Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1445: You have a problem

"Jinling University Station has arrived. Passengers getting off at this station please bring your belongings, please get off in order ..."

The reminder sound floating above his head awakened Lu Zhou from the memories of the past.

At the same time, the pop-up window reminding the station is printed on the real-world navigation system opened by the holographic glasses.

Turning off the holographic panel suspended in front of him, Lu Zhou stood up from his seat, and as the people moved out of the car, he stepped on the place where he once swayed with excitement.

However, when he stepped out of the station in front of him and the sun was shining on his face, Lu Zhou was all there.


Where is it?

It ’s completely different from Jinling University in memory. The familiar Indus Trail is gone. There are gardening drones floating on the lawn. The silver-white buildings located on both sides ca n’t see any function. That's it.

Pushing the ar glasses on the bridge of the nose, Lu Zhou set the label of the experimental building of the Institute, but the navigation cursor in front of him was divided into three paths pointing to different paths.

3 experimental buildings? !!

Seeing the feedback from the navigation system, Lu Zhou was shocked.

When was the math department so rich?

When Lu Zhou had a hard time, and he didn't know where to go, he was hit on his back suddenly.

Although it was a surprise hit, Lu Zhou himself was fine, but the person who hit him almost fell to the ground.

"Sorry, hurry!"

Picking up the glasses from the ground, the boy who accidentally hit him on the back quickly lost his voice to him, and then left immediately.

However, where Lu Zhou missed this opportunity, he was about to find someone to ask for directions, and quickly grabbed the kid's arm.

"Wait a while, how do you get to the Shuyuan?"

"Shuyuan?" The boy froze and looked at Lu Zhou and asked, "Which specialty?"

Asked this way, Lu Zhou blurted out subconsciously.

"Number Theory……"

As soon as I heard it was number theory, the boy with square glasses turned back to God for a moment, and with a sad face held Lu Zhou's hand.

"Well, I also said that the big brother of which hospital is so slow, is it our hospital! You dare to suffer so much in the course of facial paralysis, don't you want credits ?!"

Facial paralysis?

Lu Zhou froze for a moment. Before he could react, it was a trance, and he was pulled and ran away.

"Wait, wait."

"What are you waiting for?"

"I mean ... is there no more convenient transportation?"

"At school, do you still want to do something like that and fly over? Keke ... You guy is physically fit. I don't have any **** while running. I'm special ... special ... do not! Talk to me. "

Lu Zhou: "..."

Isn't it special that you have been talking?

However, your physical condition, after a few steps, you are breathing like this, it is too bad.

When Lu Zhou returned to God, he had been brought to the teaching building by this young man who had said this, guessing the bell of the class, and stepped into a stepped classroom with a U-shaped distribution of seats.

I found a seat in the back row, sat down, looked around the classroom's land boat, and looked at the tired, out of breath student next to me, asking questions with interest.

"This big class is usually not named, right?"

Are students in this era so diligent?

"Name? What's that ..."

Looking at the expression on the young man's face, Lu Zhou immediately guessed that he had committed "Frozen Human Social Difference Syndrome" again, so he quickly changed his mouth and said.

"What is your name."

"Zhang Tao!"

"Which one on that stage?"

"Professor Sun Jingwen ..." Lao Yuan, who stared at the eyes for a moment, Zhang Tao looked at Lu Zhou with disbelief and said, "I'm going, you don't even know him ...?"

When hearing this stupid question, Lu Zhou smiled embarrassedly.

Seeing that the guy was still quite interesting, he sneered at it.

"Guess why every time I have an academic conference, I never ask someone for a business card?"

Zhang Tao glanced at him.

Every time ...

At your age, can you do it twice?

But he didn't take it apart, perfunctoryly.


Without paying attention to the perfunctory tone, Lu Zhou sighed softly.

"Because I'm blind."

What do you say?

There are more people he doesn't know. Anyway, everyone knows him.

However, the boy apparently listened to his words as a joke, covered his stomach with a slap, and exaggeratedly twitched for a while, then stood up straight.

"Ahem ... dude, you are so funny to speak, I almost didn't breathe in this breath. Should we exchange a virtual community account? Brush the blue book of the Empire of Blue Empire when you have time, and it is definitely not with you bored."

Lu Zhou smiled mysteriously and did not answer this question directly, but pointed to the direction of the podium.

"Let ’s get started, let ’s listen carefully, and talk about other things after class."

On stage.

A man with rimless glasses and a plain, formal dress and a meticulous expression came to the podium.

The forefinger tapped twice during the multimedia lecture, and digital cracks spread around, and four whiteboards lined up on the wall.

Lu Zhou finally knew why this guy was called facial paralysis by the students, because his expression was not very rich. The facial muscle was dormant as if to save energy. Since entering the classroom, the expression on his face has not changed at all.

"Today's content may be a bit supercritical, involving the most difficult problem in mathematics at the moment, that is, whether all non-trivial zeros of the Dirichlet l function lie on the straight line of the complex plane re (s) = 12.

"If you have done your homework, you should be familiar with this issue. This proposition is an extension of the problem raised by Academician Lu at the 2022 St. Petersburg International Conference of Mathematicians. problem."

"My teaching philosophy has always been this way. Mathematics is a discipline honed in practice. If you don't think about it, what I teach you will never become yours."

"Listen as much as you can understand, record it if you don't understand, go back and ponder slowly."

Then, in a sigh of sighs from the students, he turned to face the first whiteboard and wrote a line of calculations on it.

This formula made Zhang Tao, who was sitting beside Lu Zhou, frowned in pain, but Lu Zhou was familiar.

This thing ...

He seemed to be writing a blackboard at the conference of mathematicians in St. Petersburg?

"Replace the infinite series in the Euler product formula with a complex exponent s, and then set re (s)> 1 to introduce the Dirichlet l function ... interesting."

Zhang Tao was shocked when he heard the soft whisper in the mouth of the big brother sitting next to himself.

Can anyone understand this?

He just planned to talk about the school's anonymous community, and facial paralysis wrote some bird words that only he could understand ...

"Can you understand what he wrote?"

Lu Zhou replied casually.

"That's right."

Zhang Tao tentatively asked the question.

"Swarm ... Swarm Construction?"

"What stupid thing are you talking about?" Lu Zhou gave him a slight glance. "The part after introducing Dirichlet's l function is, of course, the unified theory of algebraic geometry. Have you ever seen such a group construction method?"

The problem is that I have never seen the unified theory of algebraic geometry ...

Realizing his ignorance, Zhang Tao closed her mouth in shame.

Lu Zhou sighed softly and continued with a flat head.

"... Also, in my impression, few people can understand this theory to such an extent that the usage is rigid and the old method is not always controlled, just a little more work."

Upon hearing this sentence, Zhang Tao's face became even more ashamed.

Maye, it ’s also pretend to be pretentious. This pretend to pretend to be so fresh and refined, round and natural, and your face is not red, heartbeat, hands shaking?

The key is to believe it.

What a real talent is really special!

In a time of fascination, Professor Sun Jingwen, who had written the whiteboard on the stage and was lost in thought, seemed to have forgotten that he was in the classroom, and focused his attention on the problem at hand.

However, he seemed to have encountered a little trouble, standing there frowning, as if embarrassed.

In fact, he did run into trouble, at least in Lu Zhou's eyes.

If no one reminds him, I'm afraid he can't think of it because of the thought of going tomorrow.

It was clear that this kind of feeling of getting into the horns of the horns, Lu Zhou sighed softly, and when he was hesitating to help the guy, his eyes suddenly fell on the red button at the corner of the table.

There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes, and Lu Zhou touched Zhang Tao sitting next to him with his index finger, and pointed to the button.

"what is this?"

"Instead of raising hands, such large classrooms usually have."

"So it is."

He nodded thoughtfully, and then Lu Zhou reached out and pressed the button.

I originally thought that there would be red lights flashing or sound effects such as prompts, but nothing happened.

However, Lu Zhou soon saw that he saw him with a pair of eyes, which was more noticeable than a loud speaker.

Staring blankly at Lu Zhou who pressed the button, Zhang Tao sitting next to him was frightened, and hurriedly pulled his cuff.

"Oh ... you don't want to live ?!"

In the Department of Mathematics of Jinling University, everyone knows that the face paralysis is the most hated of others to interrupt his thinking.

Especially when his research is at a critical stage ...

Interrupting him to ask questions at this time was almost the same as finding death.

Zhang Tao's voice became weaker and weaker in the end, because when he was talking, a sharp sight had shot from the podium ...

Pushing the frameless eyes, Professor Sun Jingwen looked at Lu Zhou expressionlessly.

"you have a problem?"

"No," he stood up from his seat, Lu Zhou shook his head slightly, smiled and said, "You have a problem."

The moment the voice fell, a loud noise spread in the classroom.

A group of students' faces showed incredible or incredible expressions, looked at Lu Zhou, and then looked at Sun Jingwen, who was standing in front of the podium.

What is the difference between this non-euphemistic way of speaking and death?

Many people even showed gloating expressions on their faces, waiting for Professor Sun's next response.

However, an incredible scene happened.

I saw Professor Sun standing on the stage not as angry as most people expected, but frowned.

"... where is the problem?"

Lu Zhou: "Corollary 4 on line 24. It ’s fine for you to introduce the idea of ​​differential manifolds here, but I think l manifold ... When academician Lu was designing it, most of the time he didn't think it would be used Solve the problem of Dirichlet's l function. "

"Of course I know." Pushing the glasses, Sun Jingwen stared at the landing boat's face, trying to see more clearly, but still did not recognize where this strange face came from. "L manifold is his solution. The key to the preparation of the ns equation problem is not used to solve the Dirichlet l function problem, but as one of the key elements to solve the Riemann conjecture, it is undeniable that it is the core tool of the unified theory of algebraic geometry. "

"Your mathematical history research is good, but mathematical research is not archeology after all," Lu Zhou said with a smile, "Can you borrow a whiteboard to speak?"

Professor Sun Jingwen seemed to be stunned, but he did not expect that the student was really here.

But he didn't say anything, just nodded expressionlessly, and made a please gesture casually.


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