Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1477: Overcast clouds

"Have you heard?"

"What did you hear?"

"Sounds of gunfire were heard in the suburbs of Jinling High-tech Park, and many people saw police ... it is said to be related to the bionic crimes that have been circulating a while ago."

"Really fake? Don't make rumors. I heard it was just that someone was filming there ... wasn't it a rumor?"

"Well? I just heard that ... maybe? But do you really think that things like bionics are safe? Some time ago, I lost one of the Jinling Institute of Higher Education Museum. It is said that I slipped by myself."

"Maybe to celebrate the resurrection of Academician Lu? In any case, the three laws of robots are unbreakable. It is impossible for regulators to release water here. The technical strength of the Hippocampus Group is also there. Where can there be such illogical loopholes ... ... Alright, let's change the subject. "

On the campus of Jinling University, walking on the tree-lined path leading to the preparatory classroom, Lu Zhou heard the discussion of the students walking in front of him, and couldn't help raising his brow, and unconsciously accelerated his pace.

His original intention was not to listen to others talking about himself, and to leave quickly.

However, he did not expect that when he passed by the two students, he scared the children so much that he could not speak.

After arriving in the classroom, Lu Zhou glanced at the students scattered in the classroom, and found a spot in the first row to sit down.

About five or six minutes later, the bell of the class rang, and the guide Sun whom he saw some time ago stepped in and out of the classroom.

When I saw the land boat sitting in the first row, the young girl suddenly opened her eyes, and the whole person froze there as if she saw something extraordinary.

"Lu, Academician Lu, how are you!"

"Hello," Lu Zhou smiled kindly as he looked nervous and greeted himself. "Don't worry about me, start class."

"Ah, OK, OK!"

Maybe it was never thought that one day, Academician Lu would be given a class. During the whole class, the instructor Sun was very nervous. Even when he was excited, he accidentally bit his tongue.

It's unbearable to be able to make such boring theoretical lessons so ups and downs, but Lu Zhou was quite surprised.

Of course, what surprised him the most was the things he learned in class.

In particular, the bionic technology that affected the entire human civilization in the 22nd century, and a series of social problems caused by the technology, etc.

Although Lu Zhou himself is more concerned about some things on the technical level, this interpretation of realistic technology from the perspective of the humanities has also opened up a special perspective for him.

After class, Lu Zhou spent 10 seconds, sorted out the problems learned during the class, then stood up from his seat and walked to the podium.

"May I ask a question?"

Seeing Lu Zhou asking himself a question, the little girl standing behind the podium stood subconsciously and straightened up, speaking like an error.

"You, excuse me!"

"Don't be so nervous, it's not a personal issue," Lu Zhou smiled, looking at the nervous Sun Sun, and then said in a gentle tone. "I have some doubts about bionics in some places ... you're in It was mentioned in the class that in the history of pan-Asian cooperation, there has been a debate about whether bionics have complete personality. I want to know the reason and the final result of this debate. "

Sun Lan: "Are you referring to the" Opinions on Artificial Intelligence Management Measures "in 2077?"

Lu Zhou nodded and motioned her to continue.

"The cause of that debate ... In fact, there is nothing mysterious. Since a long time ago, after the birth of ai, which is highly anthropomorphic and has strong learning capabilities, the debate in the academic community on whether advanced artificial intelligence algorithms have a complete personality has continued. However, part of the view is that artificial intelligence designed based on machine learning theory is just a mimicry of human behavior, and the emotion it displays is only a performance of imitation. Contrary to this view, Yes, some believe that advanced artificial intelligence already has the basic form of life, and that it should be given human rights, or at least limited human rights. "

"Originally, this dispute only stayed in academia. Until 2076, a lawsuit extended the dispute from academic to the level of universal discussion. The defendant was the Civil Affairs Bureau, and the reason for the plaintiff's indictment was that the defendant It is against the spirit of the Constitution to prohibit him from completing marriage registration with his bionic person. "

"This lawsuit finally came to an end in the form of an out-of-court settlement. Immediately afterwards, in the" Opinions on the Management of Artificial Intelligence "and the final draft of 2078, the non-political rights and limited The social status of human rights, and the bill has also been borrowed from other countries, and has become the basis of the current artificial intelligence management bill. Including the identity code of ai, many concepts that modern people take for granted were determined at that time. "

"As for whether bionic people have life ..." Sun Lan thought about this for a while, and said with a smile, "This is really hard to say. Although reason tells me that they are just a program, sometimes I also unconsciously change They see it as a real human. "

"So it is ..." Lu Zhou nodded thoughtfully, recalling the information previously collected in that holographic computer, and continued to ask, "but I heard that there seems to be a way to make bionic people The system is jailbroken and the underlying logic of the bionics is modified. "

"Theoretically this is the case, but not all underlying logic can be modified," Sun Lan continued, "such as the one that cannot harm humans. In the design logic of bionic human memory software, this behavior is already set. Is not learnable. "

"What if it's a virus?"

"Virus?" Sun Lan looked blankly at Lu Zhou, and said unknownly, "... This is beyond the scope of my knowledge. My research on artificial intelligence is mainly at the sociological level. It can change the underlying logic of bionics The virus ... sounds terrible. It's as if a partner you've always trusted suddenly becomes less reliable. "

Lu Zhou: "It seems really terrible to say so."

Sun Lan: "If you are interested in this area of ​​research, I recommend to you Professor Zhang Zhongcheng of the Institute of Information Engineering. He is an expert in this area."

"I'll contact him when I have a chance," Lu Zhou nodded, and said with a smile, "My questions are over, thank you for your answers."

"Don't thank me, this is my job," Sun Lan smiled wryly, struggling to overcome the tension, and said embarrassedly, "Well ... can I trouble you for one thing?"

Lu Zhou: "What is it?"

"That is, can I invite you for a meal at noon?" Sun Lan continued to say with interest, "I had a lot of things to ask you about the era when you were active ... this and mine Research is related! "

Although she really wanted to help her, but thought of a meeting for a while, Lu Zhou's face showed the expression of love and help.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't do it today. I will have another meeting in a while. I will definitely do it next time.

The expression on Sun Lan's face was slightly lost, but she smiled and said.

"The other day."


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