Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1482: Patriarch's Paper

Hou Huaizhi is an editor.

However, it is not the kind to work in an ordinary newspaper or magazine.

As one of the most widely read and influential journals in the world, the "Future" journal he works for is a beacon in the minds of non-mathematicians and a quantitative benchmark for measuring the academic level of a scholar.

Even in some research areas, such a saying is circulating.

That is, a scholar who has not published research results in "Future" can never be called a first-class scholar, and whether a scholar has made outstanding contributions in some research fields. Got it.

It is precisely because of this, that he has not only loved his work, but is also full of a sense of belonging called honor.

Especially every time he sits in the editorial office, he feels as if every decision he makes is closely linked to the fate of the world ...

Pull away.

As usual, after dictating a day's chores to his bionic person, he drove to the editorial department in a maglev car.

However, just as he hummed into the tune and walked slowly into the office, he was surprised by the scene in front of him.

I saw his colleagues in a circle around a desk, as if they saw something extraordinary, pointing to the holographic screen floating on the table, pointing and saying something. .

Curious about what happened, Hou Huaizhi stepped forward and asked the nearest colleague.

"What the **** happened? Why are you all around here?"

The colleague's face was obviously surprised, and he looked back at the candidate editor, and said in an excited and excited voice.

"You can't guess what happened! We actually received the thesis of Academician Lu!"

Academician Lu's thesis?

The moment he heard this sentence, Hou Huaizhi stunned subconsciously, and then the whole person was dumbfounded.

"Academician Lu ?! You said that academician Lu's thesis ?!"

"Otherwise? What academician Lu is there!"

Hou Huaizhi hurriedly asked.

"Which direction?"

"Controllable nuclear fusion! If you subdivide the field, it belongs to the research of deuterium / helium trinuclear fusion! From the perspective of theoretical and engineering applications, he combed the current problems and possible problems in the research direction of the second-generation controlled fusion The solution ... although I do n’t understand many formulas and inferences with my academic ability! "

Having said that, the colleague of the editorial department, with an incredible expression on his face, continued in an admiring tone, "It is incredible ... a scholar from a hundred years ago did what should have been 100 What people will do after the year. "

Perhaps he heard him, and another colleague standing beside him interjected.

"Instead of being incredible, I think we are in trouble."

Hou Huaizhi frowned.


However, as soon as this sentence was spoken, he immediately realized what the trouble he was talking about was this colleague?

"The question now is who to look for for review."

Putting his arms down on his chest, Editor-in-Chief Wang sighed and said, "The research on the second-generation controllable fusion itself is not very popular, and there are very few big cattle in this field. Besides, his thesis involves In the fields of mathematics, plasma physics, materials science, and engineering, if you subdivide it, you can even identify dozens of research directions. Even a review paper describes the problems faced by each technical bottleneck. The details are too exaggerated. "

To be honest, up to now, he has not been able to understand how Academician Lu has learned so much about so many research fields.

Several people in the editorial department looked at each other. You look at me, I look at you, and there is an embarrassed expression on your face.

As the editor-in-chief said.

This reviewer ...

Really not easy to find.

Just then, the silence in the office was suddenly broken.

Suddenly thought of a person, thinking about Hou Huaizhi, said subconsciously.

"Would you like to contact Academician Zhang? I remember him as an expert in controlled fusion and plasma physics, and he has also won the Luzhou Science Award!"

When they heard the name of Academician Zhang, many people reflected over it, and the voice of discussion spread again in the office.

"You mean academician Zhang Feiyue?"

"Coincidentally! Last night I also saw him on a panel program of the science section of Pan-Asian Television, where he talked about the second-generation controllable fusion that has been buzzing."

"The academician Zhang's words should be fine. He can be said to be the top expert in the field of controlled nuclear fusion!"

"... Maybe, and Academician Zhang studies plasma physics. Although it also involves second-generation controllable nuclear fusion, the focus is on the theoretical direction. However, Academician Lu's paper only covered a very large part In a small space, many of them are accurate calculations of the engineering parameters required for the design of the core material and the electromagnet, which are the essence of the entire paper. "

The argument in the office was arguing.

After listening to the comments of colleagues, after a long struggle, the editor-in-chief finally made a decision.

"Just contact Academician Zhang! Hou, in a moment you ... forget it, let me send the email."

"Anyway, we can decide whether to publish it or leave it to the professionals. We just do our job well!"

Although this manuscript is still quite level from the content itself, because the formulas and inference results are so complicated that they are not sure whether the academic value of this paper is geometric.


Jinling University campus.

Sitting in his office and looking at the paper in the holographic screen, Academician Zhang's mind was also big for a while.

"Future" kicked the ball to him. He did not want to pick it up, but couldn't help but want to see what Academician Lu wrote.

To be honest, when he first got the paper of Lu Zhou, he was actually curious. As for the nutrition of the paper, he didn't expect much.

After all, that ’s what a scholar a century ago wrote. The knowledge he has is outdated, let alone made some breakthroughs based on existing research results.

Even if he believes that a smart brain will not be outdated, it is based on a certain amount of learning.


After reading that paper, Zhang Feiyue was completely stupid.

Seeing that his professor had been staring at the same page for a long time, there was no movement. Standing behind him, the doctoral student who had seen this page three times, could not help but whispered a reminder.


After hearing the call of the students, Academician Zhang who was stunned at his desk finally recovered from the shock.

Calming, he coughed slightly and looked back at the student standing behind him.

"Just a moment ago, is there anything?"

When the teacher asked himself, the doctoral student couldn't wait to ask.

"What do you think of this paper?"

"The writing is very good, and it can even be said that the level is surprising. Whether it is from the day before he got on the flight to Earth, or the day after he regained his status, it is not enough for a full month. In a month, he can fully understand all the research results of the entire project of the second-generation controllable nuclear fusion for a century, and only 80% of him in the world can do it. "

It is like a blueprint that has outlined the outline of the entire second-generation controllable fusion project, and used rigorous calculations to list each piece of puzzle needed to complete the entire project.

In his opinion, this is the most incredible place in this paper!

It was also at the same time, a thought that even he himself felt incredible, suddenly came to the mind of Academician Zhang.

Say no ...

These second-generation controllable nuclear fusions are really likely to be made by that big guy!

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