Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1434: Slingshot effect!

"... The communication module was physically removed. It seems that the hijackers had no intention of talking from the beginning. The complete dismantling of the real special lady, even the backup communication system was unplugged. There are remote control modules and automatic driving systems. ... **** it! "

Squatting in front of the console was a low-profile man with glasses.

His name is Fan Sheng, and he is an engineer in a pan-Asian space company.

About a week ago, he went to Tiangong City to attend an academic lecture, but he did not expect to encounter such a thing on his way home.

However, it is also because he is here, otherwise the bionic person that Xiao Ai sent to pick up his own was scrapped in the previous battle, and Lu Zhou really didn't know what to do.

Looking at sweaty Fan Sheng, Lu Zhou frowned and asked.

"Can you fix it?"

"It's impossible to fix it. In this way of violent dismantling, they never even thought about putting these stuff on," Fan Sheng's face appeared with a bit of grin, and he raised his arm and wiped the sweat on his forehead. "But fortunately, fortunately, their understanding of this transport ship is still not in place. I changed the setting of the transmission device on the facility maintenance system and switched to the developer mode. Although the channel is narrower, but if it is only audio Calling should still be possible. "

Lu Zhou immediately said, "Can it be used now?"

"It's okay ... I received a strange communication request here. It should be the Pan Asian Fleet side that noticed the anomaly on our side."

Lu Zhou: "Connect them immediately!"

Fan Sheng nodded quickly, and ten fingers quickly tapped on the holographic panel.

"Okay ... get it!"

The light and shadow on the holographic panel changed, and a video call window was quickly presented in front of Lu Zhou and Fan Sheng.

Although the position of the video window is white, and the person standing at the other end of the video cannot be seen, the repeated sounds coming from there can be clearly heard.

"... Here is Pan-Asian First Fleet, Flight n-177. Can you hear me?"

"If we can hear it, we hope to start a dialogue with you. No matter what you ask, the door to dialogue and peace will always open ..."

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou said.

"Here is flight n-177 ... I am a passenger on the flight, and we have regained control of the flight from the hijackers."

The opposite side remained silent for a while, seeming to be surprised by the news.

Lu Zhou waited quietly for two seconds, and a response sound came quickly from the other end of the communication channel.

Pilot: "Can you slow down?"

"Yes ... we have shut down the main engine, but the auto-navigation module has been removed by the hijacker and the two captains have also been executed by the hijacker," Lu Zhou said with a headache, looking at the channel data displayed on the navigator "You better send someone to help us ... those hijackers can board this transport ship, should you also have a way?"

This time the communication channel was silent for a long time.

Pilot: "... Flight n-177, when you hear this news, I hope you can stay calm."

From that heavy tone, Lu Zhou vaguely guessed something, and he couldn't help but sink into the valley.

Taking a look at Fan Sheng next to him, he said for a moment, silent.

"You say it."

Navigator: "You have missed the final deceleration window period 37 minutes ago."

Lu Zhou: "That means we can't come back?"

Pilot: "Yes ..."

Lu Zhou did not answer immediately, but glanced at Fan Sheng next to him.

"Is that so?"

Fan Sheng's face was pale, his lips nodded tremblingly.

"... There is such a saying. But isn't it? It should be rescued! What about your landing craft? At least send us some supplies ..."

"The Dolphin 230 transport ship has 12 pairs of k-15 electric main engines. Even if the Pan-Asian Fleet ’s Sentinel-class patrol ship buys working loads starting from the nearest space port, it is difficult to consider whether to return home. Reach the same speed as you in 72 hours. The rescue window period is only 11 hours. Once you pass the Earth-Moon system, it will take up to two weeks for our aircraft carrier to be at a distance from your flight. The docking is completed on 37 million kilometers of orbit per month. "

Lu Zhou looked at Fan Sheng and continued to ask, "Is what he said true?"

Fan Sheng nodded pale.

"At the beginning of the design of the Dolphin-type civil transport ship, it was designed to facilitate passengers to quickly travel between the Earth-Moon system and the Mars system. Therefore, 12 pairs of main engines were installed at the rear ... if it is just for racing, it will carry ammunition and endurance supplies. The military transport ship is not necessarily catching up. "

"Those air thieves have been preparing to ambush us, I've been preparing for a week ago ..."

Just as Fan Sheng explained the reason to Lu Zhou, inside the headquarters of the Pan Asia First Fleet, looking at a snow-white video window, Yang Wu stepped forward and patted the pilot's shoulder.

"Let me talk to them."

The pilot glanced at the commander and saw the latter nodded, so he gave up his place.

The replacement pilot sat in front of the console, and Yang Wu stared at the snow-white holographic video window with a serious and calm voice.

"Here is the Pan-Asian First Fleet Command. I am Yang Wu, a consultant for military operations."

"Although I'm sorry to inform you of this news, the chances of your returning safely are very small. Even in the best condition, it will take two weeks for our rescue workers to arrive. So we need you to take some necessary self-rescue measures to come Avoid the worst. "

"... If you can control this flight, I hope you can turn on the left-steering engine and change the current course to avoid a direct collision with the Tianzhou space station."

Lu Zhou: "How many degrees do you turn to the left?"

Yang Wu: "If you are not sure, keep the left-steering engine running at full power for more than 720 seconds."

720 seconds ...

Turning to full power for 720 seconds is equivalent to avoiding the earth directly and plunging into the unmanned deep space.

Lu Zhou: "Do you mean let us give up?"

Yang Wu said in a serious tone: "We have never given up on you, and we have absolutely no intention of letting you give up. It is only for the safety of the tens of thousands of residents on the Tianzhou and the space station. I hope you can maintain a sufficient safe distance from it. We will Do your best to rescue you, but I also hope that you think about the big picture. "

"What do you call it?"

"Yang Wu."

"Comrade Yang Wu," staring at a white snowflake in the holographic window, Lu Zhou's tone gradually subsided. "There are more than 200 passengers on board, most of them are my compatriots, and there are others from all over the world. The people of the country and the organization. I agree with your point of view, but things are far from that. As long as I am here and I am alive, I will not allow them to die for no reason. "

Yang Wu: "Will you fly a transport ship? What do you want to do?"

Lu Zhou smiled slightly.

"The principles are actually similar, the difference is that the operation has become more cumbersome. The essence of aerospace is a mathematical problem, and as long as it is a mathematical problem, there is a solution."

Yang Wu narrowed his eyes and stared at a snowflake-white holographic screen, Shen Sheng said.

"who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, I just need your side to cooperate with me."

Communication was interrupted.

Flight n-177 seemed determined to take a bet on the fate of itself and the Tianzhou, and continued to move along the established fairway.

At the command room of the Pan-Asian First Fleet, at this moment it was surrounded by tension.

Everyone's nerves were stretched to the limit, staring at the blinking green dot on the radar.

"The channel has not changed. Flight n-177 is heading for Tianzhou!"

"Expected collision in 11 hours!"

"Aim at them, we can't let the tens of thousands of residents of Tianzhou take the risk!"

"They have no chance of surviving ... if anything, even 1%-"

"It's not completely absent," looking at the adviser's team of consultants, the aerospace technology consultant who has not spoken, and suddenly said, "Although the probability is probably less than 1% ..."

The commander immediately looked at him: "What do you say?"

"The slingshot effect," looking at the commander, the aerospace technical adviser continued, "Although according to the current channel, their remaining fuel can no longer be returned by normal means, but it may not be possible if the slingshot effect is used."

The army adviser frowned and asked.

"Slingshot effect? ​​I remember that wasn't used to accelerate the unmanned detector?"

"It is not necessarily acceleration. When the planet moves to the right on the horizontal plane, if the aircraft flies the planet from the left side of the planet at an appropriate angle, it will receive a rightward impulse from the planet. Theoretically, if they are synchronized from If you fly around the earth in orbit, you can use the slingshot effect to extend the rescue window as long as the cut-in angle is appropriate. "

Commander: "How long can it be extended?"

"I said badly, shouldn't I ask the computer for this kind of thing?"

The commander immediately looked at the staff at the control front desk and ordered.

"To launch the AI ​​battlefield analysis system, I need to know the success rate of the plan and the possible risks."

The progress bar on the holographic screen flickers slightly.

Soon, the results of the evaluation appeared to everyone.

And this result, the expressions on everyone's face are frozen.

"Success rate is 2% ... 75% probability of collision between the flying orbit and the Tianzhou space station ... Damn, this is assuming there are experienced pilots on flight n-177!"

"Too difficult! Too many variables are difficult to control! To put it bluntly, the slingshot effect simply cannot accurately control the speed and direction of operation. Even experienced drivers will not regard it as a routine Means of acceleration and deceleration! "

"It's just a joke!"

"They are crazy!"

The commander's face was expressionless, his fists clenched tightly, as if struggling.

Standing next, Yang Wu glanced at him silently, but just asked.

"does it worth?"

People in a city take risks for people in a boat.

Is it really worth it?


To be honest, Lu Zhou didn't spend much time thinking about whether it was worth it.

As a scholar, he now has only one problem, and that is the optimal solution in the current situation.

Accurately stacked vertical parameters, no matter which parameter is adjusted, a little carelessness may lead to extremely serious navigational accidents.

Not surprisingly, they will fly over geosynchronous orbit in 11 hours and have a great possibility of colliding with the spacecraft Tianzhou.

To be honest, the window period is very short, not to mention the most complicated manual driving.

His calculations must be accurate, not even a small error.

If he wants to survive, he must make good use of every reserve of working fluid, ignite the lateral engine at critical moments, and use the slingshot effect to complete the final deceleration.

Standing next to Lu Zhou, the engineer named Fan Sheng suddenly said in despair.

"I bet we must have been targeted."


"We are now like a missile, crashing straight into the Tianzhou," Fan Sheng's face was full of bitter expressions, "it must be like this in their eyes, the orbital defense weapon will definitely respond. If I were them , It certainly won't allow this to happen. "

"I don't rule out this possibility, but I believe it will never happen." Looking at Fan Sheng, Lu Zhou was silent for a while, and reached out and patted his shoulder, "Go and rest in the cabin for a while, I think alone Stay for a while. "

Fan Sheng: "Can you tell me, what are you going to do?"

Lu Zhou: "Slingshot effect."

Fan Sheng opened his mouth, and after a while, he squeezed a word out of his throat.

"It's crazy ..."

After leaving the cockpit, Fan Sheng returned to the cabin, trying to make his expression not too heavy, and walked back to his position in silence.

Professor Leonard sighed and looked sadly at the starry sky outside the cockpit. "Are we already dead? Can anyone give me an idea?"

Fan Sheng: "... not so desperate, but not much better."

The eleven-hour wait was so long.

The sights of the world have been implicated in the flight that has come out of the deep sky and is out of control.

The inhabitants of the orbit, who were too late to evacuate, spontaneously came to the floor-to-ceiling window, praying for the spaceship that was getting closer, and praying for their own destiny.

In their pupils, they saw only a dark shadow getting closer and closer, blocking their view of the moon.

At this time, a miracle happened.

Even when approaching infinitely in astronomical distance, the huge hull did not run into it, but passed by with the Tianzhou.

The land boat sitting in the cockpit slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole person sat down in the cockpit.

In the cabin, the tense Professor Leonard stared at the towering fortress outside the window.

On this astronomical voyage, he could even clearly see the orbital residents outside the window who were standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking them.

Opposite, saw him and them the same.

This is probably the greatest moment in human history.

At least, yes!

A man from 100 years ago saved a runaway flight and everyone on the flight.

And even at the last minute, people have not given up hope and chose to believe in each other.

"In our day, it was usually the worst, even if I was not a pessimist ..."

Taking off the hat above his head and putting it in his arms, Yang Wu looked at the commander and solemnly said, "It is your courage to save the two hundred passengers."

"We also plan for the worst, Comrade Yang from 2050 ..." Taking a deep breath of cold air, the commander's tight shoulders finally relaxed and took him back with a slightly relaxed smile , "Just by comparison, so many people still believe in us."

"I don't want to let them down, even for the sake of those who trust us."

This disaster will strengthen the people of Pan Asia.

Although, similar things, he did not want to have a second time ...

On flight n-177.

Cheers and cheers sounded again.

The spacecraft passing by from synchronous orbits sails slowly from the back of the earth toward the sun.

Just as overlooking the sunrise, the glory of the morning light lit up the blue horizon. Under the dazzling light, the planet was so beautiful.

The child stuck in front of the window stared at the shocking scene outside the window, his little hands clenching tightly, as if he had grasped the dream.

He didn't know he had just experienced the most dangerous moment in his life.

All he knew was that he, who was born and raised on Mars, saw the most spectacular sunrise in his life at this moment.

Looking back in excitement, he looked at his mother.

"Mom, is that Earth?"

The childish milk sound is full of yearning for beautiful things.

The mother sitting next to him smiled softly.


"There is where the mother was born ..."

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