"Monitoring has been deleted."

Pan Asia First Fleet Command Center.

Sitting in front of the holographic computer, the information technology expert pushed the glasses and continued with a solemn look.

"... and it was a very clean one, all traces were erased, and there was no data left."

"Delete?" The commander frowned slightly. "What about the backup in the black box?"

"... Although this may sound strange, but looking at the timeline mark, within a few minutes after we confirmed that the flight was hijacked, the black box stopped writing data. It was as if something had turned it off . "

The people in the command room looked at each other and saw incredible expressions from each other's eyes.

Especially the engineers from Pan-Asian Aviation and East Asia Heavy Industries, their expressions were more like constipation, and they couldn't believe it.

Turning off the black box is not difficult.

However, during the flight, closing the black box by abnormal means is a major "accident".

But then again, an ordinary hijacking, until now they have not figured out what happened on flight n-177, which is an incredible thing in itself.

"Of course the most unbelievable thing is not this ... I cracked a part of the unclaimed bionic human memory and found traces of artificial changes in it."

Hearing the information technology expert, the commander holding his arms frowned.

"Human change?"

"Well ... although the traces of the changes can't be erased, but I haven't figured out exactly where the changes are. The hackers who hacked into these memories carefully erased all the operation records, and I even suspect that ... will these traces of invasion be related to the hijacking case itself? "

The staffer meditated for a moment, and spoke.

"Although there is no surveillance video, from the fighting traces at the scene, the bionics were shot by hijackers. From a logical point of view, there is no need for those hijackers to shoot these bionics for no reason ... Will there be anyone Exploited the loopholes in these bionic systems and attacked those hijackers? "

"Impossible," the information technology expert flatly vetoed. "From the bottom logic of ai, bionics are forbidden from attacking humans. If your hypothesis holds, the problem we face is probably more terrible than the hijacking itself."

To some extent, the large-scale application of bionics has greatly filled the labor shortage caused by the aging population in East Asia. Although these bionics lack creativity, they are sufficiently obedient, so they have unique advantages in the service industry and pure physical labor.

In the 22nd century, with the average level of education in the Pan-Asian region, those low-end and high-intensity jobs performed by bionics were also unwilling to do.

It can be said that the breakthrough of bionic technology has magnified the prosperity of pan-Asian cooperation and even various regions of the world to a certain extent.

However, the premise of all this is based on the safety of the bionic technology itself.

Once bionics are no longer safe, they may face more than just a high-value-added industrial chain, but even hundreds of millions of time bombs. These bombs have been integrated into every corner of society, and there is even no possibility of dismantling them.

Losing pan-Asian cooperation with bionics will fall into the double trap of labor shortage and rising production price index at the same time. Even with the volume of economies cooperating with Pan-Asia, it is difficult to continue to maintain the current fiscal model of high welfare and high expenditure on public facilities.

Therefore, even if the possibility exists, the vast majority of people are reluctant to make such assumptions.

Apparently aware of this, the commander coughed slightly, forcibly ending the topic.

"That's when someone hacked into the bionic system and used those bionics as meat shields to contain those hijackers ... Anyway, compared to the hijacking incident, this kind of thing is just a trivial matter. I will do a while The report came out. If the people at the Security Bureau are interested, let them check it out. That's their scope of work. However, I still suggest that this matter be put aside. There are special periods for special periods. At the time In that case, no matter what actions the passengers on the ship take, they can be tolerated. "

"That being said, there are some things that I still can't take my mind off," recalling the previous call, Yang Wu frowned, and continued thinking for a while, "I want to see that person."

Commander: "Who?"

Yang Wu: "The man who took back the flight from the hijacker and contacted us in the cockpit. He intuitively told me that he should have some inside information."

A bitter smile appeared on the commander's face.


Does this still require intuition?

Everyone knows that flight n-177 can be rescued, and it definitely has something to do with him.

First, the hijackers were killed, and then the best way to use the slingshot effect to slow down was calculated. A set of textbook-level operations turned everyone over. Especially for the latter, until now, the space technology experts of the Pan-Asian Fleet could not believe that the complicated mathematical model could be calculated by the human brain.

It can be said that if it was not for that person, they are now standing at the press conference and apologizing in the face of the doubts of the whole society.

However, curiosity is curiosity, and law is another matter.

According to the laws of Pan-Asian cooperation, the fleet has no law enforcement powers, and they cannot summon or investigate citizens of any member state without authorization.

"Leave the matter under the control of the intelligence department. We can investigate the evidence collected on the spot."

Yang Wu still said unwillingly to give up: "Can you tell me his identity? I want to visit him through a private channel."

Commander: "There should be his identity information registered on the flight ... but I don't recommend you do this, it involves citizen privacy. If he has to go online, you will be in an awkward position."

Yang Wu frowned, feeling tricky for a while.

He didn't want to visit that person out of curiosity, but rather he couldn't let it go.

As for where this feeling came from, he couldn't say.

At this moment, the holographic TV by the wall is showing the live broadcast of the live interview, and Yang Wu's sight falls unconsciously on the person in the holographic screen.

Squinting his eyes, Yang Wu subconsciously took two steps towards the holographic screen.

I don't know if it was an illusion, he always felt this face familiar.

It's like I've seen it somewhere ...

"Hero, may I ask your name?"

Facing the lens and voice recorder interviewing him, the person in the lens opened his mouth and hesitated for two seconds.

But soon, that hesitation and confusion disappeared completely from his eyes.

It was also at this moment that Yang Wu's pupils contracted instantly, matching this seemingly familiar face with a segment in memory.

That is a long time ago.

Longer than the 2050 he came from ...

From his childhood, the elders always hang that name on their mouths and use that person's story or legend to inspire themselves.

As if to confirm the shock in his heart, the person in the camera slowly spoke.

"I'm Lu Zhou."

"From a century ago."

"... In the century I was away, it seems that a lot has happened."

"Let you wait long."

"I am back."

A couple of kilometers away from the hospital, a pair of chopsticks fell on the table.

A resolute man stared at the news in the holographic screen with eyes staring into tears.

Standing next to him, a wrinkled old man opened his mouth wide, and his face was unconsciously full of old tears.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he choked to himself with a choked voice.

"... I have to tell the elder the news ... No, what am I talking about? It's all 22nd century ... His old man has been away for a long time."

He didn't hear what Director Li was saying at all, and Wang Peng just muttered to himself.

"He didn't die ..."

The dusty memories flashed like a marquee, and he seemed to be back in the desert a century ago.

Standing in a ruin, he almost gave up on survival, until from below the gravel yellow sand, desperately pulled out a computer with a broken screen on his wrist ...

He considered 10,000 possibilities.

Never thought he might be alive.

I never even thought that they would meet again after a century ...

Lagrange Point military base.

Brigadier Li Gaoliang, who was watching the news, shoved open his chair and stood up.


It's actually a boat!

Others may not recognize it, but he can!

Standing next to him, a group of soldiers were staring at him dumbfounded.

Looking at Li Gaoliang, who was excited, his lieutenant swallowed, and asked unknownly.

"Sir ... what happened to you?"

"... Nothing! I told you and you don't understand," staring at the man in the screen, Li Gaoliang clenched his fists, and finally waved excitedly. "Preparing the transport ship, I'm going back to Earth!"

At this moment, on earth.

A bionic human guide who smiled and introduced the place where the Academician of Landing had worked before his visit to the former site of Jinling Institute of Higher Learning, which is not far from Jinling Sky and Sky Airport, suddenly stopped.

I stared into the sky not far away, and the mechanical pupils without emotion suddenly waved a wave.

It's him!

Its owner!

He is finally back!

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