Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1444: Mathematics and Physics

"Recently, a theft case occurred in the museum area of ​​the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies (former site). A guided bionic person in the museum has confirmed the theft. According to the museum's manager, the bionic person left the work area during shift changes, and Power off the bds system after leaving the museum area ... "

"It's like it's controlled by something," a 60-year-old grandma on the screen said aggressively in the face of the interview. "In the beginning, we didn't notice it because at all I never thought someone would steal a bionic person, and it would still be a guided bionic person! "

"Who said you would do such a mad thing, not even a guided bionic person! If you want to do dirty things, can't you buy an adult bionic person yourself--"

The second half of the interview seemed to be muted and cut off stiffly.

Immediately after, the camera seamlessly turned back to the studio.

"... It is reported that this type of bionic man is a g-004 type guided bionic man produced by the Hippocampus Group. Its purpose is to provide tourists with tourist attractions and amusement facilities guidance services. At present, the Hippocampus Group engineers have arrived in the park and are assisting The police and a third-party appraisal agency have identified the cause of the accident. "

"At present, it is not possible to rule out that the bionic person's system failure caused him to run away. The hippocampus group has temporarily removed the bionic model from its own sales channel and issued a risk warning notice to customers who purchased the bionic model. "

"Considering the possibility of a criminal case, the local public security organs have already been involved in the investigation after receiving an alarm from the museum."

"This reporter reminds everyone that if someone witnesses the whereabouts of the bionic person, please call the reporter immediately or provide clues to the museum and local police station."

"Jinling News, report for you."

early morning.

Sitting at the dining table, Lu Zhou was drinking coffee and listening to the morning news, and focused on browsing the contemporary academic information he was interested in through his personal terminal.

When he heard that a guided bionic man was missing from the Jinling Institute of Advanced Research Museum, Lu Zhou subconsciously looked up and looked at the large floor-to-ceiling screen embedded in the wall.

It was also by coincidence that Lu Zhou's entire body was trapped there.

Then, he looked away from the screen silently, looking at Xiao Ai, who was sitting opposite him with his hands on his chin and happily looking.

The air between the two ...

Suddenly fell into a weird silence.


"Well you're on your head!"

Looking at Xiao Ai who was stupid, Lu Zhou almost didn't twist his nose.


He is still half a black household, and his identity and hukou issues have not been resolved. Xiao Ai has troubled himself to return to the boss.

Stealing is not good, but also personally!

If we don't lack that money, can't we just buy one back?

"Master? Qaq"

"Don't bother me first, I think about what to do ..."

Holding his forehead in his right hand, watching TV that has started to release other news, Lu Zhou's left hand rested on the table, and his index finger kept on the table.

About two minutes later, Lu Zhou looked at Xiao Ai and said.

"You still have to return yourself."

"No! Qaq"

Unexpectedly, this little guy's response would be so great, Lu Zhou looked at it with a headache and said.

"What's the matter? Anyway, your ontology is just a server? Is it bad for me to buy you a new one then?"

Xiao Ai: "Master ... is Xiao Ai too dirty? Is it dirty? That's why I want to get a new one ... qaq"

Lu Zhou: "...?"

Xiao Ai: "But, face! And body! Every parameter is Xiao Ai. After big data collection, analysis and comparison, according to the most popular character image as a standard, completely designed by myself! Qaq "

This guy……

Is there any misunderstanding of the ownership of human society?

Lu Zhou, who has never been talked about by Xiao Ai, feels that her authority as a host has been challenged.

However, he couldn't bear seeing what she liked so much.

What do you say?

His current mentality is probably like an old father, watching his daughter drag the toys in the hands of other cabbages, even if he knew his daughter was wrong, he could not bear to talk about those principles.


If only we could talk to the museum and buy this bionic person.

But now the police are involved in the investigation. Even if he wants to solve it in private, there is no room for maneuver.

"You underestimate the power of human society and rules ... hey, forget it," Lu Zhou shook his head and put away the holographic panel floating in front of him. "Anyway, the Jinling Institute of Advanced Research is mine, Keep it if you like it. "

No matter how you say, you can come back alive from Mars, more than 90% have to thank this little guy for not forgetting himself, and wiping farts cleanly.

Although its requirements are a bit overwhelming, it is considered a reward.

"Yeah! Hey (???)?"

Hearing that Lu Zhou fulfilled his wayward request, Xiao Ai jumped up from her chair in excitement. When I saw this little guy, he climbed up to the table like a monkey, rushed to Lu Zhou's face, and kissed his face with a thunderbolt.

"Mua! Hey, thank you host! This is a little bit of a little bit of Ai, please be sure to accept-(/// w ///)"

"Take you a ghost! Are you the master or me?"

Raising the forefinger's knuckle and knocking on Ai's head, Lu Zhou gave it a stern glance, pushed the chair away and stood up.

"Master? Qaq"

"I'll go out and help Ling find out if there is such a doll hood. It can't be seen like this, and it has to be caught because it affects the city appearance."

"So, Xiao Ai has to help too! (??????) ??"

"You and Ling stay home to see if you want to save me some snacks!"

The "Pvt. 1" smart man guard wearing an apron just stepped out of the kitchen and stood holding the vacuum cleaner.

"Yes, Commander."

"Ling is ready, it's on standby."

Lu Zhou's brow twitched fiercely, looking at Xiao Ai, who was sitting on the table with an aggrieved look, and took a sentence after the previous sentence.

"... If you have time, help me to optimize this guy's memory software. I suspect that the compatibility is out of order ... at least to cure the problems with the stick."

"Also, your name is Ling, not Ling!"

The scarlet light flickered slightly, as if to understand the command.

"Successfully renamed, Ling is not Ling. I will work for you."

Lu Zhou: "..."


The biggest difference between transportation in the 22nd century and transportation in the 21st century is probably reflected in efficiency.

Transportation in this era almost interpreted the word efficiency to the extreme, especially in terms of public transportation.

From the vacuum magnetic levitation pipeline of 10,000 kilometers per hour to the urban light rail of 100 kilometers per hour, the downward-compatible public transportation system is like the aorta and capillaries in the human body. The division of labor clearly covers this. Every inch of the corner of the land.

I woke up in the Pearl River Delta city group in the morning, met in the Yangtze River Delta city group at noon, and went to bed in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei city group at night to watch a game and go back to sleep. A century ago, this was a state of life that only the social elites deserve. As long as you are willing to spend that time tossing, anyone can afford it ...

Finally, the two mentally retarded children in the family were settled, wrapped in a land boat purchased online, changed their shoes and went out of the house.

It was January, and although the house had a central air conditioner, it was still cold outside, so he wore a little thicker when going out.

Not only that, considering that something happened yesterday when I left the airport, I foresee that my face might bring a lot of trouble to the boat, and when I went out, I carefully shaped the appearance like a necklace wearable The facial holographic projection system was hanging around the neck.

After spending about half an hour, making a slight adjustment to his handsome face, Lu Zhou put on ar glasses, adjusted to the light mode to block light pollution, and then navigated according to the map ’s cursor. Came to the nearest station to the apartment.

He originally thought that it was just a light rail, it should be easy for himself.

However, he did not expect that he had just met his mother when he stepped into the station.

Looking blankly at the passenger hall where people were coming and going, Lu Zhou looked for a while but couldn't find the ticket machine. In the end, he had to ask the flight attendant for help.

"Hello, how can I buy a light rail ticket? I haven't seen vending-"

Looking away from the holographic screen projected by the personal terminal, the flight attendant sitting in the duty room looked at Lu Zhou with a strange expression on his face. "Light rail ticket? What's that, just go in by yourself if you want to take a car."

"No need to pay?"

"What are you thinking about? There is no such thing as free in this world." Lu Zhou gave a bad look, and the flight attendant continued impatiently. "As long as your terminal is open, we can identify you. Code, and then deduct from your account. I said, you are probably old ... frozen people, right? This is the 22nd century. "

Lu Zhou: "..."

This soul is indifferent. I just wanted to talk about old popsicles, right?

Speaking of how this kind of contempt guy mixes into the public transportation system?

Hurry up and let the bionics wipe out your post.

Lu Zhou grumbled dissatisfied in his heart and turned to the ticket gate.

For a moment, he suddenly had a sudden whimsy. What happens if the personal terminal worn on the left wrist is turned off while passing through the ticket gate.

Although there is no reason, Lu Zhou always felt that something bad would happen.

He did not have the idea of ​​escaping the ticket himself, but in the end, he did not try it out of curiosity, but just like other passengers, as the crowd surged past the ticket gate, he walked towards the boarding point ...

Not the same as the 21st century light rail.

Although the light rail in this era is also called the light rail, both in terms of technical principles and user experience are completely different things.

The intricate suspended orbits are like spider webs throughout the city, and corresponding to each station is a rail transit line stacked like a millennial cake.

If you want to get on and off the bus at the correct station without the help of ar glasses, it's just as unreliable as those old drivers who are trying to drive on the elevated mountain city in the 21st century with their memories.

Finally got on the light rail, Lu Zhou glanced at the arrival time, and then reached out and pressed the smart bracelet.

The translucent holographic screen popped up in front of him, and after dimming the screen brightness, he turned his attention to the academic information that he hadn't finished at home.

In general, compared with a century ago, the development of the world's academic community can be described by the word prosperity.

Many models that were still being explored 100 years ago have been tested in this era.

For example, the model of the industry-research complex he tried is now widely used in Jinling High-tech Park, but the heart has changed from a starry sky technology to a university field with more than 10,000 types of professional subdivisions.

Many large science and technology enterprises such as Haima Sports Group, which are at the top of a certain industrial chain, have been incubated under this model.

Then came the mathematics and physics that he was most concerned about.

Although compared to applied science, consulting in this area is relatively secretive, but with the help of Xiao Ai's intimate assistant, filtering out the useful parts from the redundant information is not the only one. It's difficult.

It is worth mentioning that the largest academic advisory exchange forum in the world is lspm. Although few people still remember what the abbreviation is, it has almost developed into a new era academic community.

Especially at the moment when virtual reality community technology is widely used, it was the first to launch vr online academic conference and online discussion group modules, and it is compatible with preprint functions. It has almost become the "second whiteboard" in the hands of young people. .

Although it also faces the same problem of the flood of civil sciences as arxiv, but in horizontal comparison, it is much better than many contemporary websites of the same type.

There have been many rumors about the managers of this forum. At present, the mainstream opinion is that the website is run by Academician Lu's descendants, that is, the board of directors of the Freezing Rights Protection Foundation.

However, no one would think.

In fact, this website is not a human at all, it is just an ai hidden under the former site of Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies ...

"In general, the development of mathematics is okay, except that Hodge's conjecture and bsd's conjecture have been solved ... there are no bright results, but they are on a stable track."

"The development of physics is quite satisfactory, although it is slower than I expected."

For the 100-century puzzle, only 27 were answered, and 78 questions remained unanswered. In particular, the first question he was most concerned about was the unification of the four basic forces. Compared with 100 years ago, contemporary theoretical physics has made little obvious progress in this direction.

In such a comparison, the progress in the field of mathematics is too great, first the Hodge conjecture completed by Professor Chen Yang and Professor Perelman, and then the bsd conjecture solved by Ji Mo.

The seven Millennium problems that are expected to be solved in the 21st century have only one np complete problem, and he has three of the six problems that have been solved. One of Hoch's conjectures was half solved by him, and one was solved by his apprentice.

Although the non-trivial zero point problem of Dirichlet's l function he is most concerned about still seems clueless, even as the question of the century of this century, it is clearly hung on the top of Mount Everest, but he stayed in solving the Riemann conjecture The hen who can only lay golden eggs has already laid several golden eggs for the people of this century.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou's face suddenly flashed an embarrassed smile.

If this doesn't prove his superiority, he really can't imagine how he can be even better ...

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