Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1508: Everything starts with a dissertation

Moon Palace.

A silver starship slowly docked at the port.

Looking at the closer and closer planet outside the porthole, and the looming outline of the city, a fascination appeared in Xie Tian's eyes.

"This is my first visit to the moon. I heard that nuclear physics and high-energy physics research here is very famous. I wanted to come here a long time ago, but I never took the time."

Standing beside him, Jia Siyuan smiled and said.

"Coincidentally, me too."

Both are East Asian Power researchers, and they are more grassroots.

If nothing else, the two will probably dedicate their lives to youth at the grass-roots level, and then wait until the age of 40 or 50, depending on whether the situation can break out of character and be mixed with a small management.

The benefits of East Asia Power are among the best in the world's energy companies, but at the same time its narrow ascent is well known.

But just a few days ago, things turned around.

Since Lu Zhou lay off researchers at the entire Institute of Electromagnets with an iron-fisted method, they have done a lot better than before.

Although in Xie Tian's view, being sent to the moon is still a bit of "exile", but it is always a nominal promotion and salary increase. And in any case, staying in this relatively free environment is better than staying on the ground and fighting with seniors in those departments.

Besides, as long as you make a result, maybe one day you will be transferred back?

After all, people with good eyes can see that Academician Lu is on their side. In particular, Tang Yunzhang, who worked in the front line, was directly promoted to the position of the laboratory leader, and almost all grass-roots scientific researchers saw hope in the first place.

Thinking of this, Xie Tian also secretly made up his mind in his heart. He must do something earth-shattering in this barren land.

The starship stopped.

With the fixed cantilever attached to the hull, the station's gangway was then slowly connected.

Carrying the suitcase and stepping down from the starship, the group arrived at the boarding gate of the shuttle between the moon and the moon.

However, just as they were preparing to land on the moon, these researchers and engineers from East Asia Electric Power discovered that the road ahead was blocked by a group of people.

"... what are those people doing?"

Looking at several representatives of the masses who were separated from the crowd and came to their side, Xie Tian carrying a suitcase in his hand, with a weird expression on his face.

Jia Siyuan, who was standing next to him, also had a strange expression on his face.

"Maybe celebrating our arrival?"

Obviously, this is impossible.

Not to mention the apparently bad expressions on those people's faces, just the holographic windows on their heads, and the slogans displayed in prominent positions, it didn't seem to welcome them.

At this time, the representatives of the masses came to their party.

From the cold eyes of the man headed, Xie Tian, ​​who was at the forefront of the researchers, felt a little vaguely.

As if confirming his conjecture, the man opened his mouth and instantly allowed the air between the two sides to freeze.

"Get out of Guanghan City! You are not welcome here, let alone your technology."


Xie Tiangang wanted to explain something, and the man was shoved by the man, and he fell back almost two steps. Jia Siyuan, who was standing next to him, was instantly angry. He took a step forward to make a theory, and was already surrounded.

The scene was extremely chaotic. Fortunately, the space station's security team arrived in time to manage the situation barely, and did not evolve into a physical conflict.

However, the wave after wave was still making them embarrassed.

"Get out!"

"Get out of here!"

"You are not welcome here!"


Under the **** of the security guards, he left the scene hurriedly. In the eyes of Xie Tian, ​​Jia Siyuan, and other East Asian power researchers, they were in shock.

The eyes of those people couldn't wait to tear them apart.

It's crazy!


Customs rest area on the Moon Palace.

Holding a bag of drinking hot water that had cooled down in his hand, Xie Tian who was still alive after the disaster still had a frightened expression on his face.

Just then, the alloy hatch next to it suddenly opened. Accompanied by a security officer, a man in formal attire entered the rest area and walked towards them.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to let you encounter such a thing. I am Mayor's secretary," with a clear expression of apology on his face, and the man continued, "Mayor Ye should have come here in person, But he is trying to deal with the trouble now, so let me visit you. "

"I'm really sorry! In order to prevent the intensification of conflicts, we cannot get you off the boat immediately, but we promise to resolve it as soon as possible ... can you give us some time?"

"It can be, but I need to know what is going on here?" Xie Tian said angrily, staring at the mayor's secretary. "We prepared for a week, but were treated like this! You need time, no problem. , But please give me a reason. "

The secretary said with a grin.

"We need a little time to convince the people ... I'm really sorry."

After bowing deeply, leaving a crowd of aggressive faces behind him, the secretary told the staff of the space station next to him to treat them properly, then turned and left in a hurry.

However, Xie Tian could clearly feel that the staff of the space station did not become so friendly because of the mayor's secretary's instructions.

The hostility that can't be hidden from sight has made everyone sitting here shudder for a while ...


Staying at the customs also just blindfolded people, squinting at the problem. It didn't seem to be solved in a short time. After discussion, the party chose to return to the ship.

Obviously he has already reached the shore, but he cannot disembark. The mood of everyone is very low. It is like the raging fire in his heart, which is poured with a basin of cold water.

Looking at the moon near the porthole, Jia Siyuan murmured softly.

"... It's a wicked gate. What happened there? Why did we suddenly ... become the public enemy? I thought they would welcome us like a hero."

After all, when East Asia Electric Power promoted nuclear fusion technology on the earth, the local people did not say that it was welcome, but at least they were happy to see the cost of electricity dropped.

Although I have not experienced that period of history, these news can be found on historical sources.

"do not know."

Xie Tian shook his head with a bitter smile, and his eyes were filled with almost the same troubles.

Intuition told him that things were probably more complicated than he thought.

However, the Yuemong space station has not approved their permission to use the network. Now they can only contact the East Asia Electric Power headquarters through the ship's communication equipment, and the outside information is blank.

"... It's just a hypothesis," Xie Tian broke the silence in the cabin after thinking for a long time, and continued, "It is possible that something serious happened during this day after we set off from the Tianzhou. The accident has reduced the trust of residents in Guanghan to us. "

Jia Siyuan frowned.

"But what happened in one day?"

Xie Tian shook his head.

Just then, the cabin door suddenly opened, wearing a large crew uniform, and came in from the driving area.

"We contacted the ground headquarters just now, and we may be in trouble."

He suddenly raised his head and looked towards that side. Xie Tianzheng was about to ask, and Jia Siyuan sitting next to him couldn't wait to ask.

"What the **** happened--"

These half words had not yet been said, and the man continued with a big face solemnly.

"It's a protest."

"They are against us."

"Or the second-generation controlled fusion project."

Jia Siyuan couldn't help but say.

"Why? We are clearly helping them solve their energy problems!"

"But they don't think so," he looked at the moon outside the porthole with a complex look, and sighed sharply.

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