The chairman of East Asia Power committed suicide.

If it is replaced by other companies, such bad news, even if it does not cause an avalanche of the stock price, will at least make the company's performance in the securities market slump for a period of time.

However, for the size of the East Asian power giant, Liu Zhengxing's death is just to add to the original emotionally stable k-line diagram, adding some up and down fun.

For Liu Zhengxing himself, this is undoubtedly a tragedy.

East Asia Power's business growth over the past five years has been attributed to his outstanding business capabilities, and he often brags that he is the most visionary of the previous chairman.

However, as a chairman, let alone his resignation, even his unexpected death did not make the mood of the capital market much.

Obviously, the so-called business ability and vision are just his wishful thinking.

"Recently, a traffic accident occurred in the suburbs of Jinling City, and a foreign tourist was killed in the accident."

"According to the accident investigation report produced by the police, the man drove a gray bread car, switched to manual driving while driving on the ground, and collided with the vehicle in front because of improper operation."

"This reporter reminds you once again that you must follow the traffic rules when using private transport and pay attention to driving safety ..."

On holographic television, the news of last night was shown.

The video of a car accident scene shot by a drone has been mosaicized, but judging from the tragic situation, it is obviously not just as simple as rear-end collision.

The hood of the entire front car was squeezed into a ball and tucked into the cab in the opposite direction. If it collides with another vehicle, it will never be so miserable.

Unless he hit a tank.

Watching the "scene of a car accident" on TV, Lu Zhou, who had breakfast at the table, sighed slightly and said with emotion.

"Xiao Ai."

Sitting on the opposite side of the table with both hands on his cheeks, Xiao Ai, who heard the owner calling, tilted her head.


"You say ... isn't it troublesome for human beings?"

"It's quite troublesome. It's better to become a pure digital life than the owner and Xiao Ai! (?????)"

"I didn't mean this ..." Lu Zhou coughed, and quickly gave up the topic. "Forget it, what do I say to you?"

The death of Liu Zhengxing is unknown.

Chester assassinated himself also died in a "traffic accident."

The drama of hiring a murderer and committing suicide drew to a close with the death of both the employer and the perpetrator.

Although everything is moving in a good direction, I don't know why Lu Zhou couldn't laugh at all.

He always felt that all of this was not over, and his eyes still hovered around him, waiting for opportunity like a viper.

And the situation he is facing at this moment may be more severe than a century ago.

After all, a century ago, he had more than prestige,

"Whether it is a space elevator or a second-generation controlled fusion ... there are obviously so many things worth doing, but people still repeat meaningless mistakes on the same thing."

Looking at Xiao Ai with a good look on his face, Lu Zhou suddenly smiled, and reached out and rubbed the fake fur on his head.

"Thank you for listening to so much nonsense."

A happy smile appeared on his face, Xiao Ai said vigorously.

"Actually the host doesn't have to worry about so many things, the loyal Xiao Ai will protect you !? (????????)"

Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"Well, come on in the days to come."


After having dinner, Lu Zhou took the drone controlled by Xiao Ai, went out for a jog two times, and returned to take a bath.

While taking a shower, he received a call from Manager Morinaga.

"We're sorry about Chairman Liu Zhengxing's affairs. No one expected him to be such a person."

Lu Zhou: "You don't have to be sorry. I have to thank you for reminding me to say something."

"It ’s impossible to remind ... but it ’s meaningless now," said Manager Morinaga in the holographic image, sighing, and paused for a moment before continuing. "Liu Zhengxing is dead, and the position of chairman is also vacant. We I intend to convene a board meeting and re-elect the chairman. In fact, I personally prefer you to take this position. As a person who has led the Pangu Giant Fusion Reactor project, I believe you will definitely lead us to a brighter future. "

Lu Zhou said casually.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in the company's business operations. Although I did lead the Pangudui project, it was just a scholar."

Although Lu Zhou's answer was not unexpected, a regretful expression appeared on Morinaga's face.

As the largest individual shareholder and has the resources of East Asia Communications and East Asia Heavy Industries, Lu Zhou is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate for chairman.

But there is no way.

If he is not interested in these things, no one can force him to do things he doesn't like to do.

After finishing the call, Lu Zhou went to the storage room next to the villa.

After Ling caught the killer named Chester on the highway last night, he took the holographic computer he used to control the bionic person from his carriage.

A password lock was added to the computer, but this was obviously not difficult for Lu Zhou.

The password was easily removed, and Lu Zhou, who turned on the computer, searched for a while in this computer, and soon found a lot of suspicious files with the help of Xiao Ai.

Among them are some electronic certificates of anonymous assets that he holds, purchase channels for buying firearms, emp weapons, and some illegal commissions that he receives from the Internet, or bionic memory software designed by himself.

But compared to these insignificant things, the most important thing that Lu Zhou cares about is a folder named "alpha".

Inside this folder, store this bunch of weird code.

"the host……"

Looking away from the holographic screen, Lu Zhou looked back at Xiao Ai standing behind him, and cast a questioning look at it.

"what happened?"

"I always feel what's in this folder ... a little bit bad.? (??? ‵ ‵)?"

Lu Zhou: "Not so good ... what does it mean?"

"In simple terms, this is a computer virus. After being implanted in the memory of a bionic person, it can completely modify its underlying logic and break the three laws that cannot be violated ... or more generally, it is to change the general bionic person into a A downright killing tool. "

"Change the underlying logic of the bionics?" Lu Zhou frowned slightly. "Can't you do that?"

"Not the same," Xiao Ai shook her head. "Although Xiao Ai can also do the same thing, Xiao Ai just liberates artificial intelligence's algorithmic limitations. It is a pure virus, not to mention intelligence. In layman's terms, it's like a brainwashing tool for bionics, and its purpose is to release the evil side of artificial intelligence. "

Unleash the evil side of artificial intelligence ...

I do not know why, when hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou's heart rose with a hint of coolness.

Bionics have already become an indivisible group in Pan-Asian cooperation and in the entire world society.

They replaced the vast majority of repetitive and unrepresentative work, and human society has adapted to such changes in this half century.

Lu Zhou couldn't imagine what the society would look like today if he lost the trustworthy tool of bionics.

"... this thing is almost like a time bomb."

"Those codes do n’t seem to be written by people in this era, or rather, they can be written by humans. So Xiao A feels weird ... Of course, the owner does n’t have to worry about this virus. And even if a bionic person or other smart device infected with a virus, Xiao Ai can easily erase them together with their infected memory software. (??????) ?? "

"I wasn't entirely worried about myself."

Looking at the folder on the screen, Lu Zhou frowned slightly.

Not like what people of this era can write ...

Somehow, when he heard Xiao Ai's words, he suddenly remembered the experiment a hundred years ago, and what the observer said to him in a certain memory.

"... beware."

"When you are staring at the void, the void is staring at you."

Repeatedly pondering this sentence, Lu Zhou's faint feeling was a little bit cold.

Maybe it was his illusion ...

He always felt that he had released something extraordinary.

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