Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1415: God of Mathematics!

"Xin Yisang, Xin Yisang ..."

There was a voice calling for his name in his ears, and Mochizuki Shinichi leaning on the plane seat, opened his eyes stupidly, and saw the student sitting next to him.

"what's up?"

Hoshihiro Ichiro grinned, showing his white teeth.

"Professor! We are coming!"

About to arrive……

Do you mean to return to Japan?

Mochizuki, wrapped in a blanket, tilted her head expressionlessly and looked at the porthole aside.

Outside the window is the runway and terminal of Kansai International Airport. There is no doubt that it is already Japan.

At this time, the arrival radio sounded in the cabin.

The blanket wrapped around his body was tucked into the hands of his students, Mochizuki took off the gold-rimmed glasses from the collar and put them on. He unfastened the seat belt and stood up from the seat. People flow towards the exit.

About half a month ago.

He vaguely remembered that it was almost when the event on Mars just happened. His student Ichiro Hiroshi made a special flight to Huaguo and begged him to return to Kyoto University to continue teaching.

Thinking that I had no chance to talk with Lu Zhou about the future of the quantum encryption algorithm, I continued to stay at the Jinling University Library for half a month to see the new moon, and finally chose to go home.

There, there was nothing worthy of his stay.

A television hanging in the terminal's terminal room shows the latest news.

I remember when he left Japan, the television showed clues about the discovery of "Cosmic Man" on Mars. In just a few months, the content of the news had developed into a "People's Union to hold the second member state" "Congress," "establishing a defense system for a community of shared future for man, land, sea, air, and sky," "a country under attack, participating in global warfare," and "borders in the Kuiper Belt."

To be honest, if the cosmic people really invaded the earth, would this level of resistance really be useful?

And set the border on the Kuiper Belt, how many people flew there?

This new one is deeply skeptical.

Towing two suitcases, Ichiro Hiroshi struggled through the crowd, catching up with the professor and panting.

"Professor, you are walking too fast!"

Withdrawing her gaze from the TV, Mochizuki said seriously.

"Ichiran Sang, even a mathematician, cannot ignore physical fitness."

"Yes ... Professor, but I still have two suitcases"

"This is no excuse."


Just as the two were walking towards the pick-up point, a reporter with a microphone in his hand suddenly took the photographer to trot over from the side and stopped the two.

"Hello, are you a new professor?"

"It's me," glanced at the camera behind the reporter, and Mochizuki shook out his index finger and shoved his glasses. He said blankly, "Is there anything?"

"Yes, I want to interview you about the abc conjecture"

"It's almost two months since the proof of abc's conjecture, can't you ask questions that keep up with the times?"

Hearing this sentence, the reporter's face showed a hint of embarrassment.

"This ... after all, many people are concerned about you, and during your time in China, we could not contact you."

Looking at his watch, Mochizuki said succinctly, "Just ask what you want, I can only give you two minutes at most."

"What kind of role do you play in the lspm group?"

"A mathematician."

"This is for sure, what we actually want to know is"

"The importance of my work in it probably accounts for the total results ... Do you want to ask this right?" Looking at the embarrassed smile on the reporter's face, Mochizuki paused for a while and looked at Hang The runway outside the station continued, "This question doesn't make any sense at all. The person who found more than 60% and the most important proof of thought was found by that person. Of the remaining 40%, some of them are I did, and some were done by Professor Schultz and Perelman, and it's hard to tell who is more important. "

Reporter: "What do you think of Academician Lu?"

"It's very high, or in other words, he shouldn't be judged by me," he paused for a while, Mochizuki Shinichi continued, "If you must ask me, only one title deserves him."

Reporter: "... What's the title?"

Facing the camera behind the reporter, Mochizuki said vigorously.

"The **** of mathematics!"


Lu Zhou's departure affected many people.

From the beginning of his lecture in Princeton, his life seemed to be firmly tied to the word "academic", which carries the imagination and hope of the future of human civilization.

It is for this reason that when bad news comes, it is the academic community that has the greatest influence.

"I have many teachers in my life, but he is the one I respect most. I will keep his teachings in mind throughout my life and carry forward what I have learned from him."

In an interview with Nature, Professor Hardy, the youngest head of the Department of Mathematics at the University of São Paulo in Brazil, said this expression with a heavy expression.

Earlier, "Nature" also tried to contact Professor Deligne, who had taken his doctoral degree, but unfortunately Professor Deligne declined to be interviewed.

Fortunately, although there was no interview with Professor Deligne, they successfully contacted Professor Fefferman who had cooperated with Lu Zhou on the ns equation.

Facing the lens of "Nature", Professor Fefferman's expression was also full of heavy, but he managed to maintain emotional restraint, and from the perspective of a scholar, answered some questions raised by reporters.

"... His death is undoubtedly the loss of the entire academic world and the loss of the world. I once talked about this with a professor of physics at a higher research institute, including z particles and hyperspace theory, because his Suddenly leave, many unfinished research will be stalled. "

"It is not excluded that among those young talents, there will be more talented people than him, but Professor Witten expressed very pessimism about this. The birth of a genius is a very coincidental accident. This kind of thing is not Ubiquitous. "

"It's sad that he was only in his early thirties. At the golden age of a scholar, he could solve many great subjects without any surprises ... everything should be like this."



Yida Plaza in the university town.

What is shown in the theater is the film about Academician Lu.

With a year-long shooting, and almost half a year of editing and submission, the film was originally planned to be released at the end of the year.

However, due to various events, all arrangements were disrupted, and the schedule was directly advanced to the summer season.

As for the movie ’s name, it ’s simple but quite charming, with only two short words.


Most of the students sitting here watching movies are junior and high school students. Part of it is school filming, and part of it is parents who bring their children.

It's rare to bring a younger sister like Chen Yushan.

The total length of the film is two and a half hours. It records the years from the time when Lu Zhou was a student to the ignition of the controlled fusion reactor, the growth of a scholar, and the choices in life.

At the moment when the tragic bgm sounded, Pangudui ignited successfully, everyone cheered, but Academician Lu fell backwards due to the fatigue of the past few days, many people in the theater tightened their fists. Tears came into his eyes.

As soon as the picture turned, the camera reached the ward.

Looking at the man lying in the hospital bed, a child about 5 or 6 years old who was not far from Chen Yushan pulled his mother's hand and asked quietly.

"Mom, will Academician Lu wake up?"

The mother patted her son's hand softly.

"Yes, he is a very good scientist. He helps a lot of people. Even if he can't wake up, he will live in the hearts of many people."

The child nodded, seemingly understandable, as if a seed was buried in his heart.

Somehow, Chen Yushan's orbital flowers were a little sour.

Obviously decided not to be sad anymore ...

Taking note of her sister's mood swings, Han Mengqi pinched her hand in anxiety.


"I'm fine," Chen Yushan gently sucked his nose, trying to squeeze a smile from his face, "just a touch of affection ... Speaking of which, my first date with him seems to be in Here."

She still remembers watching ghost movies and even remembered the movie's name.

When he bought the ticket, the guy even said he bought two tickets for different shows, after reading the "stupid words" converging at the door.

Now think about it, he was really cute ...

And she didn't realize it until now.

At the time, she didn't even realize it.


"what happened?"

"I ... never told you," looking away, staring at the list of producers flashing on the curtain, Han Mengqi whispered quickly, "Actually, I ... may have someone I like."

"Dare to face it if you like it, just don't leave regrets for your youth," Chen Yushan smiled lonely, "Don't be like me, wait to realize, not only has reached this age, but even face life and death Tormented. "

"What are you talking about, sister? You are only in your early thirties, and you look so young and beautiful, and you will be dressed up ... Looks like, at most twenty-four."

"How is it possible?" Chen Yushan smiled at Meng Qi who spoke for herself, and continued, "Speaking, can I know which lucky boy was caught by our Kiki?"

Han Mengqi's cheeks turned slightly red, and she said a little bit slyly.

"This ... can I keep it secret?"

"You can always tell me when you know me."

"In the crew ... when filming." Cheeks were slightly hot, Han Mengqi didn't hold back, and lied a half-truth.

However, because her sight was completely on the screen of the movie, Chen Yushan didn't notice the change on her sister's face, just smiled.

"Is it the star of the crew?"

"No ... I'm not interested in people who look handsome, but he's pretty popular," Han Mengqi smiled embarrassedly, and continued in a low voice. "Actually, I didn't think greedily. What happened to him. But I thank him very much, he changed me ... no, it should be said to have saved me. "

"Really? That sounds like a very nice person," Chen Yushan said with a smile. "Treasure him. There are not many such boys."


After a pause, Chen Yushan thought for a moment and said.

"In the afternoon ... I plan to go to Jiangling to see Lu Zhou's parents. Xiaotong is also back. Will you go with me?"

Han Mengqi asked in surprise.

"Xiao Tong is back from the United States?"

"Well, she seems to have applied for a break from school. I met her at the airport yesterday. She seemed to be crying very sad. Her nose was swollen. I had a meal with him and she didn't stay in Jinling any more. On the same day, I returned to Hubei Province. Your relationship with Xiaotong should be good. If it is convenient, please help me comfort her. "

"Well! I'll go with you."

Looking at the sensible sister, Chen Yushan smiled and reached out and stroked her hair lightly.

"Thank you."

Not because of fear or guilt.

It's just that when a person faces the second elder who has lost his eldest son and the past, she is afraid that her emotions will also be uncontrollable ...


Magnetic levitation from Jinling to Jiangcheng was opened at the beginning of the year.

It was like taking a subway across Jinling. In just one hour, the sisters arrived at the capital of Hubei Province.

One roller changed to take the high-speed rail and car. From the high-rise building to the Xiaoqiao Liushui people, the two finally arrived at the community.

Although there have been only a handful of times here, the familiar feeling is lingering, as if it were his hometown.

Standing in front of the familiar door, Chen Yushan hesitated, and reached out and knocked gently.

After a while, the door opened, and an old man with two frosts on his face and a face full of scratches appeared in front of the door. Chen Yushan almost didn't recognize it.

When he first saw Chen Yushan, a look of surprise also appeared on the old man's face.

Before having time to speak, Chen Yushan standing at the door said first.

"Mom, I'm here to see you ... this is my cousin, Han Mengqi, and Xiaotong's friend."

Han Mengqi bowed politely and said hello to the old man.

"Auntie is good."

"Hello, hello, come in ..." Fang Mei smiled reluctantly and looked at Chen Yushan. "Don't call her a mother ... you're a good girl, it's my disappointing son you."

"What's the matter," Chen Yushan shook her head and said with a smile, "I've made plans to be bullied by him all my life. Where can there be any disappointment? If you don't disappoint, treat me as your girl Now. "

"What you said is not disgusting, I just fear that it will delay you ... hey, forget it, make a sin ..."

Shaking his head and sighing, the old man turned back to the room.

Chen Yushan nodded toward Han Mengqi and took her into the room.

When entering the living room, Chen Yushan saw that the door of Lu Zhou's room was closed.

Her heart trembled a little, but she soon realized that the unrealistic thought that passed through her was impossible.

Lu Zhou cannot be here.

Inside it should be Xiao Tong.

It was exactly her guess that the closed door opened a seam, and the familiar face appeared in the seam.

Looking at the two people in the living room, the eyes hidden in the gap between the doors were surprised.

The shutter was completely open, and Xiao Tong with red eyes came out of the room.

"sister in law……"

"Good, don't cry ..." Holding on to Xiao Tong, Chen Yushan gently held her back, comforting softly, "And me."

Han Mengqi whispered looking at the hair that had grown over the earlobe.

"How did you cut your hair?"


Xiao Tong with red eyes just buried her face in Chen Yushan's chest and did not speak.

But from the stubbornness of Yu Guang's eyes, Han Mengqi probably understood something.


She wanted to take up the responsibility that belonged to his brother who originally belonged to his brother.

When eating, Xiao Tong's mood finally eased a little.

Although there is still a sad atmosphere in this home, perhaps because of the presence of guests, the emotion is not obvious.

When eating, Chen Yushan asked Xiaotong in a chatty tone.

"Do you have any plans for the future?"

"I think ... After returning to China, I'll accompany my parents first, and then ... along the path my brother hasn't finished, help him continue."

Looking at Chen Yushan, Xiao Tong said sincerely.

"Can you help me?"

"Of course," holding Xiaotong's hand, Chen Yushan's face smiled softly. "You are my sister."

When hearing this sentence, Xiaotong's cheeks turned slightly red, and her face had a long smile on her face.

"Thank you……"

"What did the family say thank you," Chen Yushan said with a smile, "let's eat, don't say these things when you eat."

Looking aside, Han Mengqi showed a hint of envy.

She suddenly understood something.

Master's steel straight man, facing so many temptations, has no cold at all, why is he in love with her sister?

Although she was also deeply hit and depressed, but her tenderness and self-confidence, even herself as a woman, felt a dazzling glare.

I stayed in Jiangling for a night, because Star Sky Technology had a lot of things to deal with. Chen Yushan said goodbye to Lu Zhou's parents and Xiao Tong, and took Han Mengqi on the way back to Jinling.

Sitting on the high-speed rail going to the magnetic levitation, she stared at Chen Yushan outside the window and said suddenly.

"During his lifetime, Lu Zhou always told me what he wanted to do for science, such as setting up special awards to recognize outstanding research and outstanding young scholars."

"But he has been hesitating and thinks that he is too young to name a world-class academic award by his own name, would it be a little too modest."

Han Mengqi looked at her sister in puzzlement, not quite understanding why she said these things at this time.

"I want to use his name to set up a world-class award as my first wish for him ... What do you think?"

"I think it's fine," Han Mengqi hesitated for a moment, then said with a bright eye. "Seeing your name can help so many people, Master is in that world ... I will definitely be happy."

Chen Yushan bent her corner and cast her gaze on the endless plain outside the window.

"If only I could share this joy with him."

When the two people's high-speed rail slowly entered the Jiangcheng high-speed rail station, a cuboid-shaped earthen bridge was stopped slowly on the Yuegong space station hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

Half a month ago, it unloaded supplies and reinforcements on Mars, and at the same time launched from the return capsule on the ground, recovered members of diplomatic missions sent to Mars some time ago, samples collected from the Martian civilization relics, and Wrist-mounted computer with damaged screen.

At about the same time, the Jinling Institute of Advanced Research, the quantum computer host buried deep underground, the signal light on the casing flickered slightly.

A drone flew up, fluttered towards the elevator, and began to fulfill the last command left by its owner before leaving ...

Light pen

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