Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1455: Celebrate Triumph Party!

Yangtze River Delta city group.

A giant building made of steel, located on the edge of the coastline of Shanghai's adjacent port area.

The dark gray steel skeletons form the exterior wall of the building. The beautiful outline looks like a cradle from the distance, gestating the fire of life and hope.

Its name is Heart of Asia.

Every inch of steel on it is special steel produced under the low gravity and low pressure environment of Mars.

In commemoration of that year, Tiangong City's population exceeded the 10,000 mark, and the GDP exceeded the one billion threshold. Huaguo cast this landmark building with steel sent from Tiangong City.

It is also this building that doubled the gdp of the Mars colony the following year.

In the past seventy years, this building has witnessed the cross-regional power grid spreading across the Asian land, witnessing the replacement of traditional optical cables by submarine quantum optical cables, and witnessing the people of Pan Asia and the Chinese people hand in hand With the common prosperity, it has formed a community of destiny in the new era.

To this day, this cultural center, which integrates virtual reality technology and can accommodate tens of thousands of people, has become one of the important places for Pan-Asian cooperation to show regional strength and hold international events.

Today, this cradle standing on the coastline is once again lit by gorgeous holographic light and shadow.

Representatives from more than a hundred countries and regional alliances attended the event, as well as elites and celebrities from all walks of life, and representatives of civil society also received invitations.

All 36,000 holographic projection arrays are energized, and the two main roads adjacent to it are all blocked. All guests attending the meeting are sent to the venue by special light rail, and the entire area of ​​police force has been invested in this area to ensure Law and order.

For the first time in such two decades, such a high-level party ...

Although he has not yet stepped into the venue, the land boat standing in the lounge at this moment has already heard the tumultuous noise outside the venue.

He calmed down his breath, and made a relaxed smile in the mirror, calming his beating heart a little.

"... It's embarrassing to be so grand."

Gently adjusting the tie on his chest, Lu Zhou glanced at the body of the "new era dress" that can definitely be called a strange costume in the 21st century, and suddenly felt inexplicable in his heart.

After thinking of returning to the earth, he just passed the dull day of less than three days, and he was about to return to the dull life of that storm in the spotlight. He was a little bit stunned for a while.

However, that faint fascination lasted only a moment.

Taking a deep breath, he nodded slightly to the waiter waiting to show that he was ready, and then followed in his footsteps and walked into the lobby of the Asian Heart.

The spacious corridors are covered with red carpets and extend all the way to the door.

The guard of honor guard standing at the door opened the door for him to the main venue.

Almost as soon as he stepped into the main venue, the illusory salute made 12 sounds in the air.

The light particles and the colorful ribbons flew slowly down the dome along the carefully carved steel load-bearing structure, and finally landed slowly on the bright red carpet.

The stars that have fallen from the sky can be seen embellishing the glory that is invisible beside him.

Cheers, applause, and a pair of hot and excited sights, such as the rushing tide, pushed the atmosphere to the peak ...

Many people took tens of thousands of kilometers of maglev trains, and made every effort to obtain admission, just to see him at the scene, to see the style of the greatest scholar of a century ago ...

"Welcome home!"

On his own initiative, Director Li Guangya held Lu Zhou's right hand with both hands and smiled warmly.

"Hopefully, this triumphal ceremony that is a century behind will not have kept you waiting too long!"

"It hasn't existed for too long, it's just my eyes closed and closed," holding the right hand of Chairman Li Guangya, Lu Zhou smiled slightly and continued, "The only thing that surprised me was that no Thinking of this blink of an eye, the outside world has changed so much. "

In fact, his experience on Mars cannot be fully described with the eyes closed.

Even after watching the life of Mars civilization in a fast-forward state, his memory spanning tens of thousands of years has taken him a few years.

However, compared with the time elapsed on the earth, the years of this area can only be described as insignificant.

Besides, more detailed things, he hasn't thought about whether to say it.

"No matter how the times change, I believe that people's enthusiasm and thoughts for you will not change," Chairman Li Guangya smiled openly and said in a relaxed tone, "I believe you have felt the cheers Arrived."

"Haha, that's true," Lu Zhou smiled kindly and joked. "It would be better to say that the enthusiasm makes me a little embarrassed."

After a few words of exchange, Lu Zhou followed the pace of the party's emcee and came to the first seat of the infield guest seat. Sitting next to him are ministerial officials of pan-Asian cooperation, as well as diplomats from other regional alliances.

In particular, diplomats from other regional alliances, who have been turning their attention to him, seem to be trying to see something from him.

For those inquiring eyes, Lu Zhou only responded with a faint smile and didn't say much.

He could guess the surprise in these people.

He can even be sure that if Newton or Einsta climbed out of the coffin one day, the expression on his face might not be calmer than them ...

On the stage, an elegant and long singing voice sang, and the passionate symphony struck.

The 100-meter wide holographic screen, like a golden waterfall, slowly dangles from the sky above the dome.

Lines of powerful words emerged from the waterfall, presenting his life and honor to everyone.

Chen Shengshen Award for Mathematics, Cole Number Theory, Winner of the Ling Yun Medal, Huffman Medal, Fields Award and Gauss Award Winner, Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Honor of the Pan-Asian Academy of Sciences Academician, founder of Luzhou Education Foundation and Freezing Human Rights Foundation ...

And one of the most influential people of the 21st century announced by the United Nations at the beginning of the 22nd century!

Regarding his title and honor, even if he exhausted the entire holographic screen, he could not exhaust it. And the honours that descendants have given him in the past century, even Lu Zhou himself did not fully know.

As for the legends surrounding him, that's more.

Presumably, even if it takes the entire evening party time, I am afraid that it cannot be described in detail.

However, Pan-Asian Cooperation has no plans to do so.

The party was not originally designed to look back on his first half of life, but to send a signal or announce a fact to the world.

The man who once led China, the world, and human civilization toward greatness!

Now, come back!

The lights dimmed slightly.

The hustle and bustle in and out of the field calmed down slightly.

A man in formal clothes came to the stage.

Facing a pair of eagerly looking eyes, Chairman Li Guangya cleared his throat and announced with a steady and solemn voice.

"... The unfinished exploration a hundred years ago opened the prelude to the era of space navigation. A group of explorers from all over the world gathered to challenge the ruins buried under Mars."

"It was also the exploration of extraterrestrial civilizations that made us look at the world beyond the atmosphere, and made us truly realize that we are not alone in this universe, but in our cradle. There are also mysteries and dangers we don't understand. "

"We paid a heavy price for our immaturity, and also left our heroes on Mars forever."

"However, everything is not as bad as we thought."

"Perhaps because of the fate of God, or because of this century of hope and prayer, our hero did not rest in the ruins, but returned to us with his glory!"

"Let us applaud and bless his triumph!"

"Welcome our hero home!"-

(Follow ", see the little story behind Xueba ~ (??????) ??)

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