Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1496: Burst compression

Three days have passed since Song Yang Wei was taken away.

The CEO of Yanwei Capital squatted in prison. It is naturally impossible to continue the short-selling plan.

These days, Lu Zhou didn't pay much attention to things in the stock market, but locked himself in his house. He continued to study the brain hole he had previously created about “explosive magnetic compression”.

In fact, this thing can't be considered a brain hole.

Relevant concepts have been born as early as the 1950s, and people have been studying them to this day.

Among the more typical applications are emp grenades and electromagnetic pulse guns, both of which can be called the nemesis of electronic products, the latter of which Lu Zhou has even seen with his own eyes. It's just a pity that the emp bomb hit Ling, and it didn't show any effect and went to the street.

However, although there are a lot of researches on "explosive magnetic compression" technology, and some results have been achieved, most of these results have been concentrated on some small and medium micro-devices, and most of the designs do not require high re-use times. .

After all, a fast-changing magnetic field generates very much energy, and ordinary electronic devices simply can't withstand that kind of toss, and they are burned because of the induced current overload.

The bottleneck facing Lu Zhou at this moment is probably the same.

He must find a way to bundle the magnetic induction lines in a very narrow area, preferably this area has just loaded the plasma generated by the reactor, and constantly keeps the magnetic restraint device running through the energy released by the fusion reaction. Finally, the whole system is in a state of dynamic equilibrium.

To be honest, it is very difficult to do this.

Even designing a rough conceptual model for a large electromagnet device has actually cost a lot of brain cells in Lu Zhou.

Fortunately, with his lv9 material science grade and lv8 engineering and energy science grade, he provided a lot of help in helping him open his mind, coupled with the experience accumulated in the previous research on controlled fusion devices, eventually Help him break through the last obstacle.

Although there is still a long way to go for an electromagnet capable of providing a 10,000 Tesla magnetic field, at least one experimental model is already a bit eye-catching ...

However, while Lu Zhou was sing along all the way on the academic road, the door of the study was suddenly opened, and a figure ran in.

"Master, Xiao Ai ... there are no more bullets ._ :( ′ □` '' ∠): _ ”

Watching running to his side, Xiao Ai grabbed his arm pitifully, Lu Zhou gave a slight pinch, and the ten fingers operating the holographic model also stopped.


"That's it, that credit point."

Oh, it turned out that the money was spent ...

Lying down?

The reacted Lu Zhou was shocked.

That's 50 billion! Not five hundred!

It's only been a few days since I loaned it out, why is it gone?

Do n’t you need so much money to buy a starship? !!

Lu Zhou originally wanted to do this, but he finally restrained.

Taking a deep breath, he said in a slow tone.

"Why isn't it enough? Is there anyone else shorting the stock of East Asia Power ..."

To be honest, other people, even if he himself, is not particularly interested in stocks, it's just that the tone of Song Yangwei threatening himself is not very good.

Another, if the stock price falls because of the scientific research reforms he promotes, it will affect the confidence of the board of directors and hinder his second-generation controllable fusion plan.

Even though the AIIB is on his side now, he hasn't conceited to the point of "believing that everyone will always trust himself unconditionally".

"It shouldn't be ... the Yangwei Capital has not moved. Qaq"

Lu Zhou frowned and couldn't help asking.

"Then how did you run out of 50 billion ..."

Xiao Ai: "Isn't the host saying that you can't let the stock price fall? So as soon as a large sell order hangs out, Xiao Ai eats it. Qaq"

Lu Zhou: "..."

Xiao Ai: "Did Xiao Ai have done something wrong, can the host not be angry. (??? __ ???)"

"I'm so angry," he sighed as he gave up, and Lu Zhou continued. "Use it up when you're done. Leave the rest ... unless I let you do anything."

Anyway, it's only $ 50 billion anyway.

Besides ...

There is something more fascinating to him than money.

Looking at the completed model in his hand, Lu Zhou's mouth evoked a smile.

It was finally let him finish.


Electromagnet Research Laboratory.

Because almost all researchers have been laid off, except for the bionics responsible for cleaning and simple maintenance of the equipment in the entire laboratory, there is only one bare-headed commander Tang Yunzheng.

Looking at the empty office in front of him, Tang Yunxi couldn't help crying and laughing for a while, not only did he have no joy in getting a promotion or raise a salary, but he had a headache.

Second-generation controlled fusion ...

It's the most critical electromagnet research laboratory that misses the problem.

This made him originally intended to live up to the expectations of Academician Lu, and made some achievements in his area of ​​expertise. His whole body was full of a feeling of nowhere else.

At this moment, the icon of the conference reminder flashed in the lower right corner of the desk.

The moment he saw the sign, he immediately sat up from the office chair, then extended his index finger and clicked on the reminder window of the meeting information.

Light blue light particles float from the surroundings, and the panoramic holographic projection system installed in the office emits light beams, and the surrounding scenes are quickly reconstructed.

Just like the scene change, the next second he was already sitting in the group's conference room, and sitting opposite him was the new chairman of East Asia Power, Lu Zhou.

Looking at Academician Lu sitting across the conference table, Tang Yunxuan respectfully said.

"You looking for me?"

"Well, I have a very interesting model here, and I want to hear your feelings," said openly and said his intentions, Lu Zhou gently pushed his right hand, and sent the holographic model suspended in the palm to him. .

Looking at the weird model in front of him, Tang Yunxuan gave a slight hesitation, and his face gradually climbed into a grim expression.

"this is……"

"A1-type pulsed magnetic field generating device," Lu Zhou's mouth raised a smug smile, and continued, "Although it is a brain hole product, it works unexpectedly."

After spending three minutes, Lu Zhou briefly explained the principle of this gadget.

In short, after studying the related technologies of explosive magnetic compression, he established the equivalent of the explosive magnetic compression current generator with multiple branches by referring to the circuit equations of the explosive magnetic compression current generator with multiple branches in the existing research results. The circuit model is used to optimize the design of a detonation compression device with a length of 600mm, a diameter of 120mm, a total mass of 10kg and a high energy output.

Although this device is also very small, compared with the current mainstream design ideas, it has a larger expansion space, and it comes with an open energy input interface.

The advantage of this design is that it is not to provide the energy to compress the magnetic field through the unstable mode of explosion, but to achieve high-frequency "squeezing" of the magnetic field by the heat input outside the system.

If it is used in places such as emp weapons, this design may be a bit inappropriate, but it is used in a device such as a controllable fusion reactor that is large in scale and has a serious heat buildup, but It's perfect.

It can even be said that it is just tailored for it ...

After looking at it for a long time, I did not see any obvious loopholes in this model. Tang Yunyan's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his voice was uncontrollable with a touch of excitement.

"Have you done a feasibility study? No, let me do it. Wait for me--"

"It's done," Lu Zhou interrupted, and Lu Zhou continued with a smile. "It's not just a feasibility study. I've printed a sample through an industrial-grade 3d printer. Although the quality of the 3d printed thing is average, it's OK There is no problem in using it. According to the detection of the magnetic induction device, it can roughly amplify the magnetic field more than 50 times at a frequency of 50hz. "

Fifty times!

The moment he heard this sentence, Tang Yunxuan took a breath and his eyes almost stared out.

"Fifty times? Aren't you kidding me? I mean ... really, is that exaggerated?"

Lu Zhou said in a ridiculous tone.

"Do you look like I'm joking?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just ... you don't know what it means," Tang Yunyi said with a shocked expression on his face, and then continued in an emotional tone. "If this thing is so awesome, you That is to say, I believe that the second-generation controlled fusion will come out tomorrow. "

"It's not too bad, you shouldn't be too happy, there are still many things we need to do in the future."

After coughing slightly, Lu Zhou paused for a while before continuing to speak.

"The magnetic field provided by this a1 experimental electromagnet is very small, and it can even be said to be a simple conceptual model. It is impossible to count on this thing being directly applied to the reactor, and in the end, can this pulsed magnetic field be effectively constrained? High-temperature plasma is still unknown. "

"I need you to refer to this conceptual model and its design ideas to redesign a larger electromagnet as a 'container' of the second-generation controllable fusion reactor."

"As long as this container can provide a magnetic field of 10,000 or more Tesla, our second-generation controllable fusion device will be successful."

"No problem, it doesn't matter if you want 10,000 or 20,000 Tesla," as he said, the smile on Tang Yun's face gradually became helpless. "On the premise that we must have enough manpower. Now the whole research So it was an empty shell, and no work could be started. "

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou gave him a consoling smile.

"Don't worry, the job fair is about to begin."

"The manpower you need will be available soon."

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