Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1527: The fastest trainee ever to graduate

A grove about a kilometer from the training base.

Looking up at the blue sky and the halo passing through the gaps between the leaves, Sun Rong, who was lying on the ground, was a little missed.

Speaking of, how long has it been since I was assigned to this training base after graduation?

He didn't remember the exact date of his enlistment, only that he had left modern society for almost two years ...

For more than two years, he never wanted to leave here.

Not just because of the boring internet-breaking life here, but also because he didn't want to spend his precious time in a training camp.

However, the cruel test defeated him again and again. Whenever he signed up for the exam with confidence, the final result was returned to the origin.

However, he is a strong person.

Even though he was knocked to the ground again and again, he didn't feel frustrated, but summed up his experience in countless failures and became more brave.

He can clearly feel that every failure will make him more brave and stronger.

This is true both for himself and for those parts that were surgically replaced ...

This time, however, a deep frustration swept his body.

An ancient man from 100 years ago did not even have a cell that was transformed by modern science. He just used some conventional weapons that were not technically high, and a set of trained mechanical exoskeleton. I became like this now.


I was wrong from the beginning.

The problem is not with the parts at all, but with the parts myself ...

"You won ... can you help me put my legs up?"

He picked up the dagger that had fallen to the ground and shoved it back into the toolbox. Hearing the speech lying on the ground, Wang Peng, wearing an exoskeleton, hesitated and shook his head.

"I just dismantle ... I haven't learned how to install it."

Sun Rong sighed.

"Okay ... I'm out of luck."


It's not just Sun Rong who didn't expect that he would lose so badly in the hands of an old popsicle. Those examiners responsible for proctoring also did not expect that the outcome of this game would have such an unexpected reversal.

Invigilation room.

The silence, like death, permeated among the examiners at the scene.

Originally worried that a newcomer like Wang Peng who had just joined the army for a month might have an accident in the exam, so the examiners in the invigilator were paying attention to the entire process of this test, but they did not expect to see such an ending.

Unbelievably watching the picture on the monitor, the examiner couldn't help but say.

"Play it again ... Take all the shots out! Let me see how he does it!"

The staff member standing next to the monitor swallowed, and his forefinger quickly tapped a few times on the holographic screen.

Soon, twelve surveillance images with different perspectives were projected on the holographic screen.

The whole battle was over in less than 5 minutes.

Wang Peng, who entered the battlefield, took the lead in using an emp grenade. After finding that it did not work, he quickly distanced himself from Sun Rong.

After ten seconds of chasing, Wang Peng temporarily lost sight of Sun Rong with a heat source smoke bomb.

Just when everyone thought that the newcomer would pull away and try to make up for the physical disadvantage with a firearm, an amazing scene did happen.

Instead of retreating, Wang Peng, who swallowed himself in the smoke, rushed towards Sun Rong, who was approaching the extreme distance, and pulled out the dagger tied to his leg.

The result was split in an instant.

Apparently, Sun Rong did not expect that Wang Peng, who had been chased by himself, was going to attack the front through the cover of smoke bombs, so that when he felt the wind howling, everything was too late.

The mechanical nerves of the legs were cut off, and the prompt [(left) (right) bionic leg damage] was projected directly on the retina. Then, with a severe wound coming from behind, the information of the elbow joint loss also bounced out.

"It's unbelievable ..." The look on his face moved, and the examiner murmured to himself, "This speed ... can it be done by humans."

"It seems that he has already mastered the trick of implanting prostheses in battle, and can accurately address weaknesses. This quality is difficult for ordinary people to possess," he put down his arms, and the assistant examiner pinched his chin, thinking He said for a moment, "Of course, our bionic prosthesis also needs to be improved a bit. If we meet such an opponent on the battlefield ... this kind of prosthesis will become a disadvantage."

"Also, the battlefield analysis system, although individual behavior cannot be predicted with mathematical models, but the results of the calculations are not biased to this extent," looking at the combat power analysis index and result prediction on the screen, Wang Peng's instructor Lin Feng In a mild tone, "it's time to update the system."

At this time, someone suddenly said.

"Will Sun Rong let the water go?"

"Impossible," the examiner shook his head. "Apart from neglecting the enemy, he has basically done all his skills, but I'm afraid he didn't expect his opponent to be so outrageous."

At this time, the examiner asked, "Then the first round of the exam, did he count as a pass?"

The proctor room fell silent again.

"Increase the difficulty of the next two rounds," and finally broke the silence. The examiner made a decision and said, "No matter what, it would be an exaggeration to graduate in a month."

Hearing this sentence, the assistant examiner standing next to him could not help but smile.


It's quite exaggerated ...

He took the exam the first month after entering the training base, and beat Sun Rong, who had been trained for two years in the first round of the test.

Isn't this tantamount to hitting all of them in the face, stating that all the training base taught is waste?

Obviously this cannot be the case!

At this time, Lin Feng, who was standing aside, suddenly said.

"I heard that he used to be Academician Lu's bodyguard."

Hearing this sentence, the people present were slightly relieved, and their mood recovered a little.

Academician Lu's bodyguard?

That's it.

Although it is not very worthy of those old popsicles drifting to the future, but looking at the background of the times, being able to serve as the bodyguard of Academician Lu, I think it is the strongest at that time ...


The remaining two rounds of exams are over, and the results this time are rather miserable. Of the 200 applicants, only one passed all the tests.

The most annoying is that the only candidate who passed not only took only one month of course, but also an old popsicle from 100 years ago ...

In the dormitory.

Wang Peng, who has already received his "diploma", is packing his luggage.

Although he only brought a few clothes when he came, he didn't bring much, but the necessary finishing was still indispensable.

Especially for things like clothes and quilts, he has an almost paranoid obsessive-compulsive disorder, which must be neatly stacked, preferably the one that can break the corners.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Without looking up, Wang Peng turned his back to the door and said casually.

"Come in."

The door opened, and instructor Lin Feng pushed the door open and walked in.

"The car is already waiting at the door and we will take you to the nearest maglev station."

"Thank you."

Because the work of the Security Bureau itself is relatively mysterious. Although there is a business of training agents for them according to the standards of special forces on the training base side, there is no channel for information connection between the two agencies.

To be more straightforward, Wang Peng, holding a "completion certificate", needs to go back and report on his own.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, this is what we should do," Lin Feng nodded and continued with a smile. "Speaking of it, what are you going to do after you get out of here?"

Wang Peng thought for a while and said, "There is nothing to do, after all, I have just woke up in less than two months, and I don't know anything about this era ... Anyway, let me report to my superior first, and then go to Jinling Take a look. "

Although he is no longer a driver of Lu Zhou, but as a fellow and a close friend from that era. This good news, he wants to share with him as soon as possible.

Lin Feng: "I mean, did you leave so hastily because of the case?"

Hearing this unexpected sentence, Wang Peng frowned subconsciously.


"It's nothing, I just asked it out of curiosity," Lin Feng said with a smile. "I suddenly thought that you are different from those of my students. You are from the Security Bureau. In this case, I don't ask much. It was just me who said nothing. "

"Then, I wish you all the best."

"Although it is only a short month, I will remember the names of each of you."

After slightly nodding his head, Lin Feng turned his back on the door after sending his blessing.

Looking at the closed door, Wang Peng frowned, but didn't say anything, but turned to continue to face his suitcase, and folded his clothes meticulously.

I just don't know why. The previous sentence always made him feel a little strange.

"Just out of curiosity ...?"

Academician Lu seems to like to say this.


Are bionics curious?

Folding clothes absently, Wang Peng was puzzled.

He always said that he hadn't particularly understood what kind of existence of bionics in this era ...

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