Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1523: emergency meeting

One week has passed since the password that was given to Captain Xing last time.

These days Luzhou has been waiting for a reply from the prison side, especially about what the password was used for, but no news was available.

But it is interesting that although there was no news from the Security Bureau, the good news from East Asia Power came one after another.

The first is the electromagnet research laboratory.

Director Tang did not live up to his expectations. After slightly improving his a1 pulsed magnetic field generating device, he designed it into a total area of ​​about 4 acres, which can form a transient magnetic field of 10,000-20000t Tesla in the central area Magnetic generation device.

At the same time, the construction team on the moon has also begun construction of the foundation.

No matter how perfect the theoretical model is, it is just a matter of talking on paper without being tested in practice.

However, Lu Zhou is full of confidence in completing his own plan.

Most of the problems faced by the second-generation controllable fusion are advanced versions of the bottlenecks faced by the first-generation controllable fusion. As long as the most critical magnetic field can be solved, the other is not a problem at all.

Like ignition.

After consulting a large number of documents, Lu Zhou has designed a laser ignition array that can be used for core ignition in these days.

Although there is no experimental test, as far as his self-perception is concerned, it should be no big problem.

So quietly spent the last few days of February, and on the first day of March, Li Guangya suddenly called and found him, telling him that the procedures for taking office were completed.

From now on, Lu Zhou's status is no longer an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but also the general consultant of scientific development of the Pan-Asian Cooperative Science and Technology Ministry.

In terms of level, he is probably the second-largest leader in the Pan-Asian Cooperative Technology Department.

"This is the academic center of pan-Asian cooperation."

"At best, it can only be regarded as the center of power in academia." Lu Zhou glanced around and said casually, "I have not seen scholars, I have only seen bureaucrats."

"You seem to have preconceptions about people in administrative positions," Li Guangya shrugged. "Well, then you can correct it as you wish. This is the center of power of the Pan-Asian cooperative academic community. Now you are only a step away from the summit One step behind. "

"Oh, right."

Li Guangya said with a smile: "Of course, apart from the Minister of Science and Technology, you are the highest in rank."

Lu Zhou: "Unfortunately, I'm not very interested in power."

"Anyway, I'll introduce you to your colleague first ... it just happened that he was here," said Li Guangya, smiling at the middle-aged man who came forward. "This is Xue Rui, Minister of Science and Technology. . "

"Fortunately, Academician Lu, I have only seen your name in textbooks before. I did not expect to be able to work with you one day. Thank you for the power of science and technology." With a smile, he extended his right hand, and the Minister Xue enthusiastically held the landing boat. Shake his hands up and down, and then continued, "Just a few minutes later, if you can come together, we hope we can borrow your wisdom."

"What meeting?"

Minister Xue smiled slightly and said.

"Speak as you go."


The meeting has not yet started, and there are many people in the spacious meeting room.

Academician Wang sitting at the table glanced at his watch and said softly.

"This is my second time here."

Waiting quietly for a while, but did not hear the following, Yang Wu sitting beside him asked casually.

"and so?"

"There is no reason, just a bit of nostalgia," a recollection floated in his eyes, and Academician Wang continued, "About 20 years ago, when I was working at the Shanghai Computer Research Institute, I was fighting against the" locust "that swept the country. , My mentor and I have been called here for a meeting. "

The so-called locust here refers not to locusts in nature, but to a computer virus codenamed locust. This virus specifically targets cloud server attacks and poses a considerable threat to the Pan-Asian cooperative virtual reality network and maglev road network.

Fortunately, whether the virus was an early warning or an emergency meeting was called a textbook-level swift, almost did not cause substantial losses to the lives and property of the Pan-Asian people.

However this time it was different.

Different from previous cyber security crises, this time, the alpha virus is not only global, but also far more than ordinary computer viruses in terms of dangerous and hidden quality.

The most important thing is that Wang Sicheng couldn't even determine whether it was the human who created the virus or something other than human ...

"If you can, I hope this is the last time in my life," Academician Wang Sicheng glanced at his watch again, and sighed softly, "It's about to begin."

With the quiet wait of everyone, the meeting began.

Minister Xue who came to the stage read the outline of the meeting and then sat down.

Yang Wu noticed that the man sitting next to Mr. Xue was familiar with it. After looking closely for a while, a surprised expression appeared in his eyes.

General consultant for scientific development ... Lu Zhou?

He only went to the front line for less than half a month, but once he came back, this academician Lu has become the general consultant of scientific development.

"Everyone is a top expert in the field of information engineering and scientific research. I'm convening everyone here this time, and I hope everyone can provide some valuable opinions."

"Especially on how to dispose of the quantum computer array on Ceres, limited clues indicate that this unresolvable computer program is running above, and some of its core code is highly similar to the alpha virus."

The moment the voice fell, the meeting room was full of people's heads, and the experts' faces showed surprise and shock.

Looking at the turbulent venue, Minister Xue paused and continued.

"Any good ideas can be put forward, I hope everyone can express their views."

"Nothing to say, obviously that supercomputing center is the source of the virus!" A scholar stood up and said fiercely, "The alpha virus has a strong ability to evolve, and it is likely that this evolution is in This is done with the support of this supercomputing center. Whether it is an extraterrestrial civilization or a kb organization, the physical eradication of it is always the best option! "

This proposal has aroused the approval of many people.

No matter what secret is hidden in that computer, it is not a wise move to reveal it at the risk of pulling the world closer to the fire pit.

After hearing these words, Minister Xue nodded thoughtfully and fell into deep thought.

Noisy meeting room.

At this time, a gray-haired scholar raised his hand and offered a different opinion.

"If the supercomputing center is the source of the alpha virus, I don't recommend destroying it immediately. This may be the only clue we have so far. Intuition tells me that if we want to figure out how to solve the alpha virus, we must figure it out Calculating something. "

Another scholar nodded and said, "My opinion is the same. Even if the entire Ceres is blown up, it cannot change what has happened. If we take a step back, even if we finally decide to destroy it, the hardware is innocent. This supercomputing center is probably the largest quantum computer array in the entire solar system. If it is used for scientific research, it will be of great help to us! "

The person who had previously proposed to destroy the quantum computer array sniffed and said, "Used for scientific research? It's ridiculous! Which institute dares to use this dangerous experimental equipment?"

"As long as its data is emptied, it is safe, at least to a certain extent, why ca n’t it be used? Scientific research itself is full of risks, not to mention that we can take it apart and use it. Some parts! "

Looking at the quarrelled meeting room, Minister Xue couldn't help but have a headache, glanced at Lu Zhou, trying to see what was written on his face.

To his disappointment, however, he saw nothing but the expression on his face.

I remember at this time, a cough came from the conference room suddenly, and the quarrel sound calmed down a bit.

"Let me say a few words."

Pushing away the chair and standing up, Yang Wu from Pan Asia First Fleet looked around the conference room and said.

"According to the clues we have at present, the supercomputing center should be artificially constructed, and there is a high probability that it is an important clue associated with the alpha virus. Our fleet, it is not recommended to destroy it ... although it is easy to do.

"About what to do with that computer and the computing programs it is executing ..."

"I want to hear from the General Counsel for Scientific Development."

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