Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1507: After this man, there is no master

Not worthy of a scholar ...

This sentence was like a sap, struck on Qiu Mingrui's head, and also struck in his heart.

The expression on his face gradually changed from embarrassment to shame, and finally he felt complacent.

"You seem to have just asked a question, keep asking any questions."

"I ..." After a long silence, Academician Qiu whispered, "I have already asked all the questions I want to ask."

Lu Zhou didn't comment anything, just nodded slightly.

"If there are new issues, please feel free to discuss them."

Although he had no idea about the arguments between the two, he seemed to have given up on the appearance of Academician Qiu. Ye He finally felt relieved and said with a smile.

"Everyone is calming down. I can understand the mood of Academician Qiu. In fact, after hearing this 10,000 Tesla magnetic field, I was too panicked. But I believe that the academic level of Academician Lu must be in me This has been considered before. "

"So, I choose to trust!"

Having said that, Mayor Ye then looked at Lu Zhou, and suddenly the words turned and continued.

"Given the great relevance of this matter, the Guanghan Special Economic Zone will set up a special supervision team to evaluate the security risks of controllable fusion and regularly report the construction progress and experimental arrangements."

"I hope that Academician Lu will be more considerate here. After all, we must also be responsible for the safety of the lives and property of 100,000 residents in Guanghan City."

Lu Zhou nodded and said.

"That's what we suggested here."


Academician Tyumen Rui left.

I didn't say hello when I left, and even Mayor Ye's lunch invitation was euphemistically cancelled.

The deafening utterance woke him fiercely while letting him feel complacent.

People who dare not even make mistakes ...

Isn't that what he said?

Since becoming an academician, his academic progress has stagnated. He has not made any progress and has not made any outstanding research results.

Without argument, he can be invincible. This is his experience from decades of academic career and way of doing things. Although he had troubled that his academic level had not improved in recent years, he never doubted that his attitude was wrong.

It is for this reason that he now feels so awakened that he can feel such a sense of selflessness ...

He didn't stop on the moon for one day. He arrived in Guanghan that morning and took a flight back to Earth that afternoon.

After two days of tossing and going back to the Pan-Asian Academy of Engineering, he sat in the office and unconsciously fell on the wall paintings, and couldn't help expressing his emotion.

"After this father, there is no master, the ancients will never bully me!"

Looking at the former professor in surprise, his students froze for a while and said in a hazy manner.


"It's nothing but just feeling it," Ting Mingrui sighed and praised, "It is indeed the first scholar of the 21st century! I didn't feel anything when I saw it in the movie before. I didn't expect it. Who can give this age a lesson? "

Looking at the stunned student, Qiu Mingrui suddenly remembered something and continued to say.

"Yes, don't post that paper."

The student did not speak, but looked at the mentor tremblingly and did not dare to say a word.

Looking at the expression on the student's face, Qiu Mingrui froze slightly.

Something had been vaguely guessed, but he was still not convinced, so he asked in a hesitant tone.

"You ... have already sent it?"

He nodded nervously, the student whispered.

"... On the day you told me about the submission, I sorted out the paper and sent it to Progress in Controllable Fusion Research. Yesterday I received an e-mail from the editorial office there, and the paper has passed the peer Judging, ready to be published ... "

The moment he heard this sentence, Tyumen Rui was shocked, and almost did not stare out.

"Uncle, I usually let you write major assignments. You can grind for half a month. This time, I am faster than a rabbit!

"Research Progress of Controllable Fusion", that is the journal founded by 585!

As one of the birthplaces of controllable fusion technology, the impact of this journal is self-evident. The research field of second-generation controllable fusion alone is one of the first in one area!

Thinking that the paper might have been printed as a book, and it was about to be published soon, Tyumen Rui suddenly felt the heat behind it, making people sweat.

"Call me over to the editorial department right away! Let them pull the paper down for me! Contact now and hurry up!"

Although he didn't know what was happening on the moon, so much so that his mentor could rush into it, the student nodded his head vigorously and said in a panic.

"Okay, okay! I'll get in touch!"


After the cooperation between East Asia Power and Guanghan Special Economic Zone was reached, Mayor Lu Zhou and May Ye signed a letter on the talk memo and related cooperation documents, and said goodbye to return to Earth.

When he returned to the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, the scientific team heading to the moon had already set out.

A professional construction team also went with him.

Although the electromagnet for the moon-based reactor has not been designed yet, it is not a problem to build a research institute first.

Considering that the environment on the earth is completely different from the moon, in order to avoid the accident of "water and soil dissatisfaction" on the moon after the reactor was completed, Lu Zhou simply made a decision and divided the second-generation controllable fusion project into two large teams. Dispatched to the moon and the earth, respectively.

The team on Earth is mainly responsible for theoretical analysis and design, while the team on the moon is responsible for experimental analysis and quick verification of the design results of the team on Earth.

Considering that there are many experiments that need to be done, and East Asia Power has almost no business on the moon, Lu Zhou simply waved his budget of 100 million credit points and built an experimental base there.

Perhaps it was the chicken killing marmoset that played a role in the electromagnet research laboratory. For the orders issued by Lu Zhou, the major research units under East Asia Power seemed to have received the decree. None of them dared to discount, and without exception, it was not strictly implemented.

Constrained by this strong executive power, East Asia Power, an old machine, started to work as if it had renewed its vitality.

Every gear is working hard ...


After work, downstairs of the group building.

Lu Zhou, who was trying hard to drink, did not contact Director Li, but just hit Director Tang who was also off work, so he took him to the nearby skewer shop.

The skewer is Ling.

Although it is a bodyguard, its job is to guard, but it does not prevent Lu Zhou from calling it elsewhere.

After three rounds of drinking, Lu Zhou was chatting about those things on the moon, drinking slightly, and his head was slightly tilted, suddenly a word popped out of his mouth.

"Actually, I want to lose once."

Tang Yunzheng, who was drinking beer, heard this sentence, and was almost choked by the beer to his throat. After coughing twice, he put down the beer bottle and looked at Lu Zhou.

"Can you ... don't say such things at this time. I want to win, I don't want to fail."

Lu Zhou grinned and said.

"I just felt it suddenly and said casually, don't go into my heart."

Shaking the beer in his hand, he continued to drink a little too much.

"Don't there be a saying like this? A life without failure is incomplete, at least in academic ... I always feel that my academic career is incomplete."

Yunyun Tang: "..."

Good one is not complete yet ...

I don't even need to force others. He doesn't know how to hold such hard forces.

Tang Yunzhang, who drank in silence, decided not to hear.

Don't know how to answer.

Simply, still don't talk.

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