"Flight n-177 ... This is the route dispatch center. Your direction has deviated from the preset course. Please correct the route immediately ..."

"Flight n-177 ... Can you hear me?"

No response from the communication channel.

Blood was everywhere in the cockpit of flight n-177.

The voice in the communication channel was like a whisper of a ghost, wandering in the loneliness of no one to answer.

Kicked the corpse next to him, wearing a mechanical exoskeleton, Jean Russas, took the headset off the head of the captain who had been headshot, and clicked twice with the index finger of his right hand.

As a series of current noises passed by, he hijacked the communication channel and said slowly.

"Flight n-177 has been hijacked by us."

"... Within 100 kilometers, if we observe by radar or visual observation, any spacecraft is approaching us."

A cruel smile evoked from the cold mouth, staring at the pool of blood on the cockpit glass, the man continued.

"Every minute, we clean up a section of the 'cabin'."

"the above."

After speaking, he closed the communication channel and threw the headset beside the corpse.

The two other militants standing in the cockpit stepped forward, removed the corpse lying in front of the cockpit, and sat in the cockpit instead, taking over the flight.

"The telecommunications module has been removed."

"The engine is reignited ... the power has risen to 95%."

"The course has been adjusted and it is expected to reach the target after 11 hours."

Hearing a report from the communication channel, an unnoticeable frenzy emerged in Jean Rusas's pupils.


"Everything goes according to plan."

Not long ...

The whole pan-Asian world will be shrouded in their terror!

This is revenge and punishment!

Without any hesitation, the militants sitting in the driver's seat answered cleanly.


Just when the airline dispatch center just received a warning from the hijackers and hurriedly reported the situation, the Pan Asia First Fleet radar monitoring array has found an abnormal situation.

A flight deviated from its original orbit.

And more than that, the flight originally from Mars to the Hell system arrived at this position, it should be to shut down the main engine to slow down into the Earth-Moon system.

However, the flight did not decelerate, nor did it turn sharply, or even the other way around. The speed was brought to the limit and it continued in a straight line!

It's as if you are planning to throw yourself in the net ...

Pan Asia First Fleet Command.

Standing in the command room, the expression on the face of the commander of the Pan-Asian First Fleet was solemn.

Just two minutes ago, they received an alarm from the route dispatch center, and learned that flight n-177 was hijacked by unknown armed forces.

About a minute ago, they had confirmed that the flight named n-177 was exactly the civilian transportation spacecraft they were monitoring.

"How's the situation now."

Hearing the commander's inquiry, the staff sitting in front of the console responded immediately.

"The ship's heading has not changed, and it is even accelerating!"

Hearing this sentence, the chief of staff standing beside him frowned, thinking for a moment before speaking.

"They may be going through the Earth-Moon system in a straight line."

"Straight through the Earth-Moon system?" Looking at the chief of staff, the adviser standing aside said with an incredible expression on his face. "But how do they stop like this? If you continue to accelerate, the remaining fuel will not be enough They slow down. If they miss the slowdown window, they will become asteroids drifting in the solar system ... doing so is tantamount to suicide! "

Aviation and space are different.

If the plane ’s fuel on the planet is not enough, you can make a forced landing. If the spacecraft ’s fuel on the universe is not enough, let ’s find a place to make a forced landing. The end result can only be turned into space trash, in an almost eternal drift. Let it be.

Looking at the predicted course outlined on the holographic star chart, the commander frowned, and an ominous premonition was lingering in his heart.

Generally speaking, those pirates that run near the asteroid belt, although occasionally guest abductors besides looting mining stations, are usually also targeted at those less mobile mining ships and space stations with low defense coefficients. .

In recent years, with the popularity of mining drones, there have been fewer and fewer mining ships that require manual operation, and kidnapping cases have almost disappeared.

Targeted at twelve pairs of civil transport ships, and also kidnapped more than two hundred people at one time, such a major assault, not to mention the history of pan-Asian cooperation, the search from the history of world aerospace, is also unique!

You should know that such a large horizontal thrust upper limit and acceleration time, even for a general military spacecraft, will not necessarily catch up with the "run-up" in less than ten hours.

Unless they have just started the n-177 flight from the Mars orbiting space station, they are already preparing for the robbery.

"I propose to launch an infrasound missile, suppress the receivers on the flight, and then take over the flight by remote control to guide them to the nearest space station."

Hearing the advice from the consultant, the chief of staff immediately rejected it.

"No! Infrasound weapons will threaten the safety of the hostages, and may stimulate hijackers. And if the power is not high, it will be difficult to have an effect on the full-cover exoskeleton armor, and it is more likely to harm the pilot and cause the spacecraft to fail Return! "

The consultant continued to ask indifferently.

"What about sending a ghost team to land?"

This time, the army adviser standing next to him shook his head.

"Even the Ghost Squad, it is not possible to resolve all hijackers in the cabin category in an instant. Any mistake can lead to the life and safety of the hostages being threatened."

Moreover, how to send the ghost team to the controlled flight is still a big problem that is difficult to solve.

The concealment is okay, but the 12-engine spacecraft has been running for two days.

You know, the pursuit in space is not just a pursuit of distance, it is also a race for speed!

If the two key parameters of speed and direction cannot be synchronized with the target, even if the two spacecrafts meet in space, they will just pass by, either crashing into a piece of scrap iron or not. Any story happened.

After listening to the battle plan proposed by his subordinates, the commander standing in front of the console pondered for a while and then ordered.

"Launch the battlefield analysis system to simulate the results of operations."

The staff sitting in front of the console responded immediately.


The battlefield analysis system was quickly launched. According to the real-time verification results of the quantum computer, the success rate of plan a was less than 3%, and the success rate of plan b was even poorer, only less than 1%.

According to the results of channel calculations, up to 11 hours, flight n-177 will reach the Earth-Moon system, pass through the Earth-Moon system at an unimaginably fast speed, and enter the elliptical orbit around the sun with a navigation period of 124 years. , Completely out of control.

There was no dormancy cabin prepared on the flight, and the supplies carried were not even maintained for a week.

Once the deceleration window period is missed, it is death, and there is no second possibility at all.

While the people inside the command room were discussing the countermeasures, footsteps from the command room, a man in his 50s, dressed in formal clothes, with a big back, came in at the end of the month.

When the man walked into the command room, an expression of distress appeared on everyone's face.

This person's name is Wu Zongshu, and he is a member of the Pan-Asian Cooperation Central Parliament.

Now that he's all here, presumably the news of the flight being hijacked is mostly overwhelming.

"Her commander, I need an explanation."

Looking at the man who walked into the command room, the commander's face appeared with a headache, but soon he hid this expression behind his cold face, and said in a concise tone.

"Flight n-177 was hijacked by unknown militants, and we are trying to identify the militants and launch rescue operations for the referral passengers."

"I'm not here to hear you retell those news! Now the whole Internet is discussing this matter, don't treat me as a fool!" Interrupted the commander, Mr. Wu Zongwen said in a stern voice, "I hope you can really realize To the seriousness of the problem and properly resolve it. "

The commander said stiffly.

"We are working on it!"

Wu Zongwen: "What is the plan?"

"We are trying to communicate with the receivers on flight n-177 through the nearest space station. No matter what their demands are, we will try to persuade them to slow down and communicate with our negotiators."

"Very good," Wu Zongwen's expression eased a little, and continued, "if you can negotiate, try not to make a stimulus to them. No matter what they ask, let's stabilize them first."

The commander nodded, just ready to answer this sentence.

But at this moment, the military consultant who was standing beside the command room, who had not spoken, suddenly said.

"Maybe they don't want anything."

The moment he heard this, everyone in the command room froze.

Looking at the man who spoke, the commander narrowed his eyes.

Yang Wu, former General Staff of PLA, from 2050, is currently serving as military adviser to Pan Asia First Fleet.

The reason for going to the future was that the then authorities hoped to protect the army's future combat effectiveness by sending officers in a peaceful era to an era where future war hazards existed.

Because according to the international situation at the time, the Chinese side's judgment was that if the human alliance disintegrates, they are likely to have a big war in 50 years.

But then, as everyone knows, the expected total war did not erupt, and even continues to this day.

The awakened Yang Wu was also cancelled because of future plans for reinforcements, and the original work arrangements were cancelled. Instead, he was assigned to the Pan-Asian Fleet as a consultant.

Like other dormants who were sent to this era because of issues left over by history, although he has been assigned specific work, he does not have much say in this post. He is neither capable of commanding the army of this era, nor can people in this era believe in an old antique from the past.

In essence, he and Director Li are in fact no different. They are raised by the Pan-Asian Cooperation Authority as mascots.

"I don't want anything?" The army adviser frowned, saying in disbelief. "How is this possible? I've never heard of a ransom kidnapper."

"Not all ransoms need to be collected from the other party," he paused, Yang Wu continued, "this could be a suicide attack."

No one believes.

"It's impossible!" The Army adviser standing aside vetoed vehemently, "Where's the benefit of doing so? Except for spreading panic"

"It's just spreading panic," Yang Wu continued in a calm tone. "By spreading panic, they can achieve their unspeakable purpose. I can even be sure that what they are planning is not cheap."

After the commander was silent for a while, he ordered.

"Launch the AI ​​battlefield analysis system to evaluate the possibilities described by Advisor Yang."


As the computer turned on, the results of the evaluation came out quickly.

According to the judgment of the AI ​​battlefield analysis system, the probability assessment result obtained is less than 5%.

Looking at this 5% figure, Yang Wu shook his head and said.

"You believe too much in the results of the ai analysis, just like the medieval witch with a superstitious crystal ball."

After writing a glance at this consultant named Yang Wu, Mr. Wu Zongwen, who stood next to him, satirized with a faint voice.

"It may have happened in the barbaric early 21st century, but now it is the 22nd century, it is better to change your mind earlier."

Then, Wu Zongwen stopped looking after the little consultant, instead he looked at the commander standing next to him and said in a warning tone.

"I warn you that this matter must be dealt with anyway, and in particular no hostage casualties are allowed!"

"The parliamentary elections are at a critical stage. Once this matter is not handled well, people will question Chairman Li Guangya and his ability to lead the factions, and once we cannot take advantage of the central parliament, the Europa planetary development plan will be completely blocked. ! "

"At all costs, to protect the lives of all hostages!"

"do you understand me?"

In the face of that aggressive tone, the commander finally nodded after a long silence.


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