Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1424: This retreat has been a long time

What does a century mean?

For most people, it's a unit that usually only appears in history books.

Few people can live that long.

It is almost impossible for anyone to write in their diary, somewhere a century ago, where did XX meet XX ...

If there were no observers, the man named Lu Zhou would probably graduate with an excellent grade like most students who graduated from 985 colleges, and then found a pretty good job, holding a relative A generous salary, then an ordinary marriage and children, safely lived this life.

Even if the earth or the universe is going to be destroyed after hundreds of thousands or millions of years, what does this have to do with butterflies that have only one week of life?

Have a good day, don't think about distant things, maybe this is the most logical life.

If you choose again ...

Even Lu Zhou had no confidence in himself, and he would definitely make a very different choice from the several "selected people" that have appeared on the planet.

That is, give up the mission of the system, the mission of the body, and the curiosity of the universe, return to the earth and spend the old age, and leave those troublesome things to future generations to do ...

On the icy metal surface, a robot that has a soft curve, although it has lost paint, is lightly printed on it.

The sound of a slight air leak came as if a switch had been touched, and the metal cube, like a coffin, slowly pushed outward a gap.

Looking stunned, Professor Leonard opened his mouth, his eyes filled with incredible expression and shock.

"The dorm cabin ... it really is the dorm cabin, just like the thing described by Professor Fernal in his notes!"

"... A tombstone-like dorm is located in a spacious grotto, and the texture carved into the stone is like a mantra sealing an ancient memory. He has a longer history than the pyramids and terracotta warriors, and the oldest on earth The kingdom is still ancient. When the end of the day comes, all beings on Mars pray in prayer, take hope to the new era, and swallow the bitter fruits of death ... "

Lips trembled slightly, Professor Leonard memorized the notes, and stared at the slowly opening metal coffin.

Suddenly, a well-known history suddenly came to his mind.

It's that person!

It was also at the same moment that he remembered the passage in chapter 3 verse 14 of the Old Testament-

[Human heads move in the valley of determination, because the day of the Lord is approaching here. 】

The blue light blooms in the cave, dissipating the darkness.

As the metal case was completely opened, the oily solution inside, and the man immersed in the solution were exposed.

With the ripples rolling around, he sat up slowly in the vaporized white mist.

Like the knight waiting for the king to ascend to the throne, the bionic person waiting with his hands respectfully handed in the spare space suit and helped him finish his dress.


I took a deep breath of the air in this oxygen tank, which I don't know how many years later, and recovered from the freezing to adapt to the discomfort of waking up, holding the dormant cabin with his right hand and jumping off with the help of a bionic person.

"you you……"

Looking at the land boat rising from the dormant capsule, Leonard stared stupidly with unbelievable eyes, "Did you ..."

"Are you the future person?"

Looking at the man who was kneeling on the ground for some reason, Lu Zhou, dressed in a space suit, simply moved his lower arm and asked briefly, "Future citizen, tell me how many years now? How long have I slept?"

What is the population on Earth? Where is the frontier of human civilization? Is Datong in the world?

There is a basket of questions I want to ask, but considering that there is a sequence for everything, Lu Zhou plans to ask again later.

Staring dumbfounded, the man said with a trembling voice.

"It's 2125 AD ..."

"AD 2125 ..."

The heart beat hard, and Lu Zhou held his breath for a while.

The dusty memory poured out of the open box like a flood and rushed to his brain.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes.

After a long time, he sighed softly.

"... this time the retreat."

"It seems a long time."


Human life has an end.

Even if you do not follow the observer's instructions and come to Mars, go to the deepest part of the ruins and sleep there, the old people will still get old, and the things that should happen will eventually happen.

The difference is simply whether those things happened to him.

Perhaps for him who has accepted the gene of the "Honored", this is actually the best choice.

After all, according to General Reinhardt, it is still far from trying to replicate those three potions with the current technology of Earth civilization.

Even with the genetic modification level of the Galan Empire, it is far from being able to immortalize individuals in civilization. Counting on taking a few tubes of blood from yourself for testing, simply overcoming this century's problems is almost tantamount to dreaming.

Compared to watching everyone around you grow older, and finally say goodbye to oneself, maybe the eyes that opened the eyes of another generation will be easier.

If someone brings back the last words they recorded before they left ...

I can't say goodbye to myself.

Regarding the fate of the destiny and his feelings at this moment, Lu Zhou was unwilling to think too much.

It is not his character to blame himself, and it is meaningless to look forward to another possibility for the results that have occurred.

Maybe when he gets drunk and remembers the past, he might vent to the bottle ...

But now, obviously not the time to do so.

If he came to this age as part of the plan of those observers, it would not be long before he could perceive the guidance from the void.

Being able to figure out the situation around him as soon as possible, and for himself, he can also have more initiative ...

Walking to the unlucky egg named Jim, looking at the broken brain like a watermelon, Lu Zhou's eyebrows couldn't help twitching.

Although it is not that he has not seen the dead, but he died so miserably for the first time ...

"Is there something like a cell phone on his phone? Or a computer on his wrist?"

Hearing the voice from the communication channel, Professor Leonard hesitated slightly, and immediately took the conversation.

"Mobile phone? We don't need that thing now ... but you can find it on his wrist to see if there is anything like an electronic bracelet. An international fugitive like him should not have a biochip in his head ... "


Lu Zhou raised his eyebrows.

Seems to hear something terrible.

Following the hint of the unlucky man who looked like a tool man, Lu Zhou picked up the dagger on the ground and cut the spacesuit of Jim's right arm.

Looking at the swollen skin that was gradually starting to swell, Lu Zhou forced the nausea, and took off an electronic bracelet with a thickness of one millimeter from his hand.

"That's the thing? How should I use it ..."

Professor Leonard opened his mouth. I just wanted to say that it would be troublesome for some professionals to unlock it. Then he saw the bionic person standing beside him stepped forward, took the bracelet from Lu Zhou's hand, and connected it. On the slot in his chest.

The dark green data stream flashed through the pupil, and soon a holographic panel was projected in front of Lu Zhou.


"... It turns out, is technology so convenient now?"

Leonard: "... ????"

Ignoring the aggressively kneeling guy, Lu Zhou thoughtfully stretched out his right hand and swiped twice on the screen with his index finger.

Thanks to this guy's unscrupulous business, many hidden things were carried around by him, instead of everything, and everything was stored on the cloud.

Through the emails stored in his mailbox, Lu Zhou learned that these people were a group of fugitives in the guise of a mammoth mining company, but they were actually fugitives who killed and overran goods. Because he was caught by Interpol, he found this guy named Leonard, who obtained the proof of exit through archaeological activities as a cover.

Not only that, these fugitives seem to have unclear business dealings with the air thieves active on the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars.

Knowing the cause and effect of the incident, Lu Zhou looked at the man next to him who seemed to be a tool man named Professor Leonard, and his expression on the face couldn't help but be weird.

This guy is really pitiful, Bacheng came here from the earth by Xiao Ai, and was almost here by the robbers.

Just as Lu Zhou was about to close his mailbox, he suddenly found a special email.

That's a purchase list. Specifically, it is probably to help air thieves who are active on the asteroid belt to purchase life supplies, while handling some tricky stolen goods.

What's special about this email isn't the plain purchase content. What really caught Lu Zhou's attention was the sender's code at the place of the payment.

[Spirit of the Universe Foundation]

Thinking of the chase on the Baltic Sea a century ago, Lu Zhou's brow could not help but frown slightly.

It seems that quite a lot of things happened during this time ...


A greeting sound came from the communication channel, and the holographic panel was turned off. Lu Zhou looked at the professor Leonard next to him.

Being watched by Lu Zhou and the bionic person, especially the bionic person was holding a rifle, Professor Leonard raised his hands in trembling and said in a pleading tone.

"Can you let me go? You should have seen it, I am also a victim ... Although it is not good for me to dig the ruins here without the Pan-Asian cooperation, it depends on whether I dug you out. My life? "

Lu Zhou did not speak, and walked towards him.

Looking at Lu Zhou approaching himself, a look of despair emerged in Professor Leonard's eyes, and he wanted to resist, but finally saw the gun in the hands of the bionic man, but finally did not gather courage, and closed his eyes very bonelessly.

If he did n’t have the guts to run to Mars, it ’s all right. This barren land is full of dirty criminals, extremely vicious, and empty thieves who use whatever means for their benefit ...

Just as he began to recall this life of inactivity, the pain in his imagination did not come.

His eyes opened a seam, and he saw Lu Zhou stretch a right hand towards him.

"Get up."

"Although different nationalities, you and I are scholars, and we should still have a common language."

"It just so happened that I needed a guide ... and a little travelling to get home."

Looking at Professor Leonard with a stupid face, Lu Zhou said cheekily.

"No matter what currency is popular on the planet, if you can borrow me a little bit, it will be fine. When I return to the planet, I will not only return it twice, but I will give you a generous reward."

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