Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1427: A distant friend

"A-0726 is unlocked. Please ask medical staff to prepare."

Jinling Third Hospital, a post-modern ward.

Standing next to a green potted landscape, the doctor in a white coat turned the holographic data sheet in front of his eyes, touched his chin with his other hand, and asked casually.

"Where did this come from?"

The nurse thought about it and answered.

"It looks like 2026."

Hearing this figure, the doctor's face couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"In 2026 ... this dear is really far away, a century is a year away."

The dormant technology before the 1950s was very crude, and almost all hospitals inserted dormant bacteria directly into the blood vessels of the dormant.

This simple and rude treatment is quite rigorous and risky in modern medicine, but at that time, it was considered a groundbreaking technology.

In addition to normal wake-up work, they also need to perform a hemodialysis on the patient and administer medical nanoserum to remove the dormant bacteria in the body.

These procedures are not very troublesome, at most it is a matter of spending money.

From this perspective, all the "old popsicles" frozen before the 1950s had to thank the great man named Lu a century ago.

If it wasn't for the frozen people's rights protection fund he set up to buy out the use of these technologies in the field of frozen people's recovery, and open it to major medical institutions in a non-profit form, I am afraid these old popsicles who have been on the year As soon as you wake up, you have to carry an expensive loan.

The sleeping compartment slowly opened.

With the help of a doctor and a nurse and two medical bionics, the man lying on the bed slowly opened his eyes.

"……here is?"

"Jinling Third Hospital, welcome to the future. The time now is January 12, 2125, 12:01."

The forefinger swipes on the holographic panel, and the male doctor takes a file just printed from the bionic person next to it and hands it to the man lying on the bed.

"This is a description of the protection of the recovery rights of the dormant. Considering that you will not yet operate the holographic system, we have prepared a paper version for you. After reading it, if there is no problem, we hope you will sign in the lower right corner. Words means informed. "

"What the **** is this ..."

Wang Peng frowned, looked at the doctor standing next to the bed, and said solemnly, "I am an agent from the Information Department of the National Security Bureau. Please report my situation to my superior. This I'm not kidding, I came with a mission! "

Looking at the unsuspecting Wang Peng, the doctor and the nurse standing next exchanged a helpless look and sighed in unison.

"... What's the first number?"

"This year is probably the first."

"What number ..." Wang Peng asked with a frown, "What are you ... talking about?"

"It's nothing. There are often people like you. When you wake up, you don't know anything about the situation, and then you say something weird." "I'll find a volunteer volunteer from your contemporaries to talk to you."

Just then, footsteps came from outside the ward.

After knocking gently on the door, a doctor came in.

"Is this the ward of dormant a-0726?"

He stopped moving and asked the doctor standing next to the bed.

"What's wrong here?"

"Someone said he was a friend of the dormant, and he hoped to visit him and explain to him what happened here."

The doctor standing next to the bed was relieved and closed the holographic panel in front of him.

"That's great, let him in."

Wang Peng looked so aggressively that the two doctors somehow reached a consensus, and then withdrew the treatment team out of the ward.

After a while, the footsteps outside the corridor were getting closer and closer, and then the door knocked softly.

"... Come in."

The door opened.

Looking at the face that appeared at the door, Wang Peng was all there.

Director Li, who was standing in the doorway, looked a little embarrassed. He smiled as he calmed down the atmosphere, then waved his hand.


"long time no see."

Wang Peng: "..."

Is it really long enough ...


Sitting in a chair next to the hospital bed, Director Li simply talked to Wang Peng, who had just woke up, and told what had happened in this century.

After listening to Director Li's remarks, Wang Peng opened his mouth, but he did not close his mouth for a long time.

The dissolution of the human coalition and the prevalence of decentralized sovereignty ...

The crisis and anti-globalization of the fifties ...

In the later era of space navigation and interregional cooperation organizations ...

Words and concepts that he had never heard of made his entire brain as if it were down and stagnated there.

Trying to select the most core ones from this messy information, Wang Peng grasped his eyebrows and thought rationally, and said in a reluctant tone.

"That is to say ... the concept of a state no longer exists in this era? And now we ... belong to Pan-Asian cooperation?"

"It can't be said that, as far as I personally feel, it just uses a new era concept to repackage the past."

"Current Pan-Asian cooperation, the headquarters and political center are in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, and the technological and economic centers are in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration. Federation, to the sky city of Mars ... "

Speaking of this, Director Li's tone is also a bit emotional.

"We are much stronger now than we were then."

"It's no exaggeration to say it's the prosperous age!"

A bitter smile appeared on Wang Peng's face, not knowing how to take this sentence.

Forefinger pressed his forefinger for a while before he said.

"Before I was dormant, Pan-Asian cooperation was just an economic organization ..."

"I know, and it's a more marginalized one," Director Li sighed, his expression tinged with a touch of sorrow.

how to say?

It was like waking up, and Shimizu Yamen, which had previously shown little interest, suddenly evolved into a ruling class like the sun.

Although he could not accept this setting ...

But this change is too big.

"What about you now?"

"Volunteer work in this hospital is quite interesting," Director Li smiled, and continued, "It's not because of the money. The subsidies prepared for me by the organization are quite generous. Pan-Asian every month There will be a 10,000 credit point on my personal account until the death. You should have it too, after all, we are on business trips. "

When it comes to the word business trip, the expression on Director Li's face is full of complexity.

Although he and Wang Peng came to this new era with different missions, it looked like everything changed after being awake, and was announced by the staff of the authorities to cancel the mission. All this made Director Li can't help but doubt his life and himself Why did you come to this new era?

However, watching the land in which he lives has developed so strongly, he is quite pleased.

He also likes his current life, occasionally doing unpaid volunteer work, providing psychological counseling to those who are dormant, giving classes to some children, and telling the story of Professor Lu and controlled fusion.

The glory of a lifetime passed.


For Wang Peng, this fact is somewhat difficult to accept.

Swallowing hard, Wang Peng looked at Director Li, who began to let himself go, Wang Peng couldn't help but say

"where is your family?"

Director Li smiled and said.

"Do you say offspring? They all live well, just a little surprised at my inexplicable ancestor. We often get together to have a meal and talk about things in the past, but life together ... Sure enough There is a big gap in ideas, and they have their own affairs, not to mention I don't need them to support me. "

"But I said ... I will definitely not get used to it at the beginning, the interpersonal relationship is split, and the difference in values ​​is difficult to make friends again. Fortunately, science and technology are now issued, and I feel lonely. And not too lonely. Take your time, you are younger than me, and one day you will get used to these things. "

Said Director Li stood up from his seat.

"Today I came to see you, and by the way tell you what happened over the years. In fact, I only woke up for more than a year. In two days, people from the Freezing Human Rights Protection Foundation will come over and check your identity. Information and age, see if I can arrange a preparatory school for two years. At that time, someone will teach you how to use ar glasses and holographic bracelets, and integrate into this new era ... I will not bother here. "

"When you're discharged, let's have a meal together. Don't you say that the most satisfying thing in this age of fancy is probably food."

Before leaving, Director Li said he would come to see him again tomorrow.

After Director Li left, Wang Peng read the document in his hand, and finally signed his name on the last page.

His allowance is slightly less than that of Director Li, with only 8,000 credit points.

However, according to Director Li, the purchasing power of such a thing called a credit point is much stronger than that of rmb. To compare, a slightly better car only costs about 100,000, and a bottle of Coke can be purchased in a vending machine for only 1 point.

The matter of money, Wang Peng, was not very worried.

He has always lived in the system before, and his attitude towards money has always been sufficient.

8000 credit points a month is obviously enough to live on his own. Even if he doesn't do anything, he can live a prosperous half of his life under the support of pan-Asian cooperation.

However, before closing his eyes, his superior's instructions to him kept lingering in his mind.

Do you want to continue the task?

Standing in the bathroom of the ward, looking at himself in the mirror made of no material, Wang Peng saw for the first time from his own eyes a confusion that should not have been ...


(Reading the annual meeting immediately, I will take a car today and update it a few hours in advance. When I go back, I will continue to break out ~)

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