Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1463: Beyond the concept of "future" (Happy New Year !!!)

The laboratory door was locked, and there was no movement in it for a long time. No one knew if something was going on inside.

For experiments involving chemistry, no matter how perfect the protective measures are in the laboratory, the experimenter cannot hold himself to death. Just in case

Just as the group hurriedly began to discuss whether to enter the door, the closed door finally opened.

Looking at the faces standing at the door, Lu Zhou calmed down and was about to ask what was happening. Chairman Li Guangya squeezed a step forward and said beforehand.

"Academician Lu, are you finally busy?"

As he said this, a temporary squeezed smile appeared on his face.

Although this guy felt a little strange, Lu Zhou nodded his head and said concisely.

"Well, that's right."

Li Guangya continued with a smile: "Just returned to Jinling University and started experimenting. Your love of science is really admirable!"

Although it is a compliment, the tone of this great read is really inconceivable. Is this guy praised?

A strange look at Chairman Li Guangya, Lu Zhou said.

"Chairman Li has passed the award. I just happened to care about it and wanted to find out."

"Where is reputation? Your love for science is a model for our Pan-Asian scholars!"

He smiled heartily, and President Li Guangya glanced at the door behind the landing boat, and then asked curiously, "A topic that can make you care so much must be an interesting proposition? Is it convenient to disclose?"

This guy……

What do you want to do?

Should I tell the truth?

Although it is not particularly sensitive, it may be very troublesome to explain.

Lu Zhou thought slowly for a while in his heart, and suddenly noticed a pair of eyes full of curiosity next to him.

Some of them are researchers from the Institute of Computational Materials and experts from the field of materials science such as Dean Zhou.

My heart touched a little, thinking that these juniors were so diligent and eager to learn, Lu Zhou was also embarrassed to hide it, so he said.

"In fact, it is not mysterious, just after seeing that the experimental equipment of this era is so advanced ... Try to demonstrate some of the brain holes I have created for carbon materials before."

"For example, by modifying the chemical bond energy, one or more tunnels are formed on the large π bond that can stably exist and allow free electrons to pass through stably."

"A tunnel through which free electrons pass steadily?" A doctoral student stunned and asked subconsciously, "The large π bond would have allowed free electrons to pass ... what does this tunnel that allows free electrons to pass?"

This question is also asked by many scholars present.

The large π bond has the characteristics of some metal bonds and can allow free electrons to pass ... not to mention today in the 22nd century. Even if it was put 100 years ago, it is something that junior high school students know.

After reading the confused expressions on the faces of the people, Lu Zhou said after thinking for a moment.

"Let me give you a simple example ... have you ever played a puzzle?"

"Puzzle, jigsaw? This ... I touched it when I was young," the doctor student said confused, "Is there anything wrong?"

"Suppose you have a lot of hexagonal puzzles, and each one corresponds to a large π bond of a carbon hexagon. Now we arrange these hexagons next to each other in a straight line, and the hexagonal pairs The corner line, is this straight line ... or the minimum width of the wire? "

Isn't this a single-layer graphene nanoribbon?

What's difficult ...

Although I always felt that there was something wrong with this metaphor, he couldn't figure out where the problem was for a while and a half, and the doctoral student nodded his head with a grimace and said.


Lu Zhou smiled slightly.

"Then you are wrong."

"If I use a knife or something to draw a knife across the surface of the puzzle, the line will be much smaller than the puzzle itself."

Doctor: "?????"

That's all, although I know that the child probably didn't understand it, but Lu Zhou didn't say much. After all, I hope to fully describe the theory, I'm afraid it won't take enough time for a whole class.

Moreover, looking at the thoughtful expressions on the faces of several experts from Dean Zhou, he felt that someone should understand what he meant.

The inheritance of science itself is a process of spreading the net. As long as one or two people understand what he is saying and can make a little achievement in this direction, it is actually enough.

After finishing this topic, Lu Zhou looked at Chairman Li Guangya, who had been waiting for a long time, and asked.

"Aren't you back to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei city group? Why ... come back again?"

In fact, he originally wanted to say "how so busy", but thought that he and he hadn't gotten close to the kind of year-end friendship with Lao Li and could joke with each other, but finally politely resisted.

Hearing Lu Zhou's words, Li Guangyagan coughed.

"I happen to have something here ... I came back temporarily. Just passing by Jinling University, I just wanted to see you."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou didn't hold back and rolled his eyes.

Not to mention that the two talents met yesterday, how could it be so clever to find Jinling University here.

It is too uneasy to compile for this reason.

However, Lu Zhou was too lazy to take care of these trivial issues and went straight to the point.

"Let's be more straightforward. What do you have?"

Seeing Lu Zhou asked this all the same, Li Guangya was also embarrassed to continue to circle, nodded, his tone became serious.

"I'm very sorry to bother you for two days in a row, but I do have a very important matter here and I must discuss it with you."

Lu Zhou: "Not convenient to say here?"

Li Guangya nodded.

Do not want to waste time, Lu Zhou said simply.

"That line, let's go out and say."

After all, Lu Zhou thanked President Cai and Dean Zhou for borrowing his laboratory, and said goodbye to the crowd, and left here with both Li Guangya.

Looking at the two who had gone away, Cai Mingrui secretly pulled Dean Zhou and asked curiously.

"What did the academician Lu said just now? I didn't understand."

Although he was curious just now, he has never been embarrassed to ask, now he finally has time to ask the experts' opinions.

Hearing President Cai's words, Dean Zhou finally returned from God.

After a bitter smile, he spoke.

"Actually ... I know a little bit."

"You talk about it!"

Can't stand the question of President Cai's material science layman, Dean Zhou sighed, and tried to explain in terms that most people can understand.

"In simple terms, before, we used silicon plates, graphene to make chips, and print integrated circuits. All were made of visible materials and carved on a visible plate."

Speaking of this, Dean Zhou paused for a moment, considered the wording, and continued.

"Professor Lu just provided a ... new idea."

"It is not necessary to print integrated circuits with visible materials, but to operate on invisible chemical bonds to form an abstract circuit that exists only logically."

"For this abstract circuit, the wire is the macro trajectory of the free electrons moving on the surface of the material. When this trajectory can be stably maintained, or in the sense of probability, it is bundled into an electronic band of limited width ... then it has nothing The question is the circuit. "

"If this technology can be realized, we can even engrav the circuit we need directly on the surface of graphene. Not only will the difficulty of printing integrated circuits be greatly reduced, but the degree of integration of the circuit will also increase geometrically!"

Cai Mingrui looked at Dean Zhou with a quizzical expression, and said with a moving expression, "... Is this exaggerated?"

Although he did not understand materials science, he understood the current plight of the electronics industry.

After a century of development, the space that can be excavated by carbon-based chips has been very narrow. However, apart from carbon materials, they cannot find a more suitable alternative than it.

After all, this is something that is constrained to death on the periodic table ...

Looking at the shocking expression on President Cai's face, Dean Zhou relaxed his tone slightly and said, "It's just a conjecture about the technical route, don't take it too seriously. Can you achieve it without repeated demonstrations and attempts for one hundred and eighty years? I think it's hanging ... After all, this concept is really too advanced. "

"But can come up with such a concept ..."

"I can only say that it is indeed Academician Lu."

If the research on chips is likened to stacking blocks, then the focus of their research for decades or even hundreds of years is how to cut the blocks as small as possible, or use as few and as light as possible to complete That tall, narrow modern technology building.

However, the man's approach was a different approach. As if everyone was pondering the technique of stacking wood, he took a carving knife and carved a building directly on the block.

No doubt this is a building.

And it's definitely one that no one has ever seen.

Regardless of whether this research idea can produce results, it will unquestionably open a new door for the future development of the electronics industry in the 22nd century ...

Thinking of this, Dean Zhou also couldn't help writing the words "Persuasion".

I used to hear people say and read books that the man had stood at the pinnacle of human mind, but he hadn't taken it seriously before.

After all, history is history anyway, and it is impossible for a dead person to be resurrected. If it is resurrected, it will only be an old antique left behind by history, which will not be of any benefit to the future.

But today, he was completely taught, what a fearful power ...


(Except one year old in the sound of firecrackers, I wish you all a happy Year of the Mouse! Good health! Yesterday in the thirties, the code word was still a bit inconvenient. Today ’s update is a bit late, so everyone has waited a long time ~)

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