Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1478: I am disappointed

East Asia Power Group Building.

This building, located at the estuary of the Huangpu River, is not only watching the city, but also the prosperity of the entire Pan-Asian region. This is the most expensive area in the entire Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, and it is also a pagoda that countless people living in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration desire.

However, no one can think that in the past 100 years, an invisible hand has reached out silently, trying to usurp the achievements left by that great man a century ago, and even the chairman has been imprinted. Its imprint.

Although the man had paid the price of death, the trouble left was far from over.

Standing in the garage, Captain Xing glanced slightly and glanced at the members of the board of directors of East Asia Electric Power not far away, then lowered his voice and said softly to his subordinates.

"I'll talk to Academician Lu in a moment."

Shi Jin froze slightly and asked, "Isn't it better to let Wang Peng go? They seem to be old knowledge."

"It was because of their friendship that I was worried that he wouldn't know what to say and what should not be said."

Besides, he is still reporting from the headquarters.

Although he gave him a green light to a certain extent, and his resume is impeccable, the process that should be completed must be completed.

Especially the 30-day induction training, the burden will not be easier than the task force work. To be honest, he even worried a little bit about whether this old antique from the 21st century can handle it.

Shi Jin nodded, showing understanding, standing silently aside.

Almost at the same time, not far away, a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses glanced towards the two without any trace.

Since this time, the person in the Security Bureau has been handling cases in the building, and he can count on their identity.

It's just that understanding and understanding, and dealing with people like them as ordinary people, if there is no psychological pressure, it is unlikely.

After all, the perfect person only lives in fairy tales, or in stories for ordinary people, and can climb to his current position. There is no trace of "stain" on the resume ...

Believers are too stupid.

While figuring out what the two were thinking here, the folding door of the parking lot slowly opened.

The roaring cold wind blew in from the outside of the parking lot door, and the icy coldness at the height, many people narrowed their eyes.

At this time, a car suspended in the air came in from the open garage door and parked in the parking space steadily.

A bionic human bodyguard in formal attire, except for the red pupil, stepped down from the co-driver's seat, opened the door of the rear seat, and then walked away from the car with a relaxed expression of a boat wearing casual clothes. Come down.

Seeing the man coming down from the car, the group of board members waiting for him and the executives of East Asia Power immediately embraced him.

"Hello Academician Lu, I am a member of the Investment Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors and one of the managing directors. You can call me Zhong Ziyu, or Mr. Zhong."

"Hello Mr. Zhong."

Shaking hands with this Mr. Zhong, Lu Zhou then glanced at the other directors and executives next to him.

With the exception of a manager Morinagamoto, everyone else has seen him for the first time. There are expectations, doubts, confusion, and deep hostility in those pairs of sights.

The water here seems deeper than he imagined.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou couldn't help feeling a bit.

This was not the case when the controllable fusion project was just ignited. Although the old Yuan was very hostile to him and the bureaucratic style did have some problems, the original intentions of the two were the same. That was to ignite the controllable fusion. The flames allow people living on this land to embrace a better future.

As for those disputes, it is only at the academic level, even if it involves some interests, it is only to win more academic resources.

And at the last moment of the ignition project, the old man Yuan even abandoned his prejudices and stood on the same front with him.

It was also under the consensus of all that they achieved great victories.

To be honest, looking at these people in front of me, the wake of Lu Zhou was actually a little disappointed.

Seriously, is there really hope for that elevator to space?

And he didn't light up for a century, the light of the second generation of controlled fusion ...

Did not read the disappointment on Lu Zhou's face, Zhong Ziyu said respectfully.

"The board meeting is about to begin, please come with me."

Lu Zhou nodded, without speaking, followed him and walked towards the elevator.

At the intersection elevator door, he noticed that the two people standing beside him kept looking at himself.

The two exchanged things, and that person seemed to want to come up and say something to himself, but maybe he saw too many people nearby and eventually said nothing, but just reached out and gently pushed out a translucent holographic business card.

Lu Zhou took a look at the business card and did not say anything, but just nodded to him.

After reading the meaning of Lu Zhou, the man responded with an understanding glance, and then continued to stand there.

Standing on the elevator with Lu Zhou, except for Ling, who was inseparable from him, only Zhong Ziyu was alone.

Glancing at the bionic man standing next to him, Zhong Ziyu took a deep breath and asked, lowering his voice.

"Is there a bionic person around you?"

Lu Zhou: "Yes, what's wrong?"

"Nothing ... just something like that, I personally suggest you be careful," Zhong Ziyu's face smiled bitterly, and she continued to say with a low voice, "There are rumors that Chairman Liu's death ... is related to bionics . "

Lu Zhou: "I will be careful."

Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't take his warning at all, Zhong Ziyu sighed in his heart and stopped saying anything. The old popsicle's self-confidence was not very clear, but he should remind him that he had already done it.

As for the others, he couldn't control it there ...


The meeting soon started.

In the spacious conference room, the conference table is full of people.

And unlike previous board meetings, no one at this meeting was a holographic image.

After hearing that Academician Lu was about to come to the board of directors, even the members of the board of directors who were away on the moon rushed back to the Yangtze River Delta city group.

Not only because this meeting will affect the future of East Asia Power, but also because Liu Zhengxing's position is vacated.

In addition to discussing the development direction of East Asia Power in the coming year, this meeting will also elect a chairman who represents the overall interests of the board of directors.

As an energy giant in the entire Pan-Asian region, it is self-evident how important the chairman's position is.

And according to the intelligence they collected, Lu Zhou in history is not a person who is passionate about power.

Otherwise, after completing the controllable fusion project, he will not resign the chief designer's position lightly, and run away to stir up the unsatisfactory spaceflight.

Although the size of the aerospace industry has now reached an incalculable number, in the era when it was extremely difficult to send a few lucky people to Mars, the title of General Counsel of the Lunar Orbital Construction Committee couldn't possibly be more than comparable. Control the position of the leader in nuclear fusion.

In that case, they hope to compete for the post of chairman.

At that time, Lu Zhou didn't look down on this "worldly teeny little profit". Compared with today, 100 years later, he would not be interested in it?

In order to win the vote of Lu Zhou, many people really worked hard and prepared a proposal that they liked, in order to persuade Lu Zhou to stand on his side with the 7% equity in his hands. .

For example, pledge to increase investment in scientific research, and then donate to the Freezing Rights Protection Foundation ...

Anyway, these cheques that were issued did not cost their money. And this amount of money is nothing more than a beast to East Asia Power's behemoth.

At the beginning of the meeting, it was quite orderly, and after less than half an hour, it was already noisy.

Regarding the situation at hand, it seems to be accustomed to it. The expressions on the faces of several executive directors sitting there are not too ugly. Either watch them quietly competing for the position of chairman, or report to the site by phone with their own institutions Happening.

Unlike other directors, although these executive directors appointed by the organization can participate in the election of the chairman, their election is almost impossible.

Although their shareholdings are large, they are not monolithic. The situation here is especially complicated in a place where the interests of all parties are at stake. If a representative sent by a large organization shows intent to run, it will inevitably face strong opposition from representatives appointed by other organizations.

And other small shareholders will be united to block their election to protect their own interests.

Therefore, in the board of directors of Pan Asia Power, the managing director does not participate in the election of the chairman and only divides the positions of directors of various committees, which has become a tacit understanding.

This tacit understanding has been maintained for half a century, and without accident, it will be maintained forever.

Looking at the group of devil dancing in front of the conference table, Lu Zhou endured for a while and finally couldn't sit still.

With his index finger knocking heavily on the table, he turned up the volume and interrupted the noise on the conference table.

"Listening to you guys for a long time, I'll say a few words too."

The noisy voice was a bit short for a moment.

After hearing Lu Zhou's sudden speech, many people were subconsciously quiet.

This tacit silence is not entirely out of respect. In fact, it is largely because of surprise, and because of surprise, forgetting words for a while.

Facing the pair of things that were not satisfactory, Lu Zhou didn't have any expression on his face, supported the conference table with both hands, and stood up from his position.

"To be honest, this is the most disappointing day after I came to this era, but I don't want to tell you where I am disappointed."

"I didn't have any interest in the position of chairman because I used to be troublesome for similar things a long time ago."

"But now, I change my mind."

Looking around the silent conference table, Lu Zhou continued in an unquestionable tone.

"I'll take the seat of the chairman."

"The proposal is a second-generation controlled fusion, without a plan, and no election program."

"Vote, you look at the vote!"


(Thank you, the book leader of "Dawn of Heaven" for your reward ~ If you have a monthly pass, please vote for the monthly pass, Morning Star thanks ~)

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