With the identity problem resolved, it is natural that there is no need to be a stowaway anymore.

Besides, Lu Zhou also wanted to see what the plot of land he had circled on the map had developed in the end.

As for the restoration of identity ...

It's not too late to return to Earth.

The only flaw is the name on that ID card.

Lu Ai ...

Although I understand that little guy misses himself, the name doesn't look like a man's name.

Or quickly back on Earth to clear my name as well.

Sitting in the co-pilot seat, looking at the vast desert out of the car window, suddenly thought of something Lu Zhou said.

"Speaking of it, what did you feel when you first met me?"

Hear this question, Professor Leonard slightly stunned, wondering how all feel quite right taste, but taste does not say where.

After hesitated for a moment, he spoke and said with an uncertain tone.

"Surprise, disbelief? In addition still seems surprised ...... Everyone said you were dead, that you are a hero of human civilization, for the future of mankind sacrificed their precious lives, at least the book is so written, but I really did not think you actually find a dormant Martian civilization cabin, but also the kind intact ...... your good luck really unbelievable. say, do you ask that question? "

"Nothing, that is, have prepared," Lu Zhou said with a sigh, "I do not know anyone outside the airport will pick me up."

Leonard didn't speak, just muttered in his heart.

Wake up, it slept for a hundred years, I do not wake up ......

Just two people have a ride without a ride of chatting when the temple city of contour has appeared on the desert horizon and sky phase.

In fact, even if not seen the 22 century is what, witnessed a civilized land boat from the bud to the destruction of life, feel for everything in this world will not make a fuss.

But having said that, when he saw the tall embedded in the surface of the hemispherical dome, his face was exposed surprised expression.

"what is that?"

"You mean that shield?" Lu Zhou along the line of sight to go at, Professor Leonard said after thinking for a moment, "that stuff is an airgel material ...... do not look at me, I'm a archeology. if you are interested, or find professionals to ask better. "

Very rigorous answer.

However, this answer is obviously unable to meet Lu Zhou curiosity.

When he saw the dome-shaped protective cover and the shuttle between Tiangong City and outer space, a strong impulse and a thirst for knowledge instantly covered his whole body.

This is probably after a sad generations change, his first of this new world kindled a glimmer of anticipation.

It's like seeing a new continent.

Countless unknowns are waiting for him to discover ...

The Mars rover parked in a garage outside the city. The two entered the buffer room through a conveyor belt. After paying the cleaning fee, they left the buffer room with the folded space suit on the other side.

The moment the two formally stepped into this city of the future, a sudden and cheerful atmosphere came with the fresh air.

Everything in front of him is almost the same as the future world in his mind.

No, his imagination is too conservative.

Everything here is more prosperous than the blueprint of the Mars colony he originally planned ...

His throat moved, and Lu Zhou murmured to himself from the silence.

"It's almost like ..."

Hearing to himself, Professor Leonard laughed and received.

"Welcome to Tiangong City! This is an oasis in the desert, which is probably the place on this land that best matches the word civilization! Banning guns and knives, patrolling by drones for 24 hours, and targeting at criminal records Surveillance ... It's hard to find a similar paradise in this desert. "

Including the North Sea Alliance, many second-tier "countries" that are relatively backward in the field of space resource development have adopted trade policies that are more tolerant of air thieves.

For example, as long as sufficient tariffs are paid, ore and goods of unknown origin are allowed to flow into the Mars spot market. These minerals and goods, is likely to be active in the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars, empty thief, control of power from outer space on a stronger pan-Asian cooperation and other countries where stolen.

This strategy has to some extent recovered some trade shares for weaker interregional organizations such as the North Sea Alliance, but this double-edged sword has also brought a series of factors including crime rates, diplomatic punishment, and so on. problem.

In contrast, Pan-Asian cooperation, which has an absolute advantage in space trade, is naturally the most faithful guardian of space routes. Not only does it spend a large amount of budget each year to combat air thieves, it pays off the hidden "Pirate Bay" located on the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and adopts a zero-tolerance attitude towards the desperate people who flow on Mars.

So Professor Leonard is right.

On this Mars, Tiangong City is definitely unique in the field of public security.

Of course, it's not that deep-seated problems at the moment Lu Zhou shocking, but purely by building here, transportation, green, and pedestrians, those scenes of great visual impact images to shocked to.

Article inlaid between a conveyor pipe connected to the tower construction, intricate fork see dazzling.

There are no cars, it would not need a car.

Who flew with the addition of sightseeing boats, it is like dancing bees generally small UAVs.

A little farther location, you can quickly pass through the Ring track.

As part inward from the edge of the city, in addition to the two rail interleaved, and numerous belt built in the pipeline. Which roads conveyor belt just as the leaves of the same meridian, connecting almost every inch of the building blocks can reach the people with the highest efficiency sent to where they want to go.

It can be said, he's everything you can imagine for the future have been reflected here.

Those he never imagined.

His descendants are left blank at the blueprint goes with delicate brush strokes for him to fill on ......

After a long, recovered land boat, he sigh said.

"All of the Mars colony is like this ...... or just the city of Temple is so."

"The vast majority are different only in that scale," Professor Leonard shrugged his shoulders, "Anyway, I feel like every city are based on this initial colony modeled built. If you're curious, then, next to Mars, select new London or new Virginia as a landing point of their own to see to know. "

"I'm looking forward to getting on Earth what it was like."

"Rest assured, would be more amazing than here," Professor Leonard smiled, and gave it to land a boat ar glasses, "when I exit the buy, worth 1222 credits, through which you can connect Go to the "City Cloud" server. Without this thing, it is very difficult to move on earth or here. I suggest you get used to life in the future world as soon as possible. "

"Just put it on, I bet, seeing the reality after 'enhancement', your expression will definitely be more exciting than now!"

Like a child showing off toys, Professor Leonard excitedly urged the landing boat to quickly put on the glasses, and then couldn't wait to ask.

"How ?! What's it like!"

"A little relief."

Looking at the flowers at that place, Lu Zhou's eyes had a faint smile on his face.

The smile seemed to come from far away.

"At least, it's all worth it."

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