Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1441: One word, it's a hundred years behind

Lu Xiaoqiao ...

Although there is only one word missing, this word is one hundred years behind.

Lu Zhou never thought about it, he would actually be in such a form with his descendants.

Lu Xiaoqiao was invited into the house, and Lu Zhou asked Xiao Ai to help pack the chopsticks into the kitchen and pour a glass of water for himself and the guest from afar.

After inviting her to sit down on the sofa, Lu Zhou carefully looked at her while she turned her eyes to the kitchen.

Much like it.

No, it should be said that it is too similar.

Especially her side face, and that tall forehead, was carved out of Xiao Mo with a mold.

I didn't notice that the ancestor sitting opposite was watching himself, looking at the little Joe who walked into the kitchen, and suddenly a slight smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Taking a look back from the kitchen, she looked at Lu Zhou and said.

"It looks like you're already in this age."

Lu Zhou replied casually.

"Why do you say that."

Lu Xiaoqiao: "That child, is it a bionic person?"

Lu Zhou nodded.

"Anyway, is there any problem?"

"Uh-huh, no."

Gently shook his head, looking at the ancestor who was more than 100 years older than himself, Lu Xiaoqiao bent his corner and said playfully, "I am beginning to believe that you are Academician Lu . "

Lu Zhou sighed.

"I was."

"I believe you, the closeness of blood is not deceiving, even two people who have never met."

For a moment, Lu Zhou felt that she wanted to call her grandpa or something similar, but maybe she was too young, and she couldn't say it.

When Lu Zhou was thinking about whether he should say something to open the topic, Lu Xiaoqiao sitting opposite him suddenly changed his serious expression, took a deep breath, and stood up from the sofa.

"First of all……"

"I must apologize for myself and my family before fulfilling the charter of the Freezer Rights Protection Foundation and explaining to you the present situation!"

Talking, Lu Xiaoqiao, who got up from the sofa, bowed deeply to Lu Zhou.

Enraged by this inexplicable behavior, Lu Zhou froze slightly, and asked in a fog.

"Apologize? Wait, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"It's like this ..."

After biting his lips, Lu Xiaoqiao lowered his head and told the truth in an ashamed tone.

It turned out that since losing the spiritual leader Lu Zhou, the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies finally reached its peak from the moment when it finally reached its peak.

Although Yang Xu, who succeeded the post at that time, made some efforts during his term of office, after his retirement, Jinling Institute of Advanced Research eventually fell into an unsustainable situation.

Especially around the 1950s, Xingkong Technology's patents expired one by one, core competitiveness was gradually lost, and the focus of business was forced to shift from technology research and development to investment in emerging technologies. Although this part of the business has also achieved certain results, it is nowhere near as brilliant as Lu Zhou was at the time.

Poor management, coupled with the loss of core competitiveness, have stumbled like this for half a century.

Around the 1960s and 1970s, the then chairman, Lu Xiaoqiao's grandfather, made a bold decision, even now.

Under the circumstance that Xingkong Technology was on the verge of bankruptcy due to poor management, he accepted the merger agreement proposed by the Pan-Asian Central Bank and split the business of Xingkong Technology. On the premise of retaining the brand of Xingkong Technology, the entire debt was built up. Sold to Pan-Asian Cooperation.

It is also in this way that the loss and debt problems of Xingkong Technology have finally been properly resolved, and the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies and other excellent research institutions-or the valuable academic heritage left by Lu Zhou Only then can it be preserved as a public research institution.

At the same time, the then chairman who obtained a large sum of money by selling off "ancestors"-that is, Lu Xiaoqiao's grandfather-followed Lu Xiaotong's will and devoted himself to public welfare, and used the money to establish the Luzhou Education Fund. Over 2,000 primary and secondary schools have been established on the land of Asian cooperation, which has made extremely valuable contributions to the modernization of basic education.

It is also worth mentioning that, after a century of ups and downs, although the Jinling Institute of Advanced Research has been depressed for a period of time, it has finally been reborn after publicization, becoming a top scientific research institution for pan-Asian cooperation, just like Jinling University. It is two ivory towers that want to see each other, watching the academic prosperity of this land.

In fact, after hearing the past events outside of these times, although Lu Zhou had a little regret in his heart, he was more gratified.

In the face of the truth of the universe, money is just a number that cannot bring him any surprise, and making money has never been his purpose in devoting himself to scientific research. From a long time ago, he has had wealth that he has been squandering for several lifetimes. If it is only for wealth, he does not need to work so hard.

In contrast, he is quite satisfied with being able to save the brand of Jinling Institute of Higher Education and see the academic heritage left behind.

In itself, his original intention to set up Xingkong Technology was just to facilitate himself and deal with those troublesome intellectual property issues.

However, although Lu Zhou himself didn't pay much attention to those things, Lu Xiaoqiao apparently couldn't help it.

After all, from the perspective of the results, how can this huge family business be defeated in the hands of their descendants.

Her grandfather even prepared to wait for Hexi to go down to Luzhou and personally thank him for the sin. As a result, no one had thought that the ancestors were still alive, and even the steps to thank him would be saved.

"I'm really very sorry, I'm willing to do everything I can to compensate you for your losses ... In addition, regarding the Luzhou Education Fund. In addition to those donated from various sectors of the society, there is a very considerable amount in this education fund. The asset belongs to you. If you wish, I can apply for the liquidation of this asset and transfer it to you— "

"No need," interrupted Lu Xiaoqiao's words. After Lu Zhou smiled, he continued to say in a tone that was not very concerned, "I understand that your grandfather made the choice at that time, and I did not blame you at all. You did what I always wanted to do, but I never had a chance to do. "

Lu Xiaoqiao opened his mouth slightly, looking at Lu Zhou's eyes filled with incredible surprise.

Obviously, she did not expect that after hearing such a thing, Lu Zhou would make such a free and easy answer.

She didn't care about the surprised expression on her face, and Lu Zhou didn't explain anything. After a pause, she continued to talk.

"I didn't intend to take back what was originally given. Whether it's the Freezing People's Rights Protection Foundation or the Luzhou Education Fund, now that you have found the right way to control this wealth, let this The noble and great cause continues. "

"As for money, it doesn't matter to me."

"I want to know more than these insignificant things ..."

The words had reached his lips, but at this moment, Lu Zhou suddenly became nervous for a moment.

But in the end he took a deep breath and made up his mind, saying.

"... they, how are you doing?"

Looking at the incomparable ease in the previous second, the face of Lu was filled with crickets on the face in the next second. Lu Xiaoqiao gave a slight nod and said with a smile.

"I can assure you about this. Although I haven't met my great-grandmother, but listen to my grandfather ... she is a nice, kind and humble person."

Lu Zhou froze slightly, and a reluctant smile appeared on his face.

"Really? Then I'm relieved."

The rigid atmosphere finally eased a little.

Although Ms. Lu Xiaoqiao, who was sitting opposite her, was still somewhat restrained, she was no longer as talented as when she first saw her.

In the conversation with her, Lu Zhou learned that her relatives had a happy life in that era.

This is also the greatest comfort for Lu Zhou.

As for his fiancée, the ceo in the heyday of Xingkong Technology, Lu Xiaoqiao didn't know much about her, but only vaguely remembered that she would resign in 2025.

As for the other ...

Who would record the life of a company ceo a hundred years ago?

After all, the two failed to officially enter the palace of marriage after all ...

"Actually, your parents left you a holographic image of them, which is stored in the safe of the Freezer Rights Protection Foundation. But I may not be able to give it to you now, and we must wait until Pan Asia The partner has notarized your identity before you can give you what belongs to you. "

"It's okay," Lu Zhou's expression was a little complicated, and he pretended to smile easily. "In fact, I wasn't ready to face them now. Before I regain my status, please trouble me to keep it for me. It's been a while. "

Lu Xiaoqiao shook his head and said, "Where is it? This is our obligation. It is nothing to worry about. I will definitely do my best to help you restore your identity as soon as possible ... In addition, I am here this time. Something. "

"whats the matter?"

"President Li Guangya should have already told you about the issue of compensation for Pan-Asian Airlines."

Speaking of which, Lu Xiaoqiao extended his forefinger and gently tapped on his left wrist. From the holographic panel that popped up later, he selected an electronic contract with about 12 pages and gently pushed it in front of Lu Zhou.

"This contract was jointly issued by Ping An Insurance Company of Asia and Pan-Asian Airlines. According to the law of Pan-Asian cooperation, Ping An Insurance of Asia will follow the two criteria of" significant navigational errors "and" significant safety risks ". Financial compensation to passengers on board. "

"After the contract is concluded, they will pay you 10% of the prepayment compensation immediately. After the investigation results are released, the remaining amount will be charged to your personal account at one time."

Lu Zhou: "How much money is there?"

"1 million credit points."

There is no concept of a credit unit as a currency unit, and Lu Zhou didn't think about it. After a brief glance at the contract, he printed his identity code.

After the contract was signed, Lu Xiaoqiao saw that it was not too early, so he didn't make any more stoppages. He said he would get up and leave after leaving for him next time.

After sending away his sister's great-granddaughter, Lu Zhou was preparing to go to the system space to see the quest reward that had not yet been claimed.

However, at this time, the personal terminal he wore on his left wrist suddenly received a reminder to the account.

Clicking on the pop-up holographic window, Lu Zhou looked at the string of zeros in the dialog box and froze slightly.

"……one million?"

He originally thought that the one million on that contract was referring to the total amount of compensation, but he did not expect that it was just an advance payment.

Thinking of the purchasing power of this credit point, Lu Zhou's face couldn't help but a strange expression.

Although he never thought that making money was hard for himself.

But he never thought that he, who had just returned to the earth, actually made the first bucket of gold in the 22nd century life in this form ...

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