Forty-eight hours after the collapse of Hell's Gate, sandstorms caused by the earthquake are still raging in the desert outside the base.

The dim sky affected not only the lighting of the planting area, but also the morale of all astronauts in the entire Mars scientific research base. In the past two days, the atmosphere inside the base was quite depressing, and no one could see a smile on his face, even if it was only a kind of polite greeting.

Romanov did not seem to have eased from the shocking disaster, and had locked himself in the room these days. Professor Aubrey and Schultz have gotten closer recently, and the two seem to be discussing some questions about topology, functional analysis, and superstring theory.

As for Professor Fernal.

He is probably the most stable of all the people who returned from the gates of hell.

The sample collected from the ruins looks like a trillion-dollar treasure in his eyes. The hidden information inside will reveal the secrets of human beings billions of years ago.

According to himself, he is writing a dissertation to analyze biologically the civilizations entangled on this planet three to three and a half billion years ago, and the serious problems they faced at the time.

But no one cares about it except himself.

No matter what they find in that ruin, they can't make up for what they lost there ...

"How's the situation in the cultivation area?"

Sitting in the office, looking at Dr. Ming Wenzhe coming in from the door, Liang Youcheng stopped the pen in his hand and asked.

"Small problem, it's just that the chip of the main control system of ultraviolet light in area a1 is burned out. I've replaced it with a new one." I found a chair, moved to the desk and sat down, Ming Wenzhe glanced at the table A document raised his eyebrows, "Identification of mental health report?"

"Yes," Liang Youcheng nodded. "Project 128 has dealt a great blow to Dr. Fan's mental condition, and there is no psychiatrist who can help him. He is no longer suitable to continue working on Mars. I plan to command the center on the ground. Apply for him to return to Earth for a while on the next flight. "

"128 items ..."

This is definitely the worst loss in the history of China's spaceflight.

The whereabouts of the two members are unknown. One of them is Academician Lu, the chief designer of the Manned Landing Plan and the Lunar Orbit Construction Committee. To be honest, until now, Ming Wenzhe didn't have much real feeling, as if all this was just a nightmare, or Academician Lu was joking with them.

At this time, the door knocked suddenly, and deputy webmaster Han Kangyu strode in from outside.

He noticed the anxious and excited expression on his face, Liang Youcheng asked.

"what's going on?"

"A figure was found outside the base."

With a bang, Liang Youcheng pushed the chair open, and stood up with an incredible expression on his face.

"Come, take me to see!"


In the presence of nature, human power is small.

Even if he had done his best, relying only on the thin equipment on the space suit, he couldn't dig through the tunnel that was several kilometers long, and he couldn't stop the boulder from his way.

Wang Peng once thought that he would dig all the way with the multifunctional **** in his hand, either to find him or to die on the spot. It wasn't until the reminder of the oxygen reserve popping up on the mask screen that he stopped waking his arms like a dream.

This is not a matter of determination.

Even if he could not eat or drink, he would dig it all the way, and fortunately insisted that time, with the oxygen carried by Lu Zhou, he could not wait that long.

Let alone yourself.

Even if the power of a division is dispatched, nothing can be changed at all.

After giving up digging, he lost sight of him and searched nearby. He quickly found the oxygen cylinder and supplies dropped by Fan Tong, and fortunately found a wrist-mounted computer with the locator turned on under the sand ...

Although the screen is broken, the chip is still inside.

On the side of the wrist-mounted computer, a line of small but clear text was engraved, which he could recognize, which was exactly that person's notes.

[If anyone picked up my computer and it wasn't worn on my arm, don't bother to go to me. No matter what happens, please bring it back to earth for me, please. 】

After seeing this sentence, Wang Peng changed his previous mind.

And, standing here now ...

Looking at the screen, the figure walking on the shaky steps, stepping through the sand storm, approaching the base, Liang Youcheng's face was filled with incredible expression.

"This guy ... came back on his legs ?!"

no signal.

No navigation.

There is no travel tool.

With only two legs and intuition ...

How could this be done? !!

Han Kangyu's face was the same shock, nodded and said.

"It looks like ..."

"Open the door!"


The alloy door opens slowly.

Looking at the silently open door in front of him, Wang Peng didn't say a word, didn't even look at the monitoring at the door, dragged his crumbling body into it.

The cleaning agent sprayed from all directions, washing away the sediment and possible germs from him.

After changing the outer spacesuit on his body, Wang Peng looked at Master Liang and Deputy Master Han who came from the open hatch, and nodded to the two.

"I am back."

His throat moved, Liang Youcheng sighed softly and said comfortably.

"I have heard what happened under the ruins. We are all very sad about Academician Lu ... Anyway, just come back."

Wang Peng glanced at him without answering, but silently handed the wrist-mounted computer with the broken screen in his hand to his hand.

"Send it back to Earth."

The moment he took over the wrist-mounted computer, Liang Youcheng's heart shook slightly.

No need to ask, he knows who it is ...

Standing next to Han Kangyu, his throat moved, and a difficult sentence was squeezed out of his throat.

"Lu Zhou he ..."

Wang Peng didn't say a word, didn't even look at him, bypassed the two people standing here, and just left ...



Chang'an Street.

A ministerial meeting is ongoing.

Standing at the conference table, a gray-haired old man with an expression of sorrow on his face, the spitting star scolded angrily.

"It was a wrong decision to send him in the first place! Now that the mission has failed and no one is there, how can we explain to the people of the country! How to explain to his parents!"

Sitting not far from him, a middle-aged man who looked like he was thin, coughed softly.

"Oh, Minister Wang, do n’t let your old man get excited, it ’s not who sent him, but he insisted on going! We have done so much thought work with him and his friends and relatives around him. But there is no way. You said he had to go, who could stop him except himself? "

Supreme Commander of the Manned Ascension Office.

Unless it is an executive order directly from the highest level of Chang'an Street, no one can really control him. And this administrative order can't be written just by writing a note. In front of the brand of the chief designer, anyone who wants to command him must be labeled as a lay commander and expert.

It didn't help to know that he was angry here. Minister Wang, who was holding hands, sighed, and finally sat back to his place.

The atmosphere in front of the conference table was quite heavy.

The expressions on everyone's faces were not very good-looking.

Looking around at the crowd at the conference table, the old man sitting at the top of the conference table was silent for a while, and slowly spoke.

"Things have reached this stage, and even if we quarrel again, nothing can be changed."

"According to the latest news from the Mars Scientific Research Base, the scientific research staff there found Academician Lu's wrist-mounted computer and have confirmed that he lost contact in the operation ... except to mourn and remember the disaster In addition, what we can do now is to continue only along his path and to continue unswervingly. "

After reading the heavy expressions on people's faces and the confusion about the future when Academician Lu was lost, the old man sighed softly, changed his serious look again, and continued.

"In contrast, there is a more urgent matter waiting for us to discuss."

"That's what Academician Lu met in the ruins before the unexpected."

The whispering voices rang out in the conference room, and the people sitting at the conference table communicated with each other the surprise and persecution in their hearts.

In fact, their intelligence is very limited, and even if they want to discuss, they can't discuss any results.

As for what Academician Lu encountered in the ruins, let alone that they have no clue, even among those who came back alive from the ruins, no one can give a reliable point.

Looking at a silent conference room, the old man continued.

"Everyone seems to have no idea. Let me just say a few words."

"According to the analysis of our astronomy experts, the Martian geonuclear cooling is an indisputable fact. An earthquake of this magnitude cannot be caused by simple tectonic movements. If it is caused by human factors, then Academician Lu is in an unpredictable situation What we discovered before is worthy of our attention. "

"If the accident he encountered is related to extraterrestrial civilization, and because the other party has acted hostile, I think everyone should know what it means."

The conference room was horrible and quiet.

The old man was not talking, but left the time for thinking to everyone sitting in the conference room.

Time passed minute by minute, so it took about five minutes.

Finally, a serious-looking middle-aged man in military uniform stood up, broke the silence on the conference table, and said with a strong voice.

"If Academician Lu's death is related to extraterrestrial civilization, this brutal killing of our citizens is undoubtedly an act of war in Chiguo! We should resolutely fight back!"

At the moment when this sentence was spoken, the expressions on the faces of the people sitting at the conference table suddenly became bright.

Acts of war ...

And it is with extraterrestrial civilization ...

Because it sounds so strange, many people don't even know what kind of expression to show.

The old man sitting at the top of the conference table nodded slowly.

"That's exactly what I want to say."

With a serious expression in his eyes again, the old man looked around the conference table and continued to speak.

"I know this sounds unbelievable, but otherwise we can't find a more reasonable reason to explain why it is so coincidental that the best scientist of our civilization just arrived at the gate of **** and brought Such a terrible accident happened when I went to contact them for a friendly purpose! "

"Peace is based on friendly reciprocity."

"Now that such a terrible accident has occurred, we must plan ahead for the worst."

Light pen

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