Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1453: Do I inherit my own heritage?

Lu Zhou never imagined that what he thought would be very troublesome. He did not expect to go out to change the skin of the bionic person, and it was all solved.

At this moment, sitting in front of him were the professional accountant hired by the Pan-Asian Cooperative Finance Ministry, and the lawyer hired by him for the Freezing Rights Protection Foundation.

Originally, Ms. Lu Xiaoqiao, the daughter-in-law of Zeng, who had n’t counted the generations, was coming, but since she was attending an important meeting in the Pan-Asian Cooperation South, she could n’t get away, so she had to send him regretfully in the hologram Congratulations.

As for Lu Xiaoqiao's grandfather, the man who failed the Lu family, he finally did not show up in shame, but asked the lawyer to send a handwritten handwritten letter and expressed apology in the letter.

Lu Zhou is actually able to understand the complex emotions in the hearts of future generations.

The awe-inspiring ancestors in their hearts are definitely not false. They may be brazen enough to say that everyone is the ancestor, and who have done great things.

But I really want the ancestors to climb out of the grave ...

They may not be happy.

Man, not everyone is a pure and flawless white flower, and history itself is precisely in this conflict of contradictions.

Only children who are a little older will hang on to their logic every day and take their own logic that "can't explain the present or the past, and can't even pass their maths".

It's as if you have an IQ in your mouth and you can have an IQ right away.

Sitting opposite Lu Zhou, the accountant looked at him with a restrained expression, and passed the electronic file printed on the holographic interface to Lu Zhou.

"According to the newly revised succession law of 2100, as the first-order successor, the ownership of Xingkong Technology now belongs to you. Although the assets have shrunk a lot compared with a century ago, there is a charity education fund for primary and secondary schools in it. In the name, if you wish, we can recover this part of the asset ... "

"No need," Lu Zhou said with a faint smile. "My descendants did not squander this wealth for pleasure, but did something meaningful to the people of this country, which was beyond my expectation. What's more, they did what I always wanted to do but had no time to take care of. Let them continue this career. "

Lu Zhou didn't care much about the star technology.

After all, he set up that company just to take care of his own intellectual property. These 100 years have passed, and there is still a name left. He is quite satisfied.

At least it saves him thinking about names.


He looked at Lu Zhou a little bit inexplicably, but the accountant didn't say anything, but continued to say.

"In addition, as for your property in Zhongshan International, due to the 70-year expiration of property rights and years of disrepair, it has been planned as a historical relic by Jinling City, the Yangtze River Delta city group, and has been developed into a science and education cultural tourism area. By law, this part of the assets cannot be returned to you, but Jinling will compensate you at the current market price. "

"According to our calculations, the amount of this compensation is 430 million credits, which is enough for you to build three modern two-storey villas of the same type in the surrounding suburbs ... Are you satisfied with this plan?"

Lu Zhou: "I have no opinion."

"Finally, there is Jinling University. They have kept your professorship for a hundred years. They hope to continue to hire you as a professor and help you integrate into the future society ... Of course, if you prefer the Freezer Protection Fund It ’s okay to contact the preparatory school over there. But we recommend Jinling University. After all, it is now the top university for Pan-Asian cooperation, and you can access some cutting-edge knowledge faster. "

The lawyer sitting next to the foundation also nodded.

"That's what we suggested here."

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Well, as you said."

"I'm done with the things on my side." This troublesome job went more smoothly than expected. The accountant took a sigh of relief and looked at the lawyer sitting side by side. "Then ... this is the next Sir thing. "

Naturally took over the topic, the lawyer handed the business card to Lu Zhou.

"I'm the lawyer sent by the Freezing Rights Protection Foundation. Here is my business card to provide you with legal assistance. If you encounter any difficult problems in your life, you can consult me ​​for free."

Chen Tianlu?

After taking the business card, he glanced, and Lu Zhou, who noted the name, nodded.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. This is my job."

Then, the lawyer took out a silvery white suitcase from the side of the sofa and placed it gently on the coffee table.

"In addition to those previous things, your parents rented a safe at the Bank of China during your lifetime, leaving you something ... We have reached out to the Bank of China to put you in the safe for you. Bring things over. "

"The password is your birthday."

Looking at Lu Zhou, who was silent on the suitcase, his eyes were silent. Attorney Chen exchanged sight with the accountant next to him, and coughed and stood up from the sofa.

"So I wish you a happy life, and we'll bother here today."


Perhaps it was read out of the overflowing emotions and feelings on Lu Zhou's face. After explaining everything, the two did not bother here, and soon got up to leave.

Before leaving, the accountant from the Pan-Asian Cooperative Finance Ministry left an invitation letter that was said to have been given to him by Chairman Li Guangya, hoping that he would be able to attend the welcome party hosted by him at Heart of Asia the day after tomorrow to celebrate him Return from Mars.

For these insignificant things, Lu Zhou didn't take his mind at all, and after a perfunctory remark, he sent the two away.

Back in the living room, he opened the suitcase, handed the honest holographic memory card on the top to Xiao Ai, who was silently sitting next to him, and copied and transmitted the data to the holographic home theater.

With the light blue light particles converge.

A beautiful sandy beach replaced the entire living room, and the gentle sunlight and the waves slowly moving on the horizon came into the sight of the land boat.

Looking at the two old men standing on the beach, Lu Zhou's eyes were wet unconsciously.

Although I don't know how many years this holographic image was taken, the wrinkles on the faces of the two old men have increased a lot compared to the last time they met. The only comfort to him was that the smiles on the faces of the two old men were cheerful.

"Hi, Zhouer."

"If you can see it, it should be a long time."

"After you leave, my mother and I are living fine ... Although I have been sad for a while, but like your sister enlightened us, life has to look forward."

"You may have also seen that we are on a small island in the south ... We will be back to Jiangling for Chinese New Year tomorrow. To be honest, I am very lonely without you and have worked hard for Xiaotong's child. But I hope you do n’t We worry that we are all happy, and the only regret is that we cannot share this happiness with you. "

"I hope you don't worry about us. Although we are also thinking about whether to go to the future to see what kind of life people will live in the future, but after thinking about it, we finally give up. Life is just 100 years, no matter Are they living in the future or now? It seems the same to us ordinary people? "

"Your mother always said that I was neurotic, maybe it was a bit ... but I always think you are okay. You must be alive in any corner of the world. Maybe when I think of home, I ’ll go home and see Yes. "

"As for recording this holographic image, it's just a sudden whimsy of your dad. Isn't the young people now popular with that one? We use holographic images to record our youth or something, and we are in a hurry."

Standing on the beach of holographic light and shadow, the old man seemed to remember the past, and his expression showed nostalgia for the past.

But soon, he smiled heartily, hiding the emotion of nostalgia behind the camera.

"This video, if you have a chance to see it!"

"If you can't see it, your mother and I will be as if you've already seen it, haha! Anyway, your kid was saying goodbye to him!"

"In addition, I did n’t understand the things your sister asked me to take, but I took them for you. I do n’t know how much these things can be worth in the future. If it does n’t work, sell them as an antique ... "

Here the hologram is interrupted.

Lu Zhou took a deep breath and wanted to bury his nose between his palms.

But then he suddenly felt that his right hand was gently held by a warm hand.

Feeling the incredible warmth on the back of his hands, Lu Zhou looked up at Xiao Ai sitting next to him, and quickly met those worried eyes.

"Well, Xiao Ai specially installed a troublesome heating system for the host ... If only it could come in handy. Although Xiao Ai didn't understand this mood well, I still hope the owner's mood will be better."

"I'm fine," Lu Zhou said with a slightly reluctant smile on his face, and said softly, "I was somewhat relieved to see them living so happily."

Take out the box that Lao said from the suitcase, and Lu Zhou's forefinger opened it with a quiver.

But the moment he saw what was lying in the box, the whole man was there.

He originally thought it would be some daily necessities such as a diary, but he did not expect that it was a stack of documents.

And this stack of documents is still so familiar.

"East Asia Power, East Asia Communications, East Asia Heavy Industries ..."

Subconsciously read out the familiar names on the title of the document, and looked at the Luzhou of this stack of documents, and Luzhou was all there.

What else is Zhongshan New Materials, Baosheng Group ...

Everything is right.

When he talked to the accountant about Xingkong Technology, he still felt a bit wrong.

The moment he saw the stack of documents, he immediately realized where the problem was.


Xingkong Technology is not so easy to go bankrupt.

At that time, the school sister almost emptied all the working capital of Xingkong Technology. When East Asia Power was just established and the cross-regional power grid did not have a shadow, it bought tens of billions of shares.

There was also the time when Huaguo built the world's first submarine quantum optical cable. As the owner of related patents, Xingkong Technology also participated in the formation of East Asia Communications Group.

Not to mention the high-tech companies that Star Sky Technology has invested in through technology and capital to do charging piles, automated logistics, battery materials and other emerging industries ...

No one will live 100 years later, right?

For a long time, it turned out that Xiao Tong considered that the operating conditions of Xingkong Science and Technology might change in the next 100 years, and planned to separate this part of assets from Xingkong Science and technology for him in advance.

In this case, even in the event of a major crisis such as bankruptcy of Starry Sky Technology, this part of the "hard currency" assets will not be auctioned or liquidated.

Looking at the things his parents had collected for him, Lu Zhou's mind was overturned, and for a moment I didn't know what to think.

Ten billion?

One hundred billion?

One trillion?

Maybe even the corresponding influence of these stocks cannot be measured by such things as credit points.

Holding the box in his hand, Lu Zhou suddenly felt a little hot.

Just like he never thought of himself as a scholar, he did not rely on the wisdom in his own head, but earned the first bucket waking up from the 22nd century because he saved the passengers of a flight by mistake. Like gold.

He never even thought that one day he would become the richest man in the world by inheriting his legacy.

This statement is not exaggerated.

Even if he does not calculate the compensation given to him by the Pan-Asian cooperation, he is already the richest person in the world by relying on the equity certificates held and certified by the Bank of China.

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