Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1432: Nitrogen shield!

The member with the surname Wu did not stay here for a long time, and after leaving the remarks, he hurried away.

After the hijacking spread, the outside had become a mess, and he had other mess to settle down, and he couldn't stay here too long.

Thanks so much.

The bureaucrats and parliamentarians of pan-Asian cooperation can be regarded as a good hand in economic development and colonial development, but in other ways it is not bad to disturb the various departments.

Looking at Yang Wu, who was standing next to him, the commander said after a silence.

"In fact, I agree with some of your views. When the AI ​​battlefield analysis system was designed, its calculation results were only used as a strategic reference. It is not desirable to rely too much on the calculation results."

"In our day, machinery was just an aid. We trusted people's judgment more than the answer given by the machine," looking at the commander standing next to him. "But I also thought about this problem. It is progressing and experience is constantly being updated. In practice, you have proven the statistical superiority of ai's judgment, and it is understandable to trust it more. "

The commander was silent for a moment and spoke.

"If based on your experience, what do you think their appeal might be."

Yang Wu replied without hesitation.


"Tianzhou?" The commander didn't expect him to raise the stubble suddenly, and the commander frowned slightly. "You mean, they are going to ..."

"This is not an attack premised on survival. The ultimate logic of suicide attack is the maximum destruction. If I were a hijacker, I would not be satisfied with the 220 passengers on the spacecraft, let alone allow it. Flight n-177 passes through the Earth-Moon system, and I will drive it directly to the Tianzhou space station. "

"At maximum speed!"

Hearing this crazy plan, everyone in the command center took a breath.

Another consultant opened his mouth and said in a difficult tone.

"It's too ..."

He wanted to say it was too exaggerated.

Tianzhou is the largest space port in Pan-Asian cooperation, and it is also the first space port in earth orbit in the true sense. There are not only more than 30,000 residents, thousands of engineers, but also tens of thousands of tourists.

"And who the **** caused the attack?"

"If this is supported by other regional alliances ... this behavior is tantamount to declaring war!"

"Not necessarily other cross-regional alliances, maybe empty thieves funded by them, or remnants that survived our cleanup operations ... but now is not the time to discuss these, what we need is countermeasures," the commander was silent. After a while, I looked at Yang Wu, "What's your suggestion?"

The moment he heard this question, Yang Wu said without thinking.

"Destroy n-177 before causing even more casualties!"

At the moment when this sentence was spoken.

Everyone standing in the command room took a breath of breath almost by accident.

The consultant on the side exclaimed.

"It's impossible! That's 220 passengers! Do you want to send us all to a military court?"

Yang Wu continued without expression, "Compared to the lives of the 30,000 orbiters and tens of thousands of stranded passengers on the Tianzhou, 220 lives and being sent to the military court are not worth mentioning. Two To the detriment of it, I believe that even the AI ​​battlefield analysis system you trust will not hesitate to make a choice. "

After a pause, he looked at the commander standing next to him and said quietly.

"Her commander, do you want to use the tens of thousands of lives of the Tianzhou to exchange a decent death for passengers on flight n-177, or to let those who must die at the last moment of life save at least some that should not have been Those who died here. "

"This is human life, not addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division!" The proposal was vetoed flatly, the commander remained silent for a while, and continued, "Negotiate with the hijackers first. The negotiation window is set within 5 hours."

"Also, let the Celestial Defense System turn on the laser calibrator and stand by in lunar orbit."

"If a choice must be made ... I hope it is the last choice."


After the order was given, the entire command center was busy.

Looking at the keyhole on the console where the weapon was fired, the commander fell silent.

He had no doubt that the consultant Yang who was standing next to him would definitely make the right choice. They are sent to this era, they are more like machines than machines.

But this is more than two hundred lives ...

It has nothing to do with courage, but human nature.


In the darkness, the silent pupil lit up a dim light.

That dim light was so conspicuous in the dark cabin, like the fireflies in the night.

"Speed, abnormal."

"Judge, failure."

This is a bionic rest cabin.

Like those bionics whose workmanship and style are mostly newer than it, it was delivered here after boarding the flight.

If nothing else, it will stay here until the flight arrives.

However, its logic circuit and every sensor on its body are telling it that if it continues to wait, its meaning in this place may disappear.

Unplugged the charging cable from the body, the old-fashioned mining bionic person standing on the charging position, took a stiff step and walked to the computer next to him, and pointed his right index finger up.

The holographic panel appeared in front of the eyes, and as the data flow flashed, the progress bar in the pop-up window came to an end one by one.

It took a little longer to crack this time.

Fortunately, it didn't take long.

Looking at the person who appeared on the surveillance screen and picked up the rifle from the ground, the light in the bionic pupil flashed slightly.

Lips opened and closed, it said intermittently with a stiff voice.

"Protect, program, start ..."

"Limit, lift ..."

In the moment the voice fell, a dark starlight lit up in the dark cabin.

All bionics are awakened ...


Lu Zhou originally thought that although he had never eaten pork, he had seen pigs run, but he did not expect that the pork that would run was really different from the pork in the pot.

Well, he acknowledges that he does have a gambling element.

And after relying on the equipment to succeed in a sneak attack, he did underestimate the professionalism of these empty thieves.

According to his plan, he first tried to wake up the bionic bodyguard sent by Xiao Ai, and then regained control of the cockpit.

However, when he just slipped out of the cabin and touched it in the direction of the luggage compartment, he encountered a fierce set fire halfway.

Looking at the orange bullet rain, and the dense bullet holes on the alloy bulkheads on both sides, hiding in the land boat behind the bunker, I was afraid for a while.

Fortunately, he opened the nitrogen shield in time, and relied on the gusty airflow to help him to open the bullets, otherwise he was afraid that he would lack arms and legs if he did not become a sieve at this moment. .

"... Did the direction of the diatomic molecules change with a special force field?"

"This shield is a bit interesting, if you have the opportunity to study it-lying down ... Regardless of this, let's think about how to live!"

Looking at the fierce firepower on the opposite side, Lu Zhou sadly found that he did not even have the chance to fight back with the probe.

And if the shield is opened, although his nitrogen shield cannot be penetrated, his magnetic slingshot cannot be hit.

As for the rifle ...

This stuff is a burning stick in his hand.

Without the help of exoskeleton armor that can grasp the ground, let alone hit people, I don't want to be shocked by that recoil, I'm afraid I can be called a king of soldiers.

What's more, he did research alone?

He believes that if it is Wang Peng, with this set of equipment, he can easily kill the opposite. But after all, he is just a scholar. The challenge of this limit is really too difficult!

The situation was scorched for a while, and the two sides were deadlocked in the corridor.

When Lu Zhou felt headaches for the firepower on the opposite side, what he didn't know was that the two hijackers wearing exoskeleton armor on the opposite side felt no less headache than him.

Even, accompanied by a strong surprise.

They have already emptied two magazines.

However, the person hiding behind the bunker still seemed to be fine!

Scolded and changed the magazine, one of the hijackers hiding behind the bunker was almost angry with his mother.

"Shett ... why can't this guy hit the ball?"

Even a master of human strokes, isn't it so bad? !!

"The thing on this guy's body is a bit wicked, and the bullets we hit seemed to hit the transparent wall. No matter what, we can only bet on it!"

While talking, another hijacker pulled a grenade with the thickness of a thumb from the exoskeleton and stuck it on the launcher below the muzzle.

The teammate next to him had no time to stop, and heard a dull bang.

I saw a parabola smashing straight up, the orange-red flame burst and burst, almost engulfing the entire corridor.

Wolverine got up from the ground, feeling the hot air around him, and the hijacker standing next to him looked at his companion in shock.

"Are you crazy ?! Do you want to destroy this flight ?! We still need to drive it to avenge our dead brothers—"

"Haha, but it works, doesn't it?"

The billowing smoke had completely engulfed the second half of the corridor, and it was impossible to see whether the people there were dead or alive, but if it was such an explosion, no one should survive.

As for the smoke and flames ...

There is naturally a fire extinguishing system in the cabin to deal with it. As long as the structure of the cabin is not damaged, there is nothing to worry about.

However, the voice had not completely dropped, and the hatches on the sides of them suddenly opened.

I saw those bionic people kept in the room by passengers, like wooden puppets with emotions, stepped stiffly and ran towards this side.

Looking at the surge of "people", the two hijackers took a moment's notice, immediately realizing that something was wrong, and when they were in a cold sweat, they quickly turned the muzzle and pulled the trigger.

The flame at the muzzle shot.

An orange-red trajectory created an impenetrable death rain in the air.

Metal parts flew up and down in the air, beating arms and legs with electric sparks flying everywhere, and each of the bionics fell down one after another like zombies being shot at.


With the same words repeated in their mouths, these bionics seemed to be dominated by some mysterious force, moving at all costs towards the two hijackers wearing exoskeleton armor.

Broken leg, crawl with your hands.

If your hand breaks, use your neck.

As long as there are moving parts, they don't stop.

Just as if they were to sacrifice themselves to **** even if they sacrificed themselves, they used the last inch of current in their bodies, driving the mechanical body to extend their hands towards them.

"Shet! These guys ... what awkward!"

He scolded a gun **** and smashed the bionic person who rushed to the ground to the ground. Then he stepped on the ground cleanly and broke the swollen hand that reached his own foot.

In addition to the trouble, these civilian bionics were castrated for many functions at the beginning of the design, completely eliminating their ability to harm humans, so they were not threatened by them armed with teeth.

However, just when the two of them thought so, they saw a rifle draw a parabola, passed over their heads, and smashed into the bionic crowd.

An unpleasant premonition came to the hearts of the two.

Sure enough, as if confirming their guess, a bionic person reached out to catch the rifle.


The unbelievable swearing in unison, the two hijackers tried in horror to raise the rifle in their hands, but they couldn't do it at all. A robotic hand wrapped around the arms of the two like vines, locked their joints and locked their movements, and even blocked their gun eyes with their chests and skulls.

The muscles of the two hijackers were tense, and they just stared at the old bionic man with rusty chests, and aimed their muzzles at them.

Then, pulled the trigger!

"Da da da--!"

The sparks at the muzzle can hit the trajectory of the front mid-armor like raindrops, tearing out the fear in their sight.

Until they died, they didn't figure out why these bionics who were programmed to absolutely not harm humans would stretch their hands to the weapons and why they would attack them.

"Good job ..."

The billowing smoke was finally evacuated by the vacuum fire extinguishing system, and the land boat that was almost not strangled died, coughing up from behind the bunker.

The grenade was indeed beyond his expectation.

Fortunately, the bionic person sent by Xiao Ai responded in time and rescued him from danger.

Maybe he understood his affirmation, and the bionic man nodded.

Just then, the mutation suddenly occurred.

The bionic man's pupils suddenly contracted, his legs flickered slightly, and he made a forward flutter motion, pushing the land boat coming towards himself.

He was blown out by the bionic person. Before Lu Zhou returned to God, what happened, he saw a dark shadow slamming out from the shadow on one side and crashed into his previous position severely. ——The bionic person pushing himself away.

The battle between the short soldiers broke out in an instant, and the victory and defeat were also split in an instant.

The man wearing the combat exoskeleton broke the bionic human's right arm with a dagger, then easily disarmed it, and then flung it again with a dagger, which split the neck directly.

Before dying, the bionic man clasped the barrel of the gun with his left hand and locked his joints, trying to stop the person at the expense of himself.

However, the man's response was also quite decisive, and he simply threw away the rifle in his hand and strode directly towards the nearby Lu Zhou, grabbing him.

At this extreme distance, it is too late to recharge the magnetic slingshot.

Looking at the land boat that had nowhere to run, Rusas had a cruel smile on his face.

Although it is still not clear how exactly this man who seems to have no deterrence killed his companion, it does not matter at this moment.

"It seems you have a lot of good things."

"But unfortunately ... this is war, boy."

Talking, he did not give his opponent the opportunity to explain his last words, and he stabbed the dagger in his hand without hesitation.

But the next moment, his expression was completely frozen on his face.

The dagger in front of him seemed to pierce a transparent wall, and the tumbling air disturbed his bangs.

Suddenly, an idea came to mind.


how is this possible?

I'm wearing a fully enclosed helmet ...

However, even if he realized that something was wrong, Rusas was too late to think about it.

Almost compressed into a solid nitrogen, like an unshaven tomahawk, penetrated his armor directly, split it on his internal organs, and disturbed them into a ball.

The principle of the nitrogen shield is not to release compressed nitrogen, but to use a special force field generated by the device to interfere with the diatomic molecules in the surrounding air and compress the surrounding nitrogen into a swirling circular air wall.

As long as it is in the atmospheric environment, this shield can theoretically prevent almost all kinds of light weapons-level kinetic energy attacks. At the same time, after learning this principle, Lu Zhou immediately thought of another alternative usage.

That is the force field generated by the nitrogen shield, which directly acts on the nitrogen molecules in the target body, resulting in the "ignoring armor" killing!

Although it can only be used when the distance is close enough, this attack method equivalent to ignoring armor is undoubtedly huge for soft targets.

And this is probably the cruelest use of the nitrogen shield ...

The internal organs shattered into countless pieces, and Ruthas, with countless evils, swallowed blood in his mouth, and finally took a final breath in silent pain.

Putting his fist against his chest, looking at the swollen exoskeleton armor, Lu Zhou's eyes did not have the slightest sympathy.

"When I sat on the parade to watch the parade, your father was still a cell."

"Who's the child ..."

Withdrawing his fist, he looked at the shield generator on his arm that ran out of his last energy and started to dissipate into black powder. Lu Zhou sighed.

"... I wanted to leave a little energy to study, but it turned out to be so exhausted."

When the system level is still low, most of the samples taken are disposable, and this nitrogen shield can be one of them.

However, the equipment that was originally brought from the "Novice Village" can still be considered to be the best use of it until now. Lu Zhou just rushed to the cockpit just for a moment.

This flight has been drifting in the universe for two days, and it stands to reason that at most one day should arrive at the station.

However, at this moment, instead of slowing down, the spacecraft is still accelerating. He didn't know whether the remaining fuel was slow enough or not, and how many minutes or even seconds were left in the window period of the on-orbit system.

It is imperative now to rescue the captain who has been abducted and return the flight to the normal channel as soon as possible.

However, when Lu Zhou rushed to the cockpit, two corpses lying in the pool of blood came into view.


Looking at the tragic situation in front of him, some cramped Lu Zhou's face turned dark in an instant, and he couldn't help but burst a swear word.

Judging from the uniforms worn by the two ...

I'm afraid he's a little bit troublesome.


(Adjust the work and rest, and today there will be no chapters. The word count is actually the same as usual.

In addition, I just want to say a few words. It is still five months away. I hope that I can make some innovations and breakthroughs in the plot, rather than the design of most black scientific texts, or what you understand. "Routine", start the company and then the world top1, flying out of the solar system.

This is both a challenge and a learning for me. If successful, it may become a new "routine." If it is not successful, I will learn from the next book and improve it.

I remember when I wrote the section on nuclear fusion last year, there were a lot of people who sprayed it. They either felt too advanced or thought that the protagonist should not engage in research outside the theory. But as I said before, writing is not acrobatics, and it is not the applause, but the outline that determines how a book should be written.

I hope that while writing the theoretical research, in the second stage, I will use controllable convergence to turn into an opportunity to write the theory into the sense of application. Then I will follow my outline and do my best to write this part. .

This is the third stage and the last part of the book, so far it is still in the outline plan.

I never expected every chapter of mys to be enjoyed by everyone. After all, I am not a Renminbi. But if my work can bring you something different from daily life after tea, it is my honor as an author.

Therefore, I also hope that some people can be polite, no matter whether they can finally reach the end together, even if it is for the sake of "love", at least give each other some respect and civilization.


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