Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1462: Incredible circuit

In the laboratory.

The orange-yellow sphere was placed in an airtight lead-shell container.

Eight flexible robot arms carrying special probes are located inside the container and are regularly distributed around the orange-yellow sphere.

The calibrator was turned on, and as circles of infrared beams were spotted on the surface of the metal ball, Lu Zhou expertly set up a data acquisition scheme with the help of assistant Xiao Ai, and then pressed the button to start the test.

The eight neutron beams of neutrons were released instantaneously, penetrating the shell of the "killing core". Through eight spatial coordinate axes, eight probes located on the robotic arm, respectively, from the macro and micro levels, the sample data A comprehensive collection was carried out.

The first is at the macro level. The whole metal sphere's parts are analyzed, split to the extreme, and presented to Lu Zhou in the form of a holographic image.

At the micro level, the material of each part, even the precise arrangement of the space at the atomic and molecular levels, as well as a series of meticulous information such as chemical and molecular bonds, are all collected and summarized in a comprehensive package. On the form.

According to the data in the table, Xiao Ai, who was an assistant, quickly drawn it into a visual chart and presented it on the pale blue holographic interface floating aside.

"Inconceivable ..."

Staring at the scan data on the holographic panel for a long time, Lu Zhou's eyes gradually began to show a little surprise.

He originally thought that the material that constituted the core of the entire killing would be something that could not yet be resolved based on the level of technology on the planet. However, the material presented to him was unexpected and easy to understand.

At least, it was far from mysterious enough to make him incomprehensible.

"The surface of the sphere is a layer of molybdenum-titanium alloy ... the metal atoms are stacked in a special way, and the point of dispersed carbonization formed by molybdenum and carbon in the alloy is quite interesting."

Although this technology can also be achieved in the 21st century, it is difficult to make discrete carbonized material points so uniformly distributed in the material, even in the 22nd century technology.

At least, according to the public information collected by Xiao Ai for him from the database of Jinling University, no similar technology has been mentioned, and no one seems to be doing research in this direction.

Putting the material of the spherical shell aside, Lu Zhou continued to look like the inside of the spherical shell.

This doesn't matter, when his eyes fell on the holographic image corresponding to the internal structure of the spherical shell, the whole person was there.

I saw a layer of blade structure of carbon material, which is closely arranged in a spiral shape inside the spherical shell, leaving only a nano-scale gap between the layers.

Without the help of special lenses, such an amazing shape would not even be observed at all.

Not only that, the blades are not fuel-saving lamps.

Although it seemed bland at first, it was no different from ordinary double-layer graphene, but when Lu Zhou continued to adjust the probe and made a few more sets of data collection, he soon discovered that it was hidden in the ordinary Mystery in it!

On the seemingly smooth two-layer graphene surface, the delocalized large π bond between each carbon hexagon and the chemical energy of the bond are slightly different.

Although this difference is not very large, it is particularly prominent in Lu Zhou's eyes.

A slight movement in his heart, Lu Zhou immediately ordered.

"Xiao Ai, connect the large π keys with similar key energy and present them to me in the form of a two-dimensional image."

"Yes, master! (??????) ??"

A cube-cone-shaped holographic beam transforms in the air, and a clear blue hexagonal grid plane is quickly presented in front of Lu Zhou.

Lines of different colors connect the hexagons with similar large π bonds. Lu Zhou stared at the intricate image for a while, suddenly a look of sudden realization appeared on his face.

Perhaps he noticed the expression on Lu Zhou's face, Xiao Ai flying next to him like an elf with a big thumb, sat curiously on his shoulder and asked.

"Master, do you see something? (?????)"

"Well ... that's right."

Nodded his head, Lu Zhou thought for a moment, then continued his expression solemnly.

"If my guess is correct ..."

"These two-layer graphene should be a circuit board."

Xiao Ai: "Oh? Isn't this obvious? ⊙ ▽ ⊙"

"Although this is said, ... the key point is how they implemented this special integrated circuit," paused, Lu Zhou continued, "the traditional printed circuit method obviously does not work, if My guess is correct ... they should be working on chemical bonds. "

This integrated circuit is no longer the kind of integrated circuit board in the traditional sense.

On its surface, there are no circuit wires that can be seen by the naked eye. Instead, a special technique is used to surgically modify the delocalized large π bond so that free electrons on the surface of graphene pass through a specific trajectory The surface of the grid.

"Modification of chemical bonds, the connection formed by the electron's macroscopic motion trajectory is the abstract circuit of the entire circuit board." Although there is no real wire, it achieves the same effect as a circuit wire. The connection between electronic components is realized. "

"... His, it's hard to imagine how they did it."

No matter how thin the circuit wires on the circuit board are, there are limits.

Leaving aside the quantum tunneling effect, the theoretical limit of integrated circuit density for pcb boards dominated by copper wires is limited by the diameter of copper atoms. For the next-generation circuit boards, which are dominated by graphene materials, the theoretical integration density of the circuit is also a reason, which is restricted by the diagonal length of the carbon hexagon.

No matter how the diameter of the atom is placed, no matter how the wire is wider than the diagonal of a single carbon six grid.

However, this technology is beyond the framework of traditional wires.

They used some physical and chemical characteristics of chemical bonds that humans did not understand for a while, and on the planes of carbon hexagons, they drew strips that could allow electrons to pass in specific directions and angles, but could not capture their trajectories with the naked eye. Expressway.

For the time being, Lu Zhou couldn't think of how Jialan civilization did such an amazing thing.

Just as the Jialan civilization cannot understand, the way in which the observer civilization makes the restless hadrons combine into a strange drop that transcends the concept of molecules and jumps continuously in the universe in a jumping way.

The technological gap between the two parties is just like the stars in the sky and the pangud on the ground. Even if they are both nuclear fusion, both the scale and the technical core are not on the same level at all.

However, this clue is quite valuable if it is only used as inspiration.

Lu Zhou felt that his own head seemed to be pushed open the door to a new world.

Before he opened the door, in his cognition, the wires on the circuit board were all visible "open wires".

But now he finds that the original integrated circuit technology can still play like this.

"These guys ... really played with the material."

Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head, turning off the scanning device.

Today's harvest is quite satisfactory for him, and can even be described as quite harvestable.

Quietly waiting for the gamma value in the lead-shell container to return to normal, Lu Zhou put on protective gloves and carefully took the orange-yellow sphere out of the lead-shell.

Taking this killing core back into his arms, just when Lu Zhou had just backed up the experimental data and finished cleaning up the original, Xiao Ai, who was next to him, suddenly said.

"Master, it looks like someone is looking for you outside! (??????) ??"

"Find me?"

Lu Zhou frowned slightly, looking at Xiao Ai's virtual portrait, and asked.


"There are a lot of people at the door ... Xiao Ai doesn't know who it is, I'll show it to you directly. (?????)"

After all, a holographic window popped up quickly on the blue holographic panel.

Looking at the crowd standing in the window, Lu Zhou froze slightly.

Principal Cai Mingrui and the dean of the Academy of Painting here can understand it. Researchers from the Institute of Computational Materials came to see it and he understood.

But the chairman of Pan-Asian Cooperation ...

What happened again?

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