Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1431: You will kill us all!

On flight n-177.

Taking back the land boat looking out of the porthole, he sighed softly.

"It seems they are not going to let me go home."

He glanced at Professor Leonard, who was almost shrinking under the chair, and Lu Zhou was silent for a while, and said to him in a voice that only two people could hear.

"We have to find a way to escape from here."

"Escape? How are you going to escape?" Professor Leonard narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice. "Don't be stupid. They are just trying to figure out the money. Generally, this kind of empty thief will let people go if they take the ransom. . "

Looking at Professor Leonard with a look of fear, Lu Zhou gave him a helpless look to his ignorance.

"... I'm not sure what the 22nd century spacecraft is like, but the thruster should still be electric, and there might be differences in the channel, but the flight logic should not change much from my time. According to the current speed and flight status , They are using life to reduce the deceleration window period ... I don't know how much fuel is left, but it is very difficult to decelerate by 80%. "

Especially from the thrust that continues to come from behind this, this civilian transport ship that does not know how much energy is left, most of them are still moving at full speed.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou could not help but have a headache.

He considered himself to be a very troublesome and insulative physique. When he came to this 22nd century, he had encountered any **** troubles.

If only Wang Peng were here ...

Looking at the trembling Daxi Empire citizen next to him, Lu Zhou sighed silently in his heart for a while.

Knowing that he probably couldn't count on this guy, he calmly moved the cuff of his right hand half an inch with the index finger of his left hand, exposing a small-shaped bracelet, while observing the environment in the cabin, Find opportunities for self-help.

There are only two things that can be used.

A lethal magnetic slingshot, and a nitrogen shield that hasn't been used, and I don't know if it's good or not.

The bionic person sent by Xiao Ai could barely be a help, but it was too far away at this moment. As something between the luggage and the person, it was waiting by the luggage compartment.

And that guy is only a bodyguard sent by Xiao Ai, not remotely controlled by Xiao Ai. In the face of these armed elements armed to the teeth, the odds of victory are still unknown ...

Just as Lu Zhou was thinking about how to break the situation, the baby's cry suddenly sounded in the cabin.

It was also this cry that made his already tense heart suddenly mention his throat.

"Stop it."

With a trace of cruel and impatient voice, the hijacker wearing the exoskeleton standing in the cabin cast his cold eyes on the woman holding the child.

The moment she was looked at by that sight, the woman's complexion suddenly lost her blood and turned pale as cement gray.

"... Sorry, I'm so sorry, kid ... he might be hungry. I, I ..."

With a stuttering voice, the woman looked at the hijacker and begged.

However, the cry of begging did not restore that cruel sight to a little humanity.

Instead, it gave it a glow that was almost brutal.

"I'll give you 10 seconds to shut it up," grinned cruelly, and the man raised the muzzle slightly and pointed at the baby in her arms. "Or, I help you."

The woman panicked and begged.

"No ... I beg you, don't ..."


The countdown has begun, with a hint of teasing.

Under the pressure of the hijacker, the woman holding the child was completely panicked.

She desperately covered her child's mouth, trying to stop the child from crying, but the more she did, the more the child's crying became more and more out of control.

Leonard's face was pale and his trembling lips seemed to be struggling.

However, after some struggles, the fear of death eventually defeated the sense of justice that was not in his heart. In the end, he did nothing, just like most people would choose at this time.


At this time, a voice came suddenly, and a girl with short shoulder-length hair and a look of Chinese descent raised her hands and stood up tremblingly.

Almost as soon as he stood up, the hijacker pointed his gun at her.

This action also caused everyone in the cabin to put his heart in his throat, for fear that he would pull the trigger and let them see a scene of flesh flying.

Fortunately, the hijacker did not shoot, but the words he spoke, it seemed that there was only one thought to the shot.

"You interrupted my countdown. I hope you'd better ring for me."

"He's just a child. This will only make him cry more and more ..." Despite the fear, the girl said with a trembling voice, "Can you let me ... calm him down? ? "

The hijacker raised his eyebrows, seemingly thinking of something interesting, and set his muzzle to the side.

The girl was relieved, holding the seat next to her, carefully walking to the woman holding the baby, giving her a reassuring look, and taking the baby from her arms full of despair.

Struggling to overcome the fear and calm herself, the girl held the child in her arms, hummed a lullaby softly, and patted the beat gently with her hand on the cymbal.

Soon, the soft voice smoothed out the crying, the noise of the originally noisy baby became weaker and weaker, his breathing became even again, and he fell asleep in his sleep.


The child was returned to the woman, and the girl gave her a reassuring smile, though it was barely reassuring.

"Your child ... is cute."

The woman looked at her with grateful gaze and choked.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, I just--"

The coughing sound from the side interrupted the touching scene.

"Did you forget where you are now?"

Hearing this sentence, the girl was stiff.

Looking back at the hijacker and the muzzle aimed at her, she kept her hand surrendered and said with a trembling voice.

"I didn't mean to offend you ... I'll go back."

"Who told you to go back?" The hijacker's face had a cruel smile on his face. "One yard at a time, you interrupted my penultimate count."

Faced with that cruel smile, the girl was desperate in her heart, her lips trembling, she could not say a word.

The woman holding the child sitting next to her, although she wanted to intercede for her life-saving benefactor, looked at the bloodthirsty expression on the hijacker's face, but she could not say a word.

The hijacker smiled cruelly and raised his muzzle at the forehead of the short-haired girl.

"I give you a chance. If you can tell exactly how many seconds have just passed, I will spare you."

"Or, think slowly after you go down."

How could this be answered? !!

The girl trembled, sweat oozing from her forehead.

Already foreseeing what a **** picture would follow, Professor Leonard, who had been peeking aside from the beginning, closed his eyes unbearably.

However, when everyone had no doubt that when the girl was finished, a beeping noise rang out suddenly from the side.

There is no time to defend.

It was too late to even react.

The side of the hijacker's helmet uttered a crisp sound with no warning.

It was as if a sharp-pointed hammer was hanging there, and the flat helmet was suddenly indented from one side and broke through the other side.

It was too late to explain, and the hijacker tilted his head to the side as if pushed, and then fell silently to the ground.

The girl covered her mouth desperately with both hands, refraining from screaming almost into her throat.

Just when she was completely at a loss what was happening, and not far away, a handsome-looking man sat up from his seat.

I saw that above his right wrist, a few metal **** about half a peanut in size were surrounded by the chaos, as if held by some invisible force field.

Looking at the juniors in the cabin, Lu Zhou gave them a reassuring smile, then made a snoring gesture, walked to the corpse, and picked up the rifle that had fallen to the ground.

Holding it in his hands and fiddled with it, Lu Zhou looked back at Professor Leonard, walked back to him and asked.

"Do you know how this stuff works?"

His lips trembled, and it took a while for Professor Leonard to squeeze a word out of his throat.

"... the insurance is open, just pull the trigger."

"It turns out that, it seems that the weapons have not changed."

"What are you doing?"

"Apart from taking the spaceship back, what else can you do."

"... Are you crazy? Do you know how many hijackers are on the ship?" Professor Leonard stared at him staring, "You will kill everyone!"

Lu Zhou smiled lightly.

"Don't you think you're going to die?"

At the speed of the ship, the robbers had no intention of keeping them alive.

If he wants to choose a method of death, he would rather choose a decent one.

Just as Lu Zhou was heading to the luggage compartment, intending to wake the bionic person sent by Xiao Ai, Rusas standing in the cockpit, suddenly a fierce light appeared in his eyes.

On the screen, the small team member labeled No. 3 has turned gray.

At the same time, the voice of a teammate came from the communication channel.

"Number three disconnected ... Heart function stopped."

"Got it," the index finger of his right hand gently pushed the insurance away, and then he put it on the trigger. Rusas's smile gradually imprinted with bloodthirsty and cruelty.

"Let me see, which restless guy is making trouble in the back ..."

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