathered into biomass clastic rocks. Although they have not been tested for isotopes, based on experience, I can infer that the age of those biomass clastics is not even older than the trilobite fossils. "

Sun Wenzhe: "You have to try everything to know."

"It's up to you, this is your profession anyway."

Looking at Fan Tong leaning back on the chair, Liang Youcheng frowned.

"Let ’s not talk about Mars civilization ... Are you sure you are underground and you see another civilization that is alive?"

"No, not exactly to see, the situation was very strange at the time. I could feel he was nearby, but maybe he was hiding, I couldn't find him at all. He directly connected to my communication channel Or even speaking standard Mandarin and communicating with me. By the way, I still encountered an invisible wall there. In short, there are many things about evil gates ... Don't look at me with that kind of look, I can use my Academic reputation swears that this is definitely not an illusion! "

"Forget it, show you the evidence directly."

Then, Fan Tong took the wrist-mounted computer off his arm and threw it to the conference table.

Looking at the computer on his wrist, Han Kangyu frowned.

"this is?"

"I said before that after the friendly question mark, we each showed each other a sincere question to each other. I asked who he was, and he threw a math problem in front of me ... that's it."

With that said, Fan Tong had opened the information panel in the wrist computer and read the text message.

The five people sitting at the conference table approached each other.

Staring at the math problem for a while, Xiao Hong, an electrical engineer who had not spoken, continued with a quizzical expression, "it looks like a high number problem."

Hearing this sentence, Sun Wenzhe stood beside him with a grin.

"... This stuff isn't a math problem."

Liang Youcheng looked at him immediately.

"You can do it?"

Just then, Han Kangyu suddenly interjected.

"If I remember correctly, this thing should be abc conjecture?"

"That's right, it's the abc conjecture." Looking at the four teammates with different expressions in the conference room, Sun Wenzhe nodded complexly. "Don't say it's some of our laymen."

"Just returned to the earth ... I'm afraid I can't find one that can solve this problem."

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