Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1498: Electromagnets that shocked academia

LSPM Academic Exchange Forum.

Unlike the tranquility of the past, the various sections in the forum today are particularly lively.

A paper entitled "Theoretical Analysis of High Energy Detonation Compression Current Generators and Conceptual Models of Pulsed Magnetic Field Generation Devices" appeared in the LSPM preprint database without warning. A holographic model of "A1-type pulsed magnetic field generating device".

Because Lu Zhou has published a paper in Future, many people have become curious about the research carried out by this scholar from a hundred years ago, especially want to know the second-generation controllable fusion he proposed. The research idea is not a joke, so he set the tracking option for his academic development.

It is for this reason that the users of the entire LSPM forum, whether academics or amateur science enthusiasts, were shocked without exception when this paper on pulsed magnetic fields came out.

"Oh, this is ... Academician Lu's dissertation ?!"

"Don't you write it blindly?"

"How is it possible ... that he is only in his early thirties, and he is not yet confused, and how can it not be joking about his academic reputation."

"I am not surprised that a scholar who woke up a hundred years ago can understand the current dissertation, but it is really incredible to be able to make such insights."

"Did he not publish a dissertation before? Any fuss?"

"Not the same. The previous paper was only a review in nature. The highlight was only that some technical ideas that could realize the second-generation controllable fusion were proposed. The most important thing is that I also made a seeing result! "

"Have anyone tested, is the holographic model he provided true or false?"

"It's being done! My mentor has just contacted the company that cooperated with our laboratory in Jinling High-tech Park just now. If it is fast, the sample should be sent to us by tomorrow at the latest!"

If there is anything more about scientific research in the 22nd century than in the 21st century, it is probably convenient for rapid verification.

Whether it is 3D printing equipment that can be found everywhere, or customized industrial services launched by various intelligent manufacturing companies, the distance between brain holes and reality is infinitely close to zero.

Of course, the premise is to pay enough credits.

Well the brain hole itself is established.

Therefore, after Lu Zhou gave the holographic composition and detailed parameters of the "A1 pulsed magnetic field generating device", many related laboratories engaged in electromagnet research immediately verified the model.

And as a result, everyone unexpectedly.

Although the total magnetic field provided by this A1 pulse-type magnetic field generating device is not very large, it does achieve the description in the paper, which can amplify the magnetic field dozens of times at a frequency of 50 Hz!

Not only that, the most surprising thing is that people with a little knowledge can see that this device has a lot of room for improvement!

Not only can the volume and magnetic field be further enlarged, a series of designs including the "thermal energy input port" are also tailored for the second-generation controllable fusion device!

Many engineers engaged in the research of the direction of electromagnets, after seeing this paper, have invariably felt the suspicion of life.

At the speed of subject development in the 22nd century, ordinary people want to fully understand the knowledge of their field of study, and catch up with the most cutting-edge research results, it is simply impossible without a period of ten or twenty years.

No one can believe that a scholar who woke up a hundred years ago was not completely left behind by the train of the times, but only a brief silence, and made breakthrough research results in a completely new field!

Many people have speculated before that Academician Lu has lost his interest in academics, just like the choice made by Newton that year, and gave up continuing to climb higher mountains in academics.

Instead, he is involved in the financial field.

As it turns out, the facts seem to be quite the opposite of what one would expect.

What's more irritating is that after leaving the academic world, Newton's stock market has lost more than 20 years of wages, but academician Lu who did not leave the academic world, does the stock market still make money?

Moreover, I have made a lot of looks ...

Trans-Asian Academy of Sciences.

Looking at the holographic screen suspended in front of him, Academician Zhang Feiyue sitting in the office couldn't help but be impressed with an expression of interest.

"... a pulsed magnetic field based on magnetic storm compression technology?"


As a scholar who is engaged in the research of plasma physics, although he is engaged in research related to the second-generation controllable fusion project, his area of ​​expertise is not the design of electromagnets.

In contrast, his research is more theoretical, especially for the plasma in the reactor.

Therefore, after getting this holographic model, he couldn't give a reliable evaluation immediately. He could only entrust a friend in the Engineering Academy to consult an expert on electromagnet design.

Although the verification of the model has not been completed, according to his friend in the Academy of Engineering, the possibility of realization is still very large.

"If only I could talk to Academician Lu in person."

After brushing the paper again, Academician Zhang Feiyue couldn't help but give a sincere admiration.

Regardless of the design idea of ​​that electromagnet, whether it can open the door to a new world for the research of the second-generation controllable fusion, this paper itself is quite wonderful.

Is it worthy to say that it is the first scholar in the 21st century?

The era when he was active is really desirable ...

Hearing the mentor's voice, the student sitting in the office said in an encouraging tone.

"East Asia Electric Power's Electromagnetic Research Laboratory is so scarce. If you are a teacher, I believe Academician Lu will be happy to invite you to join his second-generation controllable fusion project?"

"It's hard to say," Academician Zhang Feiyue shook his head, "Everyone said that Academician Lu had a weird temperament and it was not easy to get along with, and no one knew what he wanted to do."

Although he said so, his heart was a little moved.

Will it be refused to say otherwise, try it anyway.

If Academician Lu is serious and really intends to light the light of the second-generation controllable fusion ...

Wouldn't it be a pity for me to pass by the eternal opportunity?

After hesitating for a long time, Academician Zhang Feiyue gritted his teeth. Eventually, he still couldn't let it go. So he opened the computer and operated the holographic interface, edited an email, and sent it to the mailbox left by Lu Zhou in the preprint on.

After waiting all morning.

Just as he was about to get up and go to the cafeteria for lunch, a three-sentence email appeared in his mailbox.

However, it was also these short three sentences that instantly transformed his mood into uncontrollable excitement.

[I am Lu Zhou. 】

[I have read your paper and am very interested in your research in the field of high-energy plasma. 】

[Is it convenient to talk face to face if you have time? 】

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