Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1446: Academician Lu once said

Experimental Building of School of Mathematics, Jinling University.

Qin Chuan, who was sitting in the Dean's office, stared at the holographic window on the table with eyes, speaking excitedly to the person on the other end of the videophone.

"Lu Zhou is a professor at Jinling University! We have kept his position for the past 100 years! Now suddenly someone who looks exactly the same came out to promote himself as Lu Zhou, and we have an obligation to uphold Professor Lu's honor! This How could something have nothing to do with us! "

"However, we also have to worry about citizens' **."

Sitting opposite the holographic window, the man in formal clothes sighed and said with some nerve-racking, "In terms of procedures, this is the job of the household registration management department, and they will verify the authenticity of his identity through multiple evidences. If necessary, the strength of the security department will be used. If they think that your help is needed, then they will naturally contact you. If they think your opinion is irrelevant or cannot provide valid evidence ... "

The man in the video shrugged.

"Then I trust their judgment."

Qin Chuan still said reluctantly.

"Then at least help me arrange a meeting with him and let me talk to him in person!"

"Please believe in the fairness of the law, Mr. Qin, or Professor Qin. The identification of dormant people who dormant in abnormal ways is itself the most difficult problem in judicial practice. We also have our difficulties here."

"100 years is not 100 days. No hospital will keep his DNA samples for such a long time, and he has never donated ... evidence that contains genetic information. We need a rigorous chain of evidence to this matter Define, but trouble is here, most of the evidence is vulnerable to time. There are too many things that can change in a century. If you are a scholar, you should understand what I mean by this sentence. "

"So, my suggestion is still that way. Since you are a school, do what the school should do. Unless you tell me that you are his immediate or a close relative ... but it is obviously impossible."

Facing the man in the holographic window, Qin Chuan's tight shoulders were slightly relaxed after a while of silence.


"... if you insist."

The phone hung up.

Qin Chuan, standing up from his office chair, said angrily.

"These guys ... said things have nothing to do with us! I have never heard such a perfunctory answer!"

Looking at the indignant Dean Qin, the secretary standing beside him opened his mouth, and for a moment did not know what to say.

In fact, in his opinion, Dean Qin did have some paranoia.

Even though Jinling University has indeed retained Lu Zhou's professorship for the purpose of respect and commemoration, this reservation is unilateral. It is impossible for the court to refer to their opinions and make choices that affect the verdict.

At least, he believed the judgment of the court and the household registration authority.

But then again, although he thinks that this is something wrong with Dean Qin, he can understand why the old gentleman's reaction on this matter is so unreasonable.

After all, the ancestors have lied.

If he can keep his mind, he will feel stranger.

"Xiao Yang."

Hearing that Dean Qin stopped himself, the secretary standing next to him turned back and said quickly.

"what's up?"

"I will have a class in a while, and I will leave it to you in the afternoon for a working meeting."

The secretary named Xiao Yang immediately nodded and said politely with a smile.

"Okay, Dean."

Operating the holographic panel to download the courseware, Qin Chuan left the office without a word and walked towards the teaching building.

The more he thought, the more angry he was along the way.

In his opinion, the guy was purely stumbling from it, using the persuasion of official liaoism and the so-called procedures to passively treat the serious matter of "resurrection of Academician Lu".

When he arrived at the teaching building, just as Qin Chuan was preparing to go to the classroom, he suddenly walked past two young students who looked young.

The two talked excitedly as they walked.

"Well, have you heard? The face of the hospital was paralyzed, and a student who didn't know where it came from gave a lesson!"

"The first class doesn't have this person, and the second class doesn't. The other classes don't know, but they say they don't know him!"

"Is it the great **** of the institute?"

"No, that face is at most twenty-five or sixty years old. Such a young woman may be mixed in the academy!"

"I don't know then, shall we go and see?"

"Look at a ghost, class will not be available for a while? Wait for the second class to speak!"

Overheard the conversation between the two, Qin Chuan raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

This is Professor Sun Jingwen, right?

Always felt……

Seems something interesting happened?


Inside the ladder classroom.

From noisy noise to silence, it only took half an hour.

And it was during this half-hour period that the whiteboard made of holographic images placed on the right side of the podium had been filled with dense lines of calculations.

Staring blankly at the calculations written on that whiteboard, Professor Sun Jingwen didn't have any expression on his face, and his slightly opened mouth couldn't say a word.

[L (π) = ∫dt / lnt + o (s ^ 1 / 2x + e) ​​...]

"... an evolution of the hadamard method!"

Yes indeed……

Why didn't he think of it.

"In summary, there are obvious problems with inference 4 in line 24."

I retracted my hand that was pressed against the wall, but I was still a little unfamiliar with using the holographic whiteboard, and gently shook his sour arm.

Then he looked at Professor Sun Jingwen standing by the podium, smiled slightly, and continued.

"If you're watching what I write, you should already understand what I want to express. At this time, there is no need to stick to the method of introducing differential manifolds, forcibly introduce the unified theory of algebraic geometry, let alone stick to l manifold . "

"I ... if I remember correctly, Academician Lu should have said at the St. Petersburg Mathematician Conference that year that the unified theory of algebraic geometry is not a perfect theory. It is just a primer. It was born of the Riemann function Research, but not necessarily as effective on Dirichlet's function. "

"If you can find a way to improve this tool, I think you are not far away from the final answer."

Did Academician Lu say that?

However, this is not the point.

The throat knot moved up and down, and Professor Sun Jingwen felt that his worldview had been impacted. There was a difficult voice in his throat.


Seeing through the turbulent emotions behind that expressionless face, Lu Zhou thought for a moment, and said with a pointed finger.

"I have read the history of mathematics, especially about modern times. If I remember correctly, there is such a sentence on it."

"... Academician Lu has never worshipped authority in his life, and he often taught his students not to be too superstitious about themselves, so we should not worship him as an authority."

"I hope you are chasing the truth, not a voice a hundred years ago. If he did something imperfect, there is no need to justify him, erase that line and rewrite the correct answer."

That word was like a mallet ringing a bell, and it hit Sun Jingwen's ears severely, and also hit the wall in his heart.

"Academician Lu has never worshiped authority in his life, so we should not worship him as an authority ..."

As if the dream was awake, he gradually climbed up to his eyebrows, mumbling over the words repeatedly in his mouth, and his stubborn pupil gradually began to dye a different color.

Looking at Professor Sun who seemed to have realized something, Lu Zhou nodded quite satisfied.

Bitch can teach ...

Although this boy is stubborn, he is still somewhat talented. And the most commendable thing is that his stubbornness is not the kind that hit a wall with one head and ten cows couldn't pull it back.

At least those few words he said should be considered to be in his heart.

Well, now that I have finished speaking, Lu Zhou estimated that he should almost leave.

As for what you can realize, it depends on the child's personal fortune ...

Maybe it's because he has lived too long, and this is the university he used to work for. So whether it is a student sitting here or a professor standing on the podium, Lu Zhou looks at them and they always feel like watching. As kind as your own children.

If he can help them, he still hopes to help them.

However, just as Lu Zhou was about to leave, a vision suddenly appeared in his eyes.

I saw a pale golden key slowly emerge from the wall covered by holographic light and shadow without warning.

The moment he saw the key, Lu Zhou stunned subconsciously, then glanced at the students sitting in the front row without any trace.

Many people were surprised.

But that surprise was obviously not aimed at the key on the wall, but the line of calculations that even Professor Sun was speechless, and who wrote them down.

No one seemed to notice the key.

It is as if it does not exist in this world, but only in a world that only one can see.

Lu Zhou raised his right hand and touched the key. The moment his index finger touched the key, the key instantly turned into a ball of light golden light like a firefly, and it seemed as if he had found some kind of catharsis, running along his fingertips. Crazed into his body.

There is nothing special.

However, looking at Lu Zhou when all this happened, he felt an unexpected sense of spiritual fulfillment in his heart.

"So it is."

With a voice that only he could hear, he murmured softly while looking at the land boat in his right hand.

"Synchronize with the scenes in memory ..."

"Is this the trick to finding the key?"

The so-called "Holy Land Tour" originally meant just that.

As a professor, he once preached and puzzled his students here, but now he has revisited the place to complete the act again. So what is looking for the key on the surface, is it actually finding yourself?

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou couldn't help laughing and crying.

Unexpectedly, after 100 years of waking up, the system would actually throw itself such a philosophical task.

Just where is the next key?

Taking a look at Professor Sun Jingwen standing beside the podium, Lu Zhou hesitated for a while to say hello before leaving.

But looking at his thoughtful expression, Lu Zhou felt that it was better not to interrupt him at this crucial moment.

So he didn't say anything, leaving only a back of the tall and mighty shore for the people, and then watched in that pair of surprises, or worship, or stunned eyes, and left without a word ... ...

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