Looking at the lady's back, a trace of regret appeared on Professor Leonard's face.

He turned to look at Lu Zhou, he said.

"You shouldn't reject her."


"You are a black household now. Even if you have an identity card, you probably haven't logged into the household registration database. Without the benefits of Pan-Asian cooperation, you can't set up a personal account, and you will wear it out sooner or later. And you are freezing and dormant to this age. Did not freeze his identity information, I'm afraid it has been cancelled early, and it is not so simple to go through the registration procedures for Pan-Asian households ... "

I glanced sideways and saw that no one was looking to this side. Professor Leonard moved closer to Lu Zhou and lowered his voice and continued, "I know a little Chinese. Listen to the lady's pure Mandarin pronunciation. It should still be Chinese ... Do you know what this means? "

"... What does it mean?"

"Among the member registrations of many member states of the Pan-Asian Cooperation, the one with the highest gold content and the most difficult to handle is the Chinese registration. If you marry her in situ and successfully register for 12 months, it won't take long for me to lend you. Credit points also-- "


Perhaps frightened by Lu Zhou's tone, Professor Leonard shrank his neck, and closed his mouth immediately to stop talking about it.


Lu Zhou originally thought that his rejection was not euphemistic enough, but he did not expect that he still underestimated the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the people in this era.

For the past two days, the woman had been approaching him intentionally or unintentionally, or she was talking about some earthly love words copied from which paragraph of the book.

Perhaps it was because the way people expressed love in this era was too frank, so that in addition to feeling embarrassed, Lu Zhou felt more offended.

Confusion about Lu Zhou's response caused Professor Leonard to watch him for two days before finally speaking.

"Don't tell me ... you actually like men."

The boat that was drinking water almost didn't get choked to death by the liquid in the straw. He coughed several times before he calmed down.

"Ahem! What the hell?"


The hijackers have all escaped. If they were strangled by the water, it would be too aggrieved.

"I'm just curious," Professor Leonard shrugged his shoulders, glancing at the back row of the front row. "Even if you don't like it, why not give it a try? Or do you only mind if she has children?"

"Why have to waste time trying it? I can't agree with your logic ..." After asking a few words, Lu Zhou set aside the drinking water bag and continued to say with a hint of criticism, "And in In our time, the way of expression would be more euphemistic, anyway, I couldn't accept it. "

"So it is ... this is a valuable message."

After hearing this, Professor Leonard nodded, pinching his chin.

However, at this moment, he suddenly found that Lu Zhou was quietly away from him.

After a little stinging, Leonard quickly realized what was going on, and coughed, and quickly explained.

"Don't get me wrong ... I don't mean that, I mean the value in the sense of the study of ancient culture."

Lu Zhou: "..."


Forty-eight hours passed with the Tianzhou space station, the two patrol ships of the Pan-Asian First Fleet arrived at the runaway n-177 almost at an hour.

After the merge operation was completed, the two patrol ships sandwiched flight n-177, and the maintenance drones docked on the patrol ship replenished the propulsion fluid for the flight.

Looking at the Pan-Asian soldiers who boarded the flight, Lu Zhou's hung heart finally relaxed, and the other tired faces in the cabin also showed a relieved expression.

This is probably the longest flight they have taken in their lifetime.

Although for Luzhou, this is a flight from Mars to Earth, it takes time under "normal conditions".

In addition to distributing condolences, soldiers from Pan-Asian cooperation also checked the identity cards of the passengers on board.

On the one hand, it is to prevent potential safety hazards, to prevent those accomplices from hiding in the passengers; on the other hand, it is to check whether anyone is missing or killed.

To be honest, Lu Zhou was nervously subconscious when he checked in.

After all, he is a black household, and if the problem is detected at this point, it is really not very easy to explain.

Fortunately, what he worried about didn't happen, Xiao Ai was still reliable as always.

The soldier scanning his ID card found no problems, politely returned it to him, and walked to the next passenger.

Perhaps for the sake of not disturbing, these soldiers did not have much intersection with their ordinary passengers.

After recovering the corpses and the bionic wreckage, some of them returned to the patrol ship, leaving only the pilot and two marines on the flight.

Lu Zhou didn't know what they would write in the investigation report after seeing the corpses, but to be honest, he thought he might be a little bit playful.

The magnetic slingshot is okay to explain. He really didn't know how to explain that nitrogen shield.

However, it is interesting that the soldiers who cooperated with Pan Asia did not question him too much, but expressed surprise and admiration for his brave actions, and then went to other things.

With the completion of the working fluid supplement, flight n-177 began to return.

The professional pilot operated the spacecraft, and repaired the removed modules. There were almost no twists and turns in the second half of the voyage ...

Until the space station Tianzhou, once again came into the sight of Lu Zhou.

"The flight will arrive in 15 minutes. You will stop at the Tianzhou Space Station and then take the shuttle to Jinling City in the Yangtze River Delta city group."

"With regard to compensation, Pan Asiana Airlines, Ping An and Air Traffic Management Bureau will negotiate with you. We will inform you of the cause of the accident as soon as the investigation results come out."

"We are sincerely sorry for your encounter ..."

The Marine Corps soldier said something later, and Lu Zhou hadn't heard too much.

Looking at the blue planet re-emerging on the string window and the mountain-like space port, his heart was filled with shock, and his heartbeat gradually accelerated.

It's hard to describe in a few words the feelings boiling in his heart at the moment.

In addition to the majestic space port and the azure planet, what was imprinted in his eyes were part of excitement, part of the trance, and some emotions that could not be identified.

Perhaps this is the so-called timidity of hometown.

He has been away for a hundred years.

What is a hundred years?

Many people spend their entire lives, and may not be able to feel the vicissitudes and the changes of generations.

But to him, all that happened a century ago was as if it happened yesterday.

Just a blink of an eye, everything changed ...


Pan Asia, the Yangtze River Delta city group, Jinling.

Next to the landing area of ​​Sky Airport, there was a dark crowd waiting.

With the exception of some people who watch the liveliness, most of them are personal media and journalists from all over the world, as well as official staff of Pan-Asian Cooperation.

A live broadcast drone floated above people's heads, and the camera pointed at the distant sky without moving for a moment.

Today is the day when passengers n-177 return.

Since the flight was hijacked, the off-course transport ship has become the focus of world media attention.

This is a Pan-Asian cooperative flight!

Regional alliance led by the world's first power!

Who is so brave, dare to challenge powerful pan-Asian cooperation in this way.

Almost everyone in the world is watching the progress of the hijacking, waiting for a follow-up response from the Pan-Asian Cooperation, and praying for the passengers on the flight.

Now, after a series of bad news, finally there is a good news.

Those hijacked passengers were finally taken back to Earth.

In a maximum of half an hour, they will land here ...

"... Now we are in front of the Pan-Asian Cooperation Yangtze River Delta city group Jinling City Sky Airport."

Facing the footage of interviewing the drone, a stylishly dressed reporter lady held a recording pen in her hand and explained the situation on the scene with an excited voice.

"Soon the shuttle from the Tianzhou will land here, and our compatriots will be safe-look! They are coming!"

While talking, a touch of silver appeared in the distant sky.

I saw a shuttle-type shuttle drilled out of the clouds, approached the ground closer, and finally landed smoothly on the open space in the landing area.

A moving gangway approached, and with the pop-up of the pneumatic escalator, it was accurately docked to the open hatch, and the long-awaited faces finally appeared in front of the camera.

Stepping out of the shuttle machine, the dazzling sunlight came into view, and Lu Zhou narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

And when he finally adjusted to the sunlight on the earth, the dazzling sight suddenly caught his eyes.

"Thank you, the hero of the Pan-Asian people!"

A middle-aged man in a formal suit stepped forward and gave him a big hug, holding his hand and showing a smile with white teeth.

"On behalf of Pan-Asian Cooperation, I pay you the highest respect and thanks! Welcome, welcome, and welcome home!"

Glancing at him blankly, Lu Zhou shook hands with him, and saw the recording pen, lens, and interview drone behind him like a tide.

It was just a blink of an eye, and the pair of suffocating sights and tide-like problems rushed to him all at once.

"I heard that you solved the hijacker on the flight?"

This is probably the simplest question. Lu Zhou gave an ambiguous answer.

"... It's true."

Although 70% is attributed to Xiao Ai, the remaining 30 are successful, and the high-tech weapons provided by the system must account for at least 20%.

However, the weight felt by reporters at the scene from these three words was very different from the one who spoke these three words lightly.

The atmosphere of the scene was a little high chao.

"Is it convenient to disclose specific details!"

"... Sorry, I don't want to remember that thing."

This is Professor Leonard's suggestion. If it is a question that you do not want to answer, just reject it.

In the 22nd century, whether it was a reporter's interview or whose inquiry, unless it was an allegation of some special crimes, even the court could not force a person who did not want to speak.

Sure enough, after he bluntly refused, the reporter, despite his regretful expression, did not continue to question the relevant details.

However, although this problem has been eliminated, there are still a bunch of questions waiting for him.

I saw a young journalist and sister squeezed into the front row of the crowd, looked at him with admiration and said excitedly.

"Hero, may I ask your name?"

first name……


Facing the recording pen in front of him, Lu Zhou opened his mouth.

He missed the name on the ID card.

But after a moment of silence, he suddenly changed his mind.

He is Lu Zhou.

From beginning to end ...

This was the expectation his parents placed on him, and the recognition the world gave him. It was not something worthy or need to cover up.

Whether it is the past or the future ...

Facing the recorder and the pair of worshipers, or excitement, or curiosity and expressionless look at his gaze, he looked around the camera.

In a clear and affirmative tone, he uttered the unfinished sentence.

"I'm Lu Zhou."

The voice has not completely fallen.

The atmosphere at the scene boiled for a moment ...

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