Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1423: Treasure hunt across the century

"... This is your immigration card. Please take it."

"Thank you."

After receiving the card from the customs officer, Professor Leonard politely thanked him, but the customs officer looked at the person behind him as if he had not heard it.

"Next person."


The Atlantis Space Station is a synchronous orbit transit station affiliated to the North Sea Alliance, and its coordinates are located in the zero time zone space segment on the synchronous orbit.

As the seventh orbital transit station built by human civilization, it is mainly responsible for the transfer of personnel and materials to the ground and to the moon. At the same time, it is also the only customs office from the North Sea Alliance to the earth.

There are tens of thousands of people to and from here every day, to colonies on the moon, to distant Mars colonies, or to outposts at Lagrange point.

Under such high-intensity work, of course, the customs officers were not in the mood to talk nonsense with him, threw the stamped passport and an immigration registration card into his hands, and began to go through the formalities for the next person.

Couldn't we let bionics take the place of these jobs? Anyway, they have almost occupied most of the service industry, at least they can give me a smile ...

Professor Leonard, in a bad mood, thought so, reached out and clicked on the watch, exhaling the holographic interface.

"Where have you been?"

In the holographic panel, a dark-skinned face occupied the video window and smiled thickly at him.

"We're having a little trouble here ... don't worry, speaking of your proof, does it really work?"

Looking at the boring smile, Professor Leonard said impatiently, "This is a proof from Oxford University that we are a regular scientific expedition team hired by the North Sea Alliance government ... Really, this is the first time you have done this. Live? I'm starting to doubt your professionalism. "

"Ahem! Please do n’t doubt, we are just a little worried. After all, you know the situation now. The law and order situation on the Mars colony is very bad. The fake certificates are very strict ... OK! We are passing! We are here!"

Not far away, a dark-skinned big man waved at him, smiling with two little brothers and a bionic employee, walking towards him.

"Hey man! Nice to meet you!"

After pulling out the business card from the bag and reading the image information inside, Leonard raised his eyelids and glanced at him and the three employees behind him.

"Mammoth Mining Company?"

"Yes, my name is Jim. These two are my assistants from Hughes of North America and Shinichi Tanigawa of East Asia. The bionic person behind doesn't care. Although he looks older, it is fully functional, especially for operation. The rig is very good. "

Introduced by his boss, the tall North American and the slightly thin Pan-Asian man next to him nodded his greetings slightly.

After introducing his staff, Jim grinned at Professor Leonard.

"As you can see, we are as strong as the Mammoths and as good at making holes."

Leonard: "... mammoths don't make holes."

And he works with machines, and he doesn't need these people to be strong.

"Ahem! This is not the point," a word confuses the past, and Jim raises his calloused hand awkwardly and pats Professor Leonard's shoulder. Baby, it is enough to prove our profession! "

As he spoke, Jim waved his hand, took the two employees and a bionic person behind him, and swaggered towards the gate.

A strange look at the back of the passerby did not know why, and suddenly Professor Leonard was a little worried about this trip to Mars ...


It is said that a century ago, that is, around the beginning of the 21st century, it took at least 2 to 3 weeks to travel from Earth to Mars, and there were also window periods and non-window periods.

At the end of the 21st century and growing up in the 22nd century, Leonard could not imagine how anyone could tolerate such a long journey.

You know, people at that time had an average life of less than 80 years.

In particular, this journey is not only without the Internet, nor any entertainment activities in any sense, and it is not even possible to take a bath.

After landing on the surface of Mars through the elevator cabin, Dr. Leonard, with sour shoulders and arms, walked down the gangway with the tourists, and his feet finally stepped on the solid ground.

"... it's finally here."

The aerospace aircraft terminal is located on the edge of the city. They pass through the customs house connected to the buffer room, and they are inside the city as soon as they exit the customs.

Leonard lifted his head, and the first thing he saw was a hemispherical aerogel film hanging over the city.

Like the dome of a greenhouse, this layer of aerogel film with a thickness of several meters surrounds a large circle of land in this desert. While blocking high-energy rays from space, it also plays the role of the atmosphere. Leave clean air in the city and bring a high-fidelity "blue sky" to the city's residents.

The interior of the city is even more astonishing. The designer seems to have used spaceism to the extreme, squeezing every inch of land out of its last bit of value.

This alloy-paved pipeline is connected to column-shaped tower buildings, which together form the road network and building group of the whole city.

Between the gaps of the tower-shaped buildings, you can see the green landscape designed by genetic engineering, which thrives on this exotic land.

It is difficult to sum up the grandeur of the city in one sentence.

It's like an oasis in the desert, a lighthouse that disperses the night.

In fact, this is indeed the case. As the largest city on Mars for Pan-Asian cooperation, this Mars colony called Tiangong City is not only the most developed and most expensive area on Mars, but also the most law and order on Mars Nice place.

As for why we should pay particular attention to law and order ...

This will be mentioned later.

"We rested here for one night, and immediately after the cargo was unloaded from the transport spacecraft, we set off for the archeological site."

"Okay, you are the boss. You have the final say, we just dig."

The black man named Jim squeezed his eyebrows and gestured for a hole. This vulgar gesture not only twitched Leonard's brow, but also caused the Pan-Asian policeman standing on duty to pay attention to this side.

Hooking Jim's shoulder, Leonard lowered his voice and whispered in his ear.

"I hope you don't cause any trouble. The nearest colony of the North Sea Alliance is 100 kilometers away from here! If we were repatriated there, all our plans would be ruined!"

This action was just reported to the North Sea Alliance and had not been approved by Pan-Asian Cooperation. They did not even submit a written application at all! If those Asians were to know, they would not be an inspection team of a mining company, but would come here in the name of archeology, and they would still discover the remains of the Martian civilization, and they would never be released.

"Yes, yes," Jim quickly lost a sorry smile. "Rest assured, the Asians don't bother us with this little thing, let's go, let's find a hotel first."

"I have booked the hotel online."

Although the network on Mars and the network on Earth are relatively independent local area networks due to delays, the data on both sides are still connected.

Whether it is booking tickets or shopping, you only need a terminal that can connect to the Internet, and it can be done easily.

Putting on AR glasses, according to the signpost prompt, Leonard quickly found the capsule hotel he had booked.

The party rested for one night, and came to the exit the next day. After providing proof, they put on a light outer space suit and passed the buffer room located on the edge of the city. They came to a concrete-filled open space.

Here, the Martian rover and excavator of the Mammoth Excavation Company are parked.

Just looking at these two types of engineering equipment and the logo above, how does Leonard think and feel that this thing is not like their own equipment, but it is rented for money.

"... Are you sure these devices are yours?"

"Uh, of course ... is there a problem?"

He stared at the black man for a while. Although Leonard wanted to force him to tell the truth, he thought that he had already reached this point, and even if he temporarily hired another construction team, it was too late.

What's more, his subject has been revoked by the dean. This archeological operation was entirely at his own expense, and other more expensive and seemingly more reliable construction teams could not afford it.

Sighing, placing his hands on Jim's shoulders, Professor Leonard said in a low voice.

"Okay ... I hope you are professional. What we are going to excavate is the remains left over billions of years ago, we must be very, very careful, if something goes wrong, it will be difficult for the entire archeology Loss to bear! "

Jim grinned, still the standard answer.

"Rest assured, boss, I promise you how to dig in the cultural relics of Mars, and dig them out!"

Even though there are 10,000 worried in my heart, there is no room for me to turn back to this one.

A group of people got on the car, followed a map taken by Leonard from the Hiddell mining company employee, and drove to a rift, stopping in front of an abandoned mine.

At the entrance of the mine, you can see the signs and simple barricades left by Hidal Mining Company, but from the surface wear and dust, it looks like it has been abandoned for a long time.

"Are you sure this is it?"

Hearing Jim's inquiries, Leonard opened the holographic map on the watch, carefully compared the nearby landscape features, and finally looked at the suspicious mine.

"It should be right here."

In fact, according to the agreement between him and the netizen who claimed to be “dr.z”, when they came to Mars for the first time, the two should first meet in Tiangong City and then act together.


Out of selfishness and self-confidence in his abilities, he didn't keep his promise.

The academic thing is full of mischief. He felt that it was necessary for him to teach him a class.

Looking at Professor Leonard who was facing the map, Jim and the two employees glanced at each other, exchanging the weird expressions on their faces.

Looking at the three men who were not moving, Professor Leonard frowned.

"what happened?"

"Nothing ..." An unnatural smile appeared on his face, and Jim shrugged his shoulders before turning back to see his two employees clap their hands, "Guys, you're working."

Working on Mars is not the same as on Earth, because of the difference in gravity environment and air density, many of the experiences applicable on Earth may not apply here.

Strictly speaking, it is impossible to dig anything with the small rig carried behind the Mars rover.

Fortunately, the Hiddell Mining Company, which does not know whether it is bankrupt or moved, has driven the mine to a depth of one kilometer below the ground, and even left a simple magnetic track deep into the mine. It can be said that they have solved most of the trouble for them.

Therefore, what they have to do is actually very simple, that is, to expand the mine to a certain extent according to the orientation marked on the drawing.

The ground vehicle for drilling was removed from the back of the Mars rover. With the cooperation of the bionic driver, the three "professionals" he hired quickly went into work.

Although these people don't look very reliable, they are unequivocal when they work.

After reaching the deepest part of the abandoned mine, the drill bit in the front section of the rig started.

With a load of soil being transported out of the cave, in just an hour of work, a spiral downward passage pushed the abandoned mine down to a depth of dozens of meters.

While changing the drill, Jim walked to Professor Leonard and asked the dust on the mask.

"Are you sure there are treasures of Mars civilization?"

"Treasure?" Leonard frowned when he heard the word. "I don't remember saying that there was any treasure there, but there are a lot of precious cultural relics ... Be careful when you dig, if you dig When it comes to artificially excavated structures, remember to stop and call me over immediately. "

"Oh oh, I know ... rest assured," the black man named Jim smiled, "If we find a baby, we will definitely tell you to come over and see."

Just then, a surprise cry came from the communication channel.

"Boss! We've dug a tunnel! It doesn't look like it was left by Hidal Mining, it seems like ... a relic of Mars civilization?"

Hearing the voice in the communication channel, before Jim had time to respond, Leonard jumped off the Mars rover's hood.

"Tunnel? How wide is it? Wait, you guys stop ... I'll see it myself!"

After all, regardless of the surprised expression on Jim's face, he rushed into the mine by himself, and reached the bottom of the mine along the spiral downward channel.

Seeing Professor Leonard appearing behind him, the American named Hughes jumped from the co-pilot seat and walked towards him.

"Doctor ... are we digging into the place? I'm not sure if we should move on."

Ignoring him, Leonard hurried forward, crouched next to the hole, groped along the edge of the hole for a while, and an expression of excitement suddenly appeared on his face.

"Come on, move on! Here it is!"

The American named Hughes nodded quickly, preparing to turn back and order the bionic person sitting in the driver's seat to start the rig, but did not want to, the rig moved out of control.

The hard rock wall shattered, and the huge rig rushed straight down the slope, piercing one end to the wall leading to the opposite. The old-fashioned bionic person sitting in the cockpit also slaps his head on the steering wheel, as if broken.

"Xiete ... why didn't it work at this time! Sure enough, what second-hand things are really out of stock!"

Chasing the runaway drill truck into the cave, watching the crushed cockpit door and the bionic man pulling on the steering wheel, Hughes cursed, then glanced behind him Professor Leonard switched the communication channel and muttered a few words.

"Look what you have done!" Professor Leonard, who looked at the rock wall that had been damaged and walked into the cave, complained angrily, "This is all right, such a big piece of damage, I I just hope you haven't bumped into any precious cultural relics or specimens! And no one found out that we did it! Otherwise, we will have to wait for a lawsuit! "

Ignoring Hughes, who was standing next to the transfer, and Jim catching up behind him, Professor Leonard, holding a flashlight in his hand, strode into the cave to continue exploring the past.

The tunnel was deep and he couldn't see it all at first glance, but he could feel something ahead.

After turning over a pile of rubble, he soon saw a silver-white metal cuboid about two people tall and one step wide, lying across the wall.

"……That is!"

Dr. Leonard's eyes widened and he couldn't believe the man-made object in front of him.

Tell him directly that this cannot be the equipment left by Hidal Mining Company, let alone other humans.

He bet they were definitely the first people to arrive here!

With that said, there is only one possibility ...

"Treasure of Mars civilization!"

In the communication channel came Jim's nasty, familiar voice, and Professor Leonard frowned, correcting a dissatisfaction.

"It's a cultural relic! You idiot, can't you--"

He had just half spoken, and the second half of the sentence was swallowed in his throat.

Because when he looked back, a black hole muzzle was aimed at him.

The throat knot moved up and down, and the expression on Professor Leonard's face suddenly changed from dissatisfaction to nervousness and fear.

He didn't know why the guy had a gun in his hand, and he didn't know what he wanted to do.

He only knew that if the stupid man pulled the trigger, even if he had broken a layer of skin on his space suit, he would have to die thoroughly.

Looking at the expression on the face of the old professor, Jim holding the electromagnetic pistol in his hand, smiled playfully.

"Can you do anything?"

"I mean, I'm a fool. Can you ... help me see what this is?"

He stuttered, Professor Leonard was shaking, his back was soaked with sweat, and even the temperature control system of the space suit could not calm him down.

This feeling of being pointed at a gun was the first time for him.

However, this explanation did not seem to satisfy Jim.

I saw the black man smiled and continued to tease.

"It sounds like a command tone."

"Please ..." He knelt on the ground with his knees, Professor Leonard put his hands on his head, and begged, "I'm not good, I shouldn't call you ..."

"Don't do this, my dear friend."

Walked to Professor Leonard and crouched down, Jim with a cruel smile on his face, and patted his mask lightly with a muzzle, "My guys and I have to thank you, if not you That archaeological work proves that it is not so easy for us to leave the earth through the customs of the Atlanta Space Station. "

The expression on Professor Leonard's face was ashes as he heard this.

Those who can say this are either the fugitives on Earth or the thieves running between Mars and the Jupiter asteroid belt.

Although he has always heard that Mars is a paradise for criminals, he did not expect and could not believe it. Such a thing was so coincident that he was met by a scholar of his own ...

"Originally, we were going to say goodbye to you in Tiangong City. We just wanted to use you to escape the hunt of Interpol and start a new life on Mars. But since you mentioned the relics of Mars civilization, there must be something valuable in it We just need a ... start-up capital to start a new business, "said Jim, he smiled, as if intoxicated by his ingenuity, and looked at the metal cuboid lying on the ground "I didn't expect my bet to bet really right."


Professor Leonard didn't respond at all, but just bowed his head in ashes.

He knew it was impossible for him to survive, and these desperate people had no reason to let him go.

Just like looking at the prey on the chopping board, Jim admired the expression on Professor Leonard's face up close, his index finger rubbing the trigger of the electromagnetic pistol and said carelessly.

"Now, my dear Professor Leonard, if you can use your knowledge to introduce me, what exactly is the metal box like a coffin, and what price will it probably sell? Maybe I can make you happy. a little."

Professor Leonard's lips moved, but he didn't open his mouth.

Seeing his unresponsiveness, Jim sighed and stood up again.

"Well, it looks like you have made your choice."

Then, he took a dagger from his waist to cut the rope.

Professor Leonard closed his eyes in despair, and when he was ready to die, he heard a shot.

The gunshot seemed to come from a long distance, and it wandered in this cave for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, something fell to the ground.

Opening his eyes slowly, Professor Leonard saw that it was not himself, but the Jim who had fallen to the ground.

When he wondered if this unlucky egg was black and eaten by his own, he saw a blood-stained bionic person, just like the evil spirit walking from hell, slowly from the end of the cave come over.

The shivering sensation climbed up to the back of his head, and Professor Leonard sat down on the ground with trembling, his expression on his face seemed to be a ghost.

Civilian bionics ...

Attacking humans? !!

He had never heard anything so incredible.

The plot in a science fiction movie is left alone, but in reality this is impossible!

This is not only a matter of program lockup, but if a bionic person hurts someone, the company producing that bionic person will not only be prosecuted to bankruptcy, the entire production line will be abandoned, and the legal person will face jail. !!

"……who are you?"

It was as if he hadn't heard his question, and the bionic person shook the blood on his arm.

Walking to Jim's body, he picked up the electromagnetic pistol that had fallen there from the side of the helmet that had been hit by the bullet, and looked at it before pinning it on his waist.

At the same time, intermittent icy electronic sounds came from the communication channel.

"Danger, eliminate."

Inexplicably, a fear came to my mind.

Thinking of the "dr.z" that never appeared, Professor Leonard suddenly felt like a chess piece. Since landing on Mars ... No, it should be said that after seeing the paper, he fell into someone's. Trap, has been led away by the nose.

Swallowing, he looked at the bionic man coming, summoned his courage, and asked tremblingly.

"Your master ... who is it?"

"Is that dr.z?"

He originally thought that the bionic person would not care about himself, but he did not expect that this time it had a reaction.

Although there is only a short sentence ...

"Nothing to do with you."


(Thank you to the book leader "Miss jc" for the reward ~~~ Don't forget to compare your heart and vote ~~

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