Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1454: "Resurrection" Professor Lu

Just when Lu Zhou was in a complex mood for a while because of this coming to heaven and windfall, what he didn't know was that the whole world was sensational because of the news of his "resurrection from death"!

Jinling University.

When the first news about Lu Zhou's identity was broadcast, most of the classrooms were still in class.

Standing on the rostrum, the gray-haired old professor was telling the obscure theories in a gentle tone, while facing the holographic whiteboard and writing the equations of hyperspace theory.

However, at this moment, the opaque pupil stuck on the whiteboard suddenly shrunk slightly, and he seemed to be seeing something incredible, and he froze there stupidly.

There was no explanation in a word, not even a little warning.

The old professor seemed like he had seen a ghost, and he couldn't even attend the class, and ran out of the classroom excitedly.

In the face of this sudden situation, most of the students sitting in the classroom listening to the class are aggressive. You look at me, I look at you, you do n’t know what happened, and you do n’t know what the class is about. Do you want to continue?

As various news began to spread, the entire classroom soon became a mess.

"What the hell? Is this class still out?"

"What the **** happened, Professor Liu? He always stepped on the lesson. What happened today?"

"I know what happened! Did you watch the news? That Luzhou! He is really alive!"

"What ?! Lu ... Academician Lu?"

"Otherwise, who else is that name!"

"Sink, Sink, Sink ... !!!"

Although the passengers of flight n-177 just returned to Earth three days ago, there was indeed a man who looked very similar to the land boat one hundred years ago. Facing the camera and reporters blocked in front of the ramp, he announced that he was alive .

But after hearing that news, most people just regarded it as a joke.

Frozen dormant technology has been around for 100 years.

For ordinary people, this technology is not as rare as it was when it first came out.

Every once in a while, someone who looks exactly like a well-known figure decades ago emerges, asking the state or its descendants to return their property or privileges.

Most of these claims were eventually proved to be false. Only a few people did lie into the dorm at some point in the past through informal channels, and recovered their status with the help of official officials from various countries.

Therefore, for people of this era, posing as a frozen person to defraud property is a relatively common low-level deception. Some rich people in history have even been impersonated more than once.

At most this time the people who were impersonated were relatively new.

But now it's different.

This is official recognition from Pan-Asian cooperation!

Facing the cameras of reporters, Chairman Li Guangya shook his hand and welcomed him home on behalf of the pan-Asian people.

This recognition from the official level is naturally more than someone's unilateral claim to have credibility!

Once the news was broadcast, it swept across the entire network like a tsunami.

On the entire virtual social network, whether it is an academic forum or a guild discussion board of a certain vrmmo game, almost everyone is discussing this matter.

The greatest scholar a hundred years ago!

The founder of modern civilization!

Such a great man woke up from a deep sleep, not only the netizens were shocked to fall to the ground, almost everyone who knew him, studied his doctrine, and even studied himself was shocked by the news. Speechless.

In fact, it is true.

If the impact of this news on the average person is just to stay at the level of surprise and rebuilding history, then the impact on the academic world can be analogized by a class 12 hurricane.

In less than five minutes after the news broadcast, the lspm academic forum's series on "hyperspace theory", "extra dimensions", "unified theory of algebraic geometry", "unified field theory", "calculated materials" and so on The tabs were updated at the same time with a "significant research progress" reminder.

This feature is a major feature of the lspm forum.

The forum server will monitor the discussion heat of a hot topic in major academic communication communities around the world based on special algorithms to facilitate scholars engaged in research in this field. In this era of information explosion, do not miss the important news that cannot be ignored. .

It is precisely because of this setting that almost all scholars or physics amateurs who pay attention to the label, whether or not they follow the news, receive the pop-up reminders as soon as possible.

[On January 11, 2125, Academician Lu was "resurrected." 】

Although there are only a few short words, the amount of information in it is indeed so huge that it cannot be ignored.

As if to announce the return of an ancient emperor, those scholars who have graduated from college reading his thesis and studying the topics left by him have become bald almost at the same time because of this news.

Whether it is Lu Zhou's research direction, or those areas that have not been studied yet ...

Everyone is talking about the impact his return may have on academia.

A well-known scientific column in the Pan-Asian Cooperation.

At the invitation of the program group, Academician Wang Defu of the Pan-Asian Academy of Sciences sat on the sofa in the studio.

After a few opening remarks, the host sitting opposite Academician Wang quickly raised a question that almost everyone was paying attention to.

"How do you think Professor Lu's sudden" resurrection "will affect the academic world?"

In the face of the host's question, Academician Wang Defu's response was reasonable, and he smiled kindly.

"You have given me a problem. What kind of impact ... is hard to say."

Moderator: "Is it inconvenient or difficult to judge?"

Academician Wang Defu thought about it and said.

"Have both."

"In fact, if I remember correctly, similar discussions took place on the lspm forum a long time ago, but the object of discussion was not Lu Zhou, but another scholar in history. If in the young age That is how Einstein, who is in his thirties, has affected the academic community today. "

The host asked with interest: "Do you remember your answer then?"

"I remember," said Academician Wang Defu with a smile. "If I remember correctly, my answer was like this."

"Ordinary people generally have a sense of superiority when they think about historical issues. This person is wise, and that person is an idiot. Why are so many obvious problems wasting so much precious life?"

"This kind of thinking is actually reflected in film and television cultural themes. For example, the enduring traversal of the theme. Assuming that a modern person crosses back 100 years ago, there is almost no doubt that he can lead a century with a forward-looking vision. The information was mixed in that era. "

The host smiled and said, "Did you travel back 100 years ago? If I can't accept it, it is said that there were no urban cloud systems and smart wearable devices and holographic technology in that era."

"Yes, there are, but it's not as convenient as it is now ... but this question will go off the mark," Academician Wang Defu smiled, brought the topic back on track, and continued to speak in a gentle tone. "Actually objective It is normal to look at this problem and have this sense of superiority. "

"Until now, although the development of human society has retraced on a small scale, it has moved forward in a large direction. If an era does not even have the sense of superiority it should have, then it must have failed. And we have not been standing still in the past 100 years. Whether it is science, technology, economy, culture or education, or the progress made in eradicating poverty as a social issue, the utopia that can be imagined 100 years ago is just that.

"However, as I said, this issue should be viewed objectively."

"Although most phds who are engaged in the research of theoretical physics can understand the theory of hyperspace and extra dimensions that were rare at the time, this does not mean that they are standing on the shoulders of giants. , He himself is higher than the giant. "

Looking at the host in deep thought, Academician Wang Defu continued to speak in a relaxed tone.

"An individual's behavior can never be predicted, just like physics cannot describe the trajectory of a single molecule. It is difficult to say what specific changes Lu Zhou will bring to this world, and I am not even sure he will return to academia."

"However, I am still looking forward to his return to bring a fresh air to the deadly academic world today."


Hot discussions on the Internet continue.

However, compared to the discussion on the Internet about his "resurrection", Lu Zhou himself does not have much consciousness of being in a vortex of storms.

To tell the truth, Lu Zhou, who was taught by Ai for a long time, learned how to use the virtual community to obtain the necessary information correctly, and felt like an lonely old man left behind by the times.

"It's okay, even if the entire Internet doesn't have a place for you, you are the best here in Xiao Ai! (??????) ??"

"... you said that I didn't feel comforted at all," looking at the holographic screen floating in front of them, those dazzling information and ui designs made the scalp dingy, and finally gave up the clockwork scarf to celebrate Just a urge.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to do this. It's just the app that old popsicles understand. In the new century, it has been swept into the grave of history.

Even his Penguin has become part of historical memory.

Otherwise he kind of wants to share the joy of going home with his fans ...

"There is still much to learn ..."

With a slight sigh, Lu Zhou turned off the holographic screen and stood up from the sofa.

Xiao Ai: "Speaking of it, master, the formal dress you ordered online has arrived. Do you need to try it first? (?????)"

"So fast?" Glancing a little, watching the logistics drone flying over the window, Lu Zhou thought for a while, then said, "Okay, I'll try it later."

Ai: "Need Ai's help? ()"

Lu Zhou: "..."

Is there something wrong with this guy's head?

Sure enough, I had time to take a look at the former site of Jinling Institute of Higher Education.

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