Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1497: Conceptual model of pulsed magnetic field generating device

Interrogation room.

Song Yangwei, who was sitting at the table in handcuffs, pulled his head, his face couldn't be traced with blood, and he was full of despair and remorse that could be seen.

It's all over.

Everything is over.

He can even guess without looking at what is happening in the securities market at this moment.

Without his signature, Yangwei Capital would simply not be able to provide a large amount of funds to continue his short plan. Moreover, the entire group is now counting on the hole card of his boss. Only he himself knows that this card has been confiscated ...

"first name."

"Song Yangwei ... Do you still need to ask this kind of question?"

"Just go through the process."

Sitting outside the interrogation room, looking at Chairman Song with a bitter face on the back of the glass, Xing Yuan continued expressionlessly, "Then, let's get to the topic, when did you start to contact the Spirit of the Universe Fund? Will do?"

Hearing the name, Song Yangwei's throat knot moved slightly.

He seemed hesitant, but he said.

"About fifteen years ago ..."

"Fifteen years ago?" Xingbian glanced at him, "I remember Yangwei Capital's registration time seems to be 15 years ago."

"Yes," Song Yangwei nodded slightly, frankly, "I admit that I received funding from the foundation, and my first bucket of gold was made with their help."

Nodding thoughtfully, Captain Captain, who marked this confession, continued to ask.

"Who else is funded by the foundation like you."

"Liu Zhengxing."

Shi Jin stared at him with a yell.

"Don't think about slipping, we didn't ask you dead."

"I only know him. Whenever I say a lie, I will go to **** on the spot!"

Looking at Song Yangwei with excitement, the Captain of the Sentence pondered for a moment and continued to ask.

"Well, we have already understood the situation, thank you for your cooperation in our work, you can go home tomorrow."

Hearing this sentence, Song Yangwei froze, thinking he had heard it wrong, and repeated it unbelievably.

"Back, go home?"

"Well," the Captain nodded and said succinctly, "Although in principle crimes against social security cannot be released on bail, it doesn't help to lock you up here. It is better to go home and wait for the results. After the court's decision , We will reschedule you. In addition, during this time you have been restricted from leaving the country and restricted from leaving Jinling ... Of course, if you do not want to go out, we will not object. "

"I didn't," Song Yangwei said immediately, "please let me out, bail--"

"The bail is waived. I said that this is not a normal bail process," the Captain of the Criminal Team continued in an official tone. "If you have any news that you can make a contribution, it is best to provide it to us before the verdict is made, and wait until After the ruling is made, even if we want to help you get a chance to get off the ground, 80% will be difficult. "

Being able to go home, no one wants to stay in the bureau.

What's more, Song Yangwei was a busy man, and he had to worry about a group of things. Anyway, as long as you can get out of the bureau and contact his investment manager, the price is worth it.

Leaving the interrogation room.

Looking at the captain, Shi Jin opened his mouth a little confused.

"team leader."

"what happened?"

"Let's ... why let him go?"

The Captain said casually.

"Not letting go, just placing him under house arrest."


"I suspect that there are still people on the board of East Asian Power," he took out the electronic cigarette from his pocket, drank a bite of the sentence, and continued, "at least one. Otherwise, they cannot possibly do everything to the board You know it. "

The moment he heard this sentence, Shi Jin froze for a moment, then looked at his captain in surprise.

"Do you want to ..."

"The bait is not fat enough, why did you catch a big fish?" The Captain of the Criminal smiled softly and continued in a calm tone. "Remember to empty all the bionic people in his home, as well as the drones, all the smart appliances, and then around his house. Send two teams on standby. "

"I don't believe it, even a living person can't be caught this time!"


In the last week of January, the campus of Jinling University was a little extra busy.

Although it will be the winter vacation in a few days, many students who have finished their classes have already returned to their hometowns by car in advance, but at this moment the flow of people on the campus of Jinda University has not decreased, but has increased.

From undergraduates who have just graduated to large middle-aged people who have been working for more than ten years, the people who come here to apply for jobs cover almost all fields and industries, as long as they are a little bit involved in controllable fusion, Basically everyone who can come is here.

No reason for him.

The largest company with the largest market capitalization in Asia will host a job fair here today.

And it's not just that.

Different from the autumn recruit last year, this time because Academician Lu threw out an entire institute, the entire electromagnet research laboratory is now unavailable, and the employment gap is rumored to even reach 2,000!

What is the concept of two thousand people?

This means that the admission rate, which is usually less than 1%, may be more than ten times this time. Even considering that the number of candidates will be much larger than usual, the probability of successful selection will certainly be much easier than previous recruitments.

This recruitment is undoubtedly the best opportunity to join this research institution with the best treatment and benefits in Asia.


I think this job fair is easy. They definitely think more.

In the first round of the first test, many people had already felt the maliciousness from the questioners, and 90% of the millions of candidates were directly wiped out.

And the remaining 100,000 people, even in the second round of the field written test, were even tortured by the quizzical torture of that difficult topic, many people even came out of the exam room crying.

"Who got this test question? Cao Te is so bian!"

"I heard that Academician Lu himself ..."

"Academician Lu himself ?! Impossible! It has been less than a month since he woke up from the dorm. Maybe he might give us some test questions?"

"This is impossible. Doesn't he still seem to be a member of the East Asia Electricity Science and Technology Commission? I heard that Li Guangya from Pan-Asian Cooperation also invited him to be the Minister of Science and Technology, but he is not very interested in politics. So no promise. "

"The version I heard was the General Counsel."

"Regardless of him, the general common sense is not applicable to that kind of genius! Maybe this month, he has supplemented this century of research?"

It's not just candidates who are applying for this test.

Looking at the transcript sent from hr in front of him, Director Tang of the Electromagnet Research Laboratory was also big-headed.

"A total of 3211 people scored a, 5102 people scored b ... IMHO, the first round of the written test was barely okay, and the difficulty of the second round of the test is still a bit exaggerated."

"There are so many?" There was a surprise in Lu Zhou's face, and he nodded approvingly, "It is indeed my disciples."

Originally, in his plan, 4,000 people could pass the second round of written examinations. It was almost enough for the remaining people to choose freely. Half of them were screened out and half were left. Basically, they would be able to get a job after training.

As a result, I did not expect that there were so many candidates who got above b than they expected.

"Are there many? The main reason is that the number of applicants is too large. I think it is too small ..." Tang Yunxi said with a wry smile, "To be honest, the exam questions you have may be for those fresh graduates who have no work experience. Some are not friendly. "

Generally speaking, the written test just sets a threshold to screen the interviewees' professional skills.

The actual selection of talents is still in the interview process, and the job experience or academic resume of the candidate is reviewed according to different positions.

The employment gap at East Asia Power is two thousand, but not two hundred or twenty. Especially according to Lu Zhou's requirements, he intends to use the electromagnet research laboratory as a new reform pilot, and will not mobilize management from other departments in parallel. The personnel of the airborne level come here, and will only send executives from here to other departments in the future.

Facing such a huge employment gap, appropriate relaxation of standards is necessary. However, after the two rounds of written examinations, there are only over eight thousand left. If they want to pick the right person from them, they have little choice.

"My opinion is exactly the opposite of you. Candidates who can pass the exams I have set have at least half of them qualified. Among the remaining people, you can choose the best among the best, and see which one works well and accept the best. "Patting Yun Yun's shoulder, Lu Zhou smiled and continued." Rest assured, I'm very confident in my vision, and I will definitely not pit you. "

Tang Yun sighed and said.

"... I believe in you."

Believe it or not, this can only be the case now.

At the end of the holographic conference, the light blue particles faded from the surroundings, showing the appearance of the room before it was reconstructed by the holographic beam.

Lu Zhou, who had given up all his work, leaned on the sofa, stretched himself, and then got up and returned to the study.

Just after a round of shock treatment, East Asia Electric Power's Electromagnetic Research Laboratory is currently in the reconstruction phase, and it is still difficult to come in handy in a short time.

What's more, the a1 pulse-type magnetic field generating device he designed is just a conceptual product. Even if the electromagnetic field is amplified by dozens of times, it does not reach the order of 1 Tesla.

And to be honest, Lu Zhou can only give a vague answer as to whether this gadget can be used for controlled fusion, and he can't rely on imagination to make judgments about unknown things.

He can only say that if we continue to study this line of thought, we will probably be able to study something.

Sitting in front of the holographic computer, after thinking for a few seconds, Lu Zhou typed a line of paper titles on the holographic interface.

"Theoretical Analysis of High Energy Detonation Compression Current Generator and Conceptual Model of Pulsed Magnetic Field Generator"

"I hope it can play a role in attracting a lot of attention."

Looking at the title of this line, Lu Zhou's mouth pulled a smile.

It is impossible for the large electromagnet laboratory to support the entire team with only recruits temporarily recruited.

If the situation is optimistic, this thesis should attract the attention of some scholars engaged in related fields and promote the birth of more valuable results.

Of course, it would be more perfect if they could attract them to their own projects ...

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