[Congratulations to the host for completing the legendary mission: Return of Hell]

[Completion of the mission: At the junction of destiny, you chose the most difficult one. As you are convinced, all problems are solved before time. Believe that you return from **** will guide the right path to your fellow citizens. 】

[Reward: 2 million free experience, 10,000 points, a "legend" lottery opportunity. 】

"... In the face of time, everything is solved."

Staring at the pale blue holographic panel, chewing the land boat with these words repeatedly, there was a meditation in his eyes.

This is a word he used to say.

Unexpectedly, the observer who was hiding behind the void cited the past.

However, because the expression was too vague, Lu Zhou didn't even know for a while. Whether this guy was teasing himself as usual or some kind of serious advice.

He shook his head and decided to set aside this insignificant thing for a while. Lu Zhou reached out and selected the draw icon behind the points.

With the appearance of a pale golden light, a huge roulette with golden light particles appeared looming in front of him.

There must be something unusual about the legendary lottery opportunities.

After all, it's impossible to put out garbage?

Not sure if you want to set up such a big fg at the beginning, Lu Zhou hesitated a bit, but in the end, he didn't say a word, and pressed the draw button.

As the roulette began to turn, he pressed the button in the middle of the roulette again with a feeling.

According to the inertia, he continued to make dozens of laps, and the roulette finally stopped slowly, revealing his prize to Lu Zhou.

[Congratulations to the host, get a sample. 】

[Obtained, "Pvt-1" intelligent man guard. 】

The moment he saw the prize, Lu Zhou gave a slight stun, and then yelled in his heart, and quickly opened the inventory.

Directly in his inventory, a smart soldier with inconspicuous facial features, a human body similar to humans, and an unidentified alloy body is lying quietly in the small storage compartment in the form of thumbnails.

The scarlet pupil exuded a dangerous breath, making one wonder whether two lights would suddenly come out.

The moment a line of sight came into contact with it, a line of pale blue dialog boxes and accompanying explanatory text quickly appeared in front of Lu Zhou.

["Pvt. 1" intelligent person guard, origin of the Kalan Empire, production date is unknown. A general-purpose ground army unit dominated by a central server, which is often used for orbital landing operations and the clearing of dangerous colonies in the colony, has a simple carbon material control chip built-in, and has a limited degree of intelligence and autonomy in the offline state. 】

This thing ...

Shouldn't it be a special terminator?

Looking at the explanatory text floating in front of him, the more Lu Zhou read down, the more he felt scalp tingling.

Especially when he saw the column of autonomous consciousness, he had a little doubt for a while, whether he had drawn an all-around bodyguard or had trouble.

"... I'll ask Xiao Ai's opinion after I go out."

At least Xiao Ai will not harm himself.

Closed the inventory and reopened the properties panel.

After Lu Zhou thought for a moment, he assigned all the experience values ​​to materials science.

As the light blue light curtain swept over the holographic screen, the updated property panel quickly appeared in front of him.


a. Math: lv10

b. Physics: lv10

c. Biochemistry: lv8 (10,000 / 3 million)

d. Engineering: lv8 (0 million / 3 million)

e. Materials Science: lv8 (2.063 million / 3 million)

f. Energy Science: lv8 (0 million / 3 million)

g. Informatics: lv8 (0 million / 3 million)

Integral: 58335

Except for full-scale math and physics, several other subject levels have risen evenly to level 8.

Now the best upgrade strategy is to choose one of them as a breakthrough, raise the level to level 9, and get the promotion task.

Taking all factors into consideration, Lu Zhou's choice is material science.

This is his best subject besides mathematical physics, and it is also the field that best suits his talents in applied mathematics and condensed matter physics.

After confirming the updated property panel, Lu Zhou continued to look at the taskbar.

The mission reward did not include a mission card this time, and the lottery just did not draw that thing.

In this case, the task this time should be a long time out of three random tasks to do one.

Reached out and selected the taskbar, and soon three random tasks appeared in front of Lu Zhou through the holographic window.

[Task 1: Small Goals in Life]

[Explanation: Since the host thinks it is easy to make money, start with a small goal. 】

[Requirement: Earn 100 million in 30 days. 】

Lu Zhou: "..."


Tease me?

Although he had never considered the possibility that he would be poor, but he had never made such a fateful thing in 30 days, and he had no illusions.

Not to mention, he has not fully figured out the rules of the world ...

Considering the rate of inflation in the future era, there should be no such opportunity for riches. Lu Zhou didn't think much about it, and even didn't even look at the rewards, he directly entered this task into the cold.

[Task 2: Past Glory]

[Explanation: The glory of the past has gone with the wind, but a soul full of curiosity will not die with time. 】

[Requirement: get a PhD in 30 days to get an s evaluation.

Get a doctorate within 100 days to get an evaluation.

Get a PhD in 300 days and get a c evaluation. 】

Seeing this task, Lu Zhou almost did not spit out old blood.

Thirty days to get my PhD ...

Well, if the speed of awarding degrees in this era is fast enough and enough people kneel down and lick themselves all the way, no problem.

However, the trouble is that Nima may not be able to solve the problem of his identity card for 30 days.

Until now, he is still a “no-name” black household. Pan-Asian cooperation is still helping him with his investigation and evidence recovery. He hopes that the identity of a black household will be used to obtain a doctorate degree, and the ghost will only issue the degree certificate he.

Although this task seems to be the simplest and the task reward is not bad, after thinking about it for a while, Lu Zhou finally gave up.

It is unlike his style to pin the key to completing the task on uncertain elements.

"Last one ..."

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou looked at the last mission.

[Task 3: Holy Land Tour]

[Mission description: Time flies and it is the New Year, but this opening and closing is a century of vicissitudes. 】

[Requirement: Where you have worked or lived, there are three keys that belong only to you. Use holographic glasses to discover it, it is a treasure that only you can see. 】

[Reward: Each key rewards 1 million free experience. Collecting three keys can open a special reward. (Note: Collect any one to submit tasks for reward experience)]

"One key for one million experience ... three sets of three are three million experience, and there are special rewards?"

Is this really a normal task?

The reward is almost more generous than the legendary task.

Intuition tells Lu Zhou that the benefits and risks are always proportional, and 80% of them are waiting for themselves. Only at this moment, he couldn't figure out where this pit might be buried.

"... Anyway, anyway, this task seems to be more reliable than the first two."

With determination in mind, Lu Zhou who no longer hesitated, reached out and selected the icon of task three.

It does n’t make sense to worry about unknowable things. There are no pits waiting in front of you to guess just by guessing. You have to go over and take a look to know.

Not to mention he wanted to see it.

Where he used to live and work has become ...

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