Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1483: Clean up tapeworm

Just when the entire "Future" editorial department and Academician Zhang, who was a reviewer, were worried about Lu Zhou's paper, the research and development department of East Asia Power also had a hard time because of Academician Lu's arrival.

Director Song Yangwei of the Scientific and Technological Committee of the Board of Directors was removed from office. The senior management of the entire R & D department has undergone a major change of blood, followed by the reform of the approval mechanism for scientific research funding.

There are rumors that Lu Zhou is reviewing the academic resumes of senior executives in the entire R & D department, and adopting a zero-tolerance attitude toward those who are vegetarians of corpses and project leaders who are not incompatible. .

Of course, not everyone is scared.

For those who are diligently engaged in scientific research, Lu Zhou's series of actions made after he came to power are still very popular. For this part of the people, they have long looked at the senior executives who rely on nepotism, and the project team leaders who have not published a dissertation but have obtained funds to soften their eyes.

"On the impact of feng shui on the safety of the controllable fusion core ... what kind of **** issues are these special? It is really a dare to report, a dare to approve!"

A large red cross was drawn on one file, and the black-lined land boat reached out with its index finger to quickly swipe across the holographic screen, and switched to the next file without stopping.

With the development of a century, the scale of East Asia Power is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger.

Behind the huge profitability and enterprise scale are exhausted creativity and a bureaucratic corporate culture.

Although this big tree is still leafy, it has a lot of holes in it.

If it had not been for the hard work of a century ago, Lu Zhou would even want to take the stock off and use the money to start another stove.

However, to his surprise, he didn't expect to be pushed to the position of chairman after he had said that angry words.

However, it is precisely because of this that even if East Asia Power is already ill, it is not so bad as to be hopeless.

Even if these future children let him down again and again ...

Looking at another study titled "Twenty-seven Methods of Brewing Coffee and Its Impact on the Quality of Siesta," Lu Zhou's brow twitched fiercely again.

"Is this all right ?!"

Is this a fraud? !!

It's the kind that didn't play.

Looking at this project applicant who has appeared countless times in front of him, and Director Song who has awarded two million credits to this garbage project, he feels that his IQ has been hit by a strong x Luzhou, and finally he can't bear it. Marked next to the author's name.

He would then ask his office secretary to throw the tapeworms into the investigation.

I was thinking about dismissing it. Everyone is good to get together. Whatever they say they are their ancestors, but now it seems that if they don't kill a batch of maggot festival flags, this team can't take it!

Looking at the time in the upper right corner of the holographic screen, seeing that it was almost time for lunch break, Lu Zhou took a deep breath and stood up from the office chair.

Although he had no appetite, he was bored in the office all morning and decided to go to the rest area on the floor for a cup of coffee.

Until now, he finally realized how difficult it was to run a business.

This is still in his area of ​​expertise.

In addition to scientific research funding, East Asia Power does not know how many problems are hidden in the dirt ...

Holding a paper cup full of coffee in his hand, looking at the city outside the floor-to-ceiling window, Lu Zhou suddenly thought that he had supported his school sister in silence, and for a while, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of a taste.

Although he always controlled himself not to deliberately remember a century ago, he still remembered from time to time what seemed to happen yesterday.

In fact, from the time after he woke up, he has been urging Xiao Ai to help him dig up about his sister from the history of a century ago.

However, all the clues were interrupted in the third year after his disappearance, and only limited indirect clues showed that she retired from ceo's post and went to Beijing to meet her parents.

Then, she disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people like a faint, no one has ever seen her ...

"Still reviewing the memorial?"

Hearing the sound behind him, Lu Zhou turned away.

I saw a man with gold-rimmed glasses, also holding a cup of coffee in his hand, and walked to him with a smile.

The ar technology in this era is quite convenient. For those friends who have entered the electronic business card, even if they can't remember the name for a while, they can quickly recognize the other's name through the face recognition function of ar glasses. Limit the embarrassment of forgetting each other's name in daily social interaction.

It is also relying on this function, Lu Zhou remembered that this guy's name was Zhong Ziyu.

"That's right, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, just say it casually," standing next to Lu Zhou, after Zhong Ziyu smiled, he continued to talk in a chatty tone, "It has been five years since I was assigned by the AIIB to East Asia Power. You are probably the most aggressive of the three chairmanships you have experienced. "

"thank you."

"It's not a compliment, it's just a statement of fact." He took a sip of coffee and set his sights on the Huangpu River estuary outside the floor-to-ceiling window. He smiled and continued. "Everyone knows where the problem is, but they stand up and try to solve it Yes, you are the first. "

Lu Zhou said blankly.

"If you do it, you won't let me do it."

"It's not that we don't want to do it, and the problems here are far more complicated than you see," Zhong Ziyu sighed softly and continued, "Moreover, any company is actually the same, there will always be a person with a secretary. And irrelevant people, and the two have reached a certain point of balance to jointly maintain the efficiency of the enterprise on an acceptable track. "

Lu Zhou: "But it is unfair to those who do things seriously."

"There is no fairness in this world."

"But this is not the reason we stopped pursuing fairness ..." He noticed the unexpected expression on Zhong Ziyu's face, and Lu Zhou frowned slightly. "I feel like you have something to say."

"Nothing? I was just a little surprised, but not a special surprise ..." Zhong Ziyu smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be an idealist."

Lu Zhou: "So what?"

Zhong Ziyu: "Please don't get me wrong, I have no other meaning, just admire your thoughts. Ordinary people like us have no interest in what happens to others ... maybe this is how you can become a great man, and we just The reason for passing. "

"It doesn't matter if the great is not great, I only do what I should do."

Throwing the empty paper cup into the recycling bin next to him, Lu Zhou looked at Zhong Ziyu, and continued, "Meet all the R & D departments for me in the afternoon, and there is no special reason for researchers with positions above the project team leader. Must not be absent. "

Zhong Ziyu nodded and replied happily.

"I'll keep you informed."


The lunch break is over.

At two o'clock in the afternoon.

In the meeting room on the first floor of East Asia Power, Lu Zhou arrived at the scene on time.

When he arrived here, the meeting room was crowded with people's heads, and he looked at the dark black one. East Asia Electric Power's research institutes are located throughout Pan Asia. Although not everyone visited the site, at least they also stood here through the holographic conference system.

Looking around at the uneasy researchers and the heads of the project teams, Lu Zhou simply read the two opening sentences and went directly to the topic.

"When checking the accounts, I found that East Asia Power has never saved investment in new technology research and development, but unfortunately, the results achieved have been very modest."

"Later, when I continued to check where each research funding was used, I finally found out what the problem was."

"And this discovery makes me sad."

Looking at the silent meeting room, and the faces that were either excited, nervous, hostile, or full of hope, Lu Zhou continued in a smooth tone.

"It is urgent to solve these problems. The approval of scientific research funding and the entire R & D department of East Asia Power need a thorough reform from top to bottom!"

"From today, the unlimited funding approval system will become history. The reporting of all projects, from the head of scientific research to the science and technology committee of the board of directors, to the signature of the financial department, will be re-planned."

"And for the existing projects, I will cut off 50% of them, and liquidate those projects that have been suspected of embezzlement and serious expenditure problems, and will be held accountable by the legal department!"

Looking at the crowd of people who lingered coldly, Lu Zhou slowed his tone slightly and continued.

"Here is the focus of today's meeting."

"Let's talk about how to do this in the second-generation controllable fusion project."

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