Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1524: I was almost killed by myself

As soon as Yang Wu's voice fell, a pair of eyes fell on Lu Zhou's body immediately.

My opinion?

Hearing this, Lu Zhou hesitated slightly.

He didn't know much about this meeting at first. Most of the news was still on the way to the conference room, and he heard it from Minister Xue.

To be honest, about the quantum computer array on Ceres and the electromagnetic cannons deployed on it, Lu Zhou is still a bit aggressive.

Captain Xing had told him some inside information on the phone, but hesitated and didn't hear anything.

It is possible that until now the Security Bureau has been threatened by this amazing discovery. Who can think of such a powerful military base, it is so generously hidden in the asteroid belt.

"... I don't really want to comment on the supercomputing center on Ceres, because I have always thought that if I don't understand, I have no right to speak," responding to those double sights, Lu Zhou thought for a while and continued, "Whether it is a masterpiece of extraterrestrial civilization, the secret base of that foundation, or some kind of collusion between the two ... I don't think it's necessary to destroy it."

"Since the initiative is in our hands, my suggestion is to try to study what exactly is a program running in a quantum computer array."

"Doesn't this mean that we are helping the criminals to complete their secrets?" Standing up from the conference table, the information technology consultant from the Security Bureau frowned. "Now the alpha virus is raging in the pan-Asian cooperation territory. , It is very likely that it has spread to the whole world! If those kb molecules have been upgraded to the virus, we will lose all opportunities! "

"Although I am not an expert in the field of information security, logic tells me that in order to develop an antidote, we must first understand what the virus is," said Lu Zhou, who calmly explained the expert who raised the objection. "At present we What we know about the alpha virus is just a piece of code that can evolve automatically, and there is a group called the Foundation that is deliberately spreading it, and we know nothing else. "

"This is likely to be our only opportunity to unravel the truth of all this."

Yang Wu frowned, thinking for a moment before saying.

"Do you mean ... help our enemies?"

"Just helping the supercomputing center," Lu Zhou corrected. "I believe the First Fleet has closed all the signal towers in the entire base. As long as we can ensure control of this supercomputing center, then It's totally usable. "

Minister Xue nodded and said.

"I agree with Academician Lu ... The Academy of Sciences will send a group of experts to the front line to assist in the investigation."

Academician Wang Sicheng nodded.

"This is my point ... Although it may be intuition, it tells me that there are still many secrets worth digging in that supercomputing center."

The consultant at the Security Bureau seemed to have something to say, but after hesitating for a while, he finally gave up.

From a security perspective, helping that supercomputing center continue its research is undoubtedly risky. Although the First Fleet can ensure absolute control over it, it is also difficult to protect the Fleet itself from infiltration by the Foundation.

It is not even necessary to corrode many high-ranking officers, and several soldiers in charge may be sufficient.

They often deal with people in the Foundation. They are too clear about the means of those people.

After the meeting, Lu Zhou was pondering whether to go to Jinda's class for a while, or simply go home and continue to tinker with his research, and saw that consultant Yang came over to him.

"Fortunately, Academician Lu, I'm Yang Wu, General Counselor of the First Fleet Staff ... Although you may already know," he took the initiative and Lu Zhou, and continued with a smile, "I have been since that day I want to visit you, but I am sorry that I have no chance because I am serving at the Lagrange Space Base. "

Shaking hands with the consultant Yang, Lu Zhou hesitated, "What day?"


The moment he heard this number, Lu Zhou responded immediately, which day was the day he said.

Looking at Lu Zhou who did not speak, Yang Wu continued with a smile.

"The headquarters was discussing the issue of keeping the big and the little, and thankfully you were on board at that time, so we avoided that difficult choice."

"What is big and small ..."

"In short, for the hundreds of thousands of citizens stranded on the Tianzhou, we once intended to destroy the out-of-control n-177 directly, forcing it to derail."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou almost did not spit out old blood.

Dare to love his stable operation at that time, in fact, walked around the gate?

What's more, it's not the robbers who almost killed him, but the guns of the First Fleet ...

"... It's almost that, you almost became a sinner for all humanity."

As a carrier of His Holiness's gene, and a bridge between human civilization and observer civilization, if this cannon is really hit, he will have to change from an endangered species to an extinct species instantly.

"I know, so I owe you a thank you for this," Yang Wu continued with a smile. "In fact, at that time, we all believed that you would be able to save the runaway flight, so it was never done. The worst option ... thankfully we made the right bet. "

Lu Zhou: "This is not a pleasant memory. Let's change the subject."

"It looks like I'm abrupt," and made a sorry expression. At this moment, Yang Wu suddenly thought of something and put his hand in his arms.

"Yes, I have something for you."

Watching his movement, Lu Zhou asked.


"A diary."

A paper diary was taken out of his arms, and Yang Wu delivered it to Lu Zhou's hands.

Looking at the diary in his hand, Lu Zhou curiously held it in his hand and flipped it casually, frowning.

"this is?"

"The personal belongings of a crew member, the formulas you cracked are copied from this diary ..." Yang Wu smiled embarrassedly, "Although I don't want to trouble you, I always feel this diary There are still many unexplored clues ... if you are, you should be able to see something. "

Looking at the contents of the diary with interest, Lu Zhou said casually, "I don't have any opinions, but is it really good to just hand me this critical task directly?"

To be honest, although he is not particularly interested in the affairs of the Foundation, he is quite interested in that space station.

If he can get relevant clues, he really can dig out some unexpected things.

Yang Wu answered with a smile: "Of course this is not the original, it's just a photocopy. You can use it at will, but it's better not to upload it to the Internet."

Touching his chin, staring at Lu Zhou of that diary, he didn't know if he was answering Yang Wu's question or talking to himself.

"... So it is."

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