Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1435: The rest of the life

Flight n-177 decelerated successfully.

The patrol ships of the Pan-Asian Fleet had already set off 11 hours ago and are expected to catch up with them after 4 o'clock.

At that time, professional pilots will come to take over the flight, and professional equipment will supplement the working fluid for the flight, and take them home.

On the other side, the rest of the passengers and six flight attendants on the flight spontaneously formed a temporary rescue society to maintain order on the flight and distribute food and drinking water for the elderly and other passengers.

When Lu Zhou returned to the cabin again, many people gave him hugs and thanks.

Some people want to exchange virtual community accounts with him. However, for the virtual community and other things, Lu Zhou from the 21st century is completely confused, and in the end, he has to leave a string to make others more confused. The penguin on the water, perfunctory.

After lunch, Lu Zhou left his seat and got up to the corridor outside the cabin.

The bodies of the two hijackers have been removed, and volunteers composed of passengers have been dragged to the already empty bionics rest area.

As for the pile of bionic wreckages on the ground, no one has moved them, it seems that they intend to leave them to their owners and Pan-Asian authorities to deal with.

It didn't take long for Lu Zhou to quickly find the rusty old-fashioned bionic person.

In previous battles, the hijacker in exoskeleton armor had destroyed it rudely, so it was just a pile of wreckage lying there.

Even so, Lu Zhou still wanted to thank him.

"Thank you."

Looking at the bionic human body that was no longer moving, Lu Zhou closed his eyes and mourned for a while.

Although they have been together for a short time, and there is no dialogue, in the short days, it has saved itself twice.

Perhaps it was because he had been with Xiao Ai for too long. For those ai who were particularly human, he always felt that he couldn't treat them completely as a machine.

What do you say?

Probably like seeing your child.

"Woohoo ..."

On the way back to the cabin, Lu Zhou saw a little girl with a cute ponytail, about seven or eight years old, who was sadly wiping her tears with her little hand and squatting on the ground and sobbing softly.

Stepped forward, Lu Zhou squatted down in front of her and asked in a comforting tone.

"Lost with your family?"

"My tail ... she ... she's broken."


Looking up at Lu Zhou, the little girl nodded with tears in her eyes and spread her right fist, revealing the memory card-like thing pinched by her palm.

"Tail ... is Lili's good friend. Whenever I am sad, she sings to me and comforts me."

Talking, the little girl's voice was even more sad.

She sucked her nose, looked down at the memory card in her hand, and said with a choked voice.

"... Rest assured, when Lili returns to the earth and saves pocket money, it will definitely repair you. At that time, I will give you a more beautiful one ..."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Originally he thought what the "tail" was, but he did not expect to be a bionic person.

Thinking that in order to save himself, the bionic person sent by Xiao Ai activated the bionic person on the entire ship, and his heart was a bit ashamed.

If only he had money now.

If she is rich, she will be compensated for the most expensive configuration.

But unfortunately, the only entanglement he has on his body is borrowed from an Englishman. After the flight arrived, he didn't know how much "heritage" he could inherit.

"If your tail knows that you are so sad because of her affairs, it must be very sad ..." Crouching in front of the little girl in front of the little girl, she touched her head, and gave her a warrant A reassuring smile, "Go to your parents, they are all worried about you."


Maybe it was infected by the sunny and handsome smile. The little girl nodded. Although there were tears in her eyes, it was much better than before.

Standing up and patting the skirt corner, she bowed her head politely to Lu Zhou, said thank you, and ran away in the direction of the cabin.

Looking at the little girl's back, Lu Zhou thought for a while, then returned to the previous pile of machine wreckage.

After groping on it for a while, he took a black rectangular parallelepiped-sized, similar shape from the broken bionic man's chest.

"Is this a memory card?"

It looks much heavier than that little girl's hand, but the interface and shape are basically the same.

Is it really because the machine is too old?

"... When I return to the earth, I will give you a new body."

At least one that can talk.

Of course, the premise is to save enough money before talking ...

After standing in the corridor for a while, there was nothing to do with the boat. After looking at the scenery for a while, he turned back to the cabin.

When he returned to the cabin again, people finally vented the joy of the rest of his life and stopped whistling at him, or did something that disturbed him in good faith.

After returning to his position and sitting down, Lu Zhou removed the brain-computer neural interface from the seat and was preparing to connect to the database on the aircraft to continue charging his knowledge.

However, at this moment, not far from his seat, a woman with a good-looking face and a mature female charm settled in the baby, got up from the seat, and walked over to him.

"I want to say thank you."

After hearing this, Lu Zhou looked up at her and recognized the lady, the mother he had previously rescued.

"You're welcome," Lu Zhou watched as she nodded and asked casually, "Speaking of you, what about your husband?"

"I do not have a husband."

"... Sorry, a heavy question was asked."

"Where, it's not what you think," the mature lady smiled. "Speaking, sir, are you a dormant?"

Watching Professor Leonard frown frantically at himself, although Lu Zhou couldn't figure out what he wanted to express, but after thinking about it, he gave an ambiguous answer.

"... Is this visible?"

"After waking up, a lot of hibernating people with a long frozen age will have a lot of confusion about the moral values ​​and values ​​of the current society, especially in terms of marriage and family."

"such as?"

"For example, in this era, the traditional family concept no longer existed a century ago. Although some people will still get married, most people will still prefer to live alone and own a Baiyibai Bionic bionic companions. As for love, there are many similar alternatives in the virtual world. "

Lu Zhou looked at Professor Leonard and cast an unexpected look at him.

Professor Leonard shrugged and said.

"... She's right, about half a century ago, I didn't like the old one. My father was born at the age of fifty. Through artificial organs and scientific methods. I don't have a mother, but I know my donor is a woman of Italian descent, but I have never seen her. "

Unexpectedly, this guy still has such a past. Lu Zhou stared at Professor Leonard with a stunned expression, and opened his mouth without knowing what to say.

"It's too ..."

"If you want to sympathize with me, forget it. I think this is actually quite good. And everyone is like this. If it is a two-parent family, it will look special."

Lu Zhou opened his mouth, still unable to understand this strange concept.

He thinks his point of view is more advanced, can accept a lifetime of non-marriage, and also thinks that there is no need to choose a person who does not love in order to be just, just to continue DNA, but he still can not accept this casual family Concept.

Can a child without a father or mother really have a healthy and complete childhood?

It always feels that if you deprive something that should belong to someone from the beginning, it is better not to let it come to this world from the beginning.

This is a responsibility to both myself and the child.

However, in this era, what he cannot understand seems to have become a common thing.

His head was a bit messy, and his intuition told him that it wasn't so good, but after all philosophy was beyond his professional scope. What was bad about him was that he wouldn't be able to say it for a while.

"... Of course, everything is not absolute, and there are many couples who will walk into the halls of marriage, but today's society is more tolerant, and does not exclude or persecute dissidents."

Talking, the lady with a mature female charm turned back to Lu Zhou and smiled.

"... and, after seeing you, sir, I feel like I believe in love again."

This is considered to be ...

Hit me?

A hint of enthusiasm was faintly read from that sight, and Lu Zhou hesitated slightly, and said with perplexity: "... but you don't even know my name."

"Things like names are just a code name. What I value more is your maturity, stability, reliability, and ... oh, a manly feeling? Anyway, it's not the same as the girly next to you, I still like you . "

Hearing this sentence, Professor Leonard was reluctant and refuted a sentence.

"What is sissy? Which of your eyes can see--"

Ignoring Professor Leonard, the woman took a step closer with a smile, watching Lu Zhou continue.

"At that time, only you stood up bravely, saved me and my child, and the little girl who helped me, didn't you? If you could--"

"Sorry, I already have someone I like."

Although she, like everyone else, has become the memory of the times ...

There was a slight surprise to Lu Zhou's answer, and a look of astonishment appeared on the pretty mature face.

But soon, that surprise turned into a Yingying smile, she continued.

"If you feel the **** of your heart is too heavy, I don't mind developing another partnership with you."

Lu Zhou: "Sorry, I mind."


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