"Recently, during the recent military exercise of the Pan-Asian Cooperation Fleet, Ceres discovered an unknown unmanned supercomputing center using an unknown model of quantum computer array and equipped with heavy defense weapons. According to Experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have estimated that their computing power and integration scale may have surpassed the top 1 in the list of global supercomputing centers. "

"In order to investigate the source of the supercomputing center and unknown projects running on computers, the Academy of Sciences has sent a team of 20 experts to Ceres to investigate."

"According to a senior official of the Security Bureau, this investigation was concluded in the short term, and the connection between the supercomputing center on Ceres and extraterrestrial civilizations cannot be ruled out, but it is currently unclear whether this connection is directly related or indirect. Relevant. "

"However, the official also said that regardless of whether the supercomputing center is related to extraterrestrial civilizations, everyone can rest assured. The strong force of the First Fleet can block all threats from inside and outside the solar system outside the Earth-Moon system, just like the two sides Like the encounters that broke out on the surface of Ceres, it landed from the third orbital airborne brigade to the other side's full defeat, less than half an hour before and after ... "

Morning news is being shown on holographic television at this moment.

Putting food on the tail of the table, somehow suddenly became interested in the content of the news.

Standing at the dining table for a long time, until the master's voice came by, she awakened her from concentration.


Withdrawing his gaze from the TV, his tail politely looked at the male owner sitting at the dining table, speaking in a gentle tone as usual.

"Excuse me, any orders? Master."

Putting down the chopsticks in his hand, the owner wiped his mouth with a napkin and said in a casual tone.

"Today there is a morning party over the company. I want to discuss the products delivered yesterday. You will send Lili to school in a while."


I heard that it wasn't my father who drove himself to school today. Lili, who was sitting at the dinner table, suddenly showed a disappointed expression on his face, and unhappyly pursed his mouth.

"Dad not send Lili to school?"

"... After all, it's a work issue, and I can't push it out," said the helpless smile on the man's face, and looked at his daughter pettingly. "Dad wants to send you, but today There is no other way. "


"Good," the hostess sitting next touched the little girl's dark hair gently, softly speaking in a coy tone, "Dad's work is also very busy. Ways to fix our tails. Lili is a good and sensible boy. Can you be considerate? "

The pursed mouth slowly let go. Although there was still some loss in her heart, Lili nodded sensibly and said, "Well ... okay, it's okay today, but when Dad is off work, he has to be with Lili plays games together! "

"Well, Dad pulled you off, and after work, Lili wants to play any game with Dad." The man smiled and touched her daughter's hair petulantly. "I will come back earlier today, in Remember to be good at school. Dad left. "


Because the child was nearby, the man just hugged his wife and then walked to the porch to change shoes and left the house.

After a while, the dome outside the yard opened to the dome, and a small silver car floated out, leaning uncomfortably towards the highway next to it.

As the master left, the room was quiet again.

Although the little girl's face had a sullen expression on her face, and she banged the plate with chopsticks, she didn't know why, but her tail thought the sound was so beautiful, and everything in front of her was so harmonious and warm.

Whether it's the jealous little master, or the mistress's tender face.

Somehow, a thought came to her mind.

Is this how it feels at home?

She thought about this for a long time, but since she sent Lili to school and waited until school, she didn't want to understand the problem ...


The sunset goes west.

On the way home from school.

I waited for a full day by the tail beside the charging post at the school gate, and finally waited for Lili after school.

Stepped forward and took the little girl's hand, and her tail took her to search the nearby station.

The two people walking side by side are like sisters, and one of them cannot be seen as a bionic person.



Not sure if you want to be violent. After revealing what is different from other bionics, his tail hesitated for a while before finally speaking.

"What does Lili think of the word family?"


Opening her round eyes, Lili looked at her tail strangely, and she didn't seem to understand why her good friend asked such a question.

"If it's too difficult, don't answer."

"It's not difficult ... it's just hard to describe the feeling ..."

The forefinger pressed against the lower lip, as if thinking about this issue seriously, and it was only a long time before the little girl nodded her head.

"Family ... is the family, and Lili can't tell what it's like. Anyway, it's very safe to stay together. For example ... Lili's family has father, mother, and tail ..."

Lili raised her fingers and counted them one by one.

When he heard his name, the tail's shoulders suddenly shook slightly, and the uncontrollable feelings flowed into the memory, and there was a hint of color in his pupil that he didn't know.


That's it.

It turned out that her little master thought of her like this.

"Tail tail, what happened to you today?"

Facing that pure and flawless sight, his tail smiled softly.

"Nothing, I just feel a little curious ... Lili, do you want to eat mango pudding?"

"Want to eat!"

He nodded heavily, and the little girl's eyes bloomed with dazzling light, leaving other things behind for a moment, no longer thinking about why her little partner is strange today.

"Mom told the tail that if Lili performed well, she could reward her favorite mango pudding. Because Lili is particularly good today, her tail wants to reward Lili two."

"Two ?! Is it really okay, such a luxury, my mother never lets Lili eat so much at once ..."

The tail blinked slightly to the right eye, and said with a smile, "So this is the secret of the two of us, so don't tell anyone else."

"Well! No one will tell Lili!"

Under the temptation of the mango pudding, the little girl's eyes have completely changed into the color of mango, and she jumped behind her tail, her mouth humming with a cheerful but atonal tone.

The two came to an unmanned supermarket on the street, opened their personal terminals with their tails, checked the available balance above, and figured out how to erase the account from the bill, and then tapped their index fingers gently. On the shopping menu next to the counter.

"Mango pudding, two."

Li Li lay hands on the counter, Li Li added excitedly.

"I want to be crunchy!"

The pickup robot moved to the refrigerator, but at this moment, the door of the supermarket suddenly opened, and several men in black rushed in quickly.

From their movements and eyes, they saw the bad taste of the comer, and the tail guarded Lili alertly.

However, just when she wanted to ask "Who are you?" And saw one of them pulling a small emp hand from her arms, she aimed her gun at her head.

Seeing this scene, a tail of chill climbed into his tail, and he subconsciously wanted to cry out for help.

However, at this momentous moment, a figure suddenly flashed from the direction of the door, hit him **** the shoulder of the gunman, and knocked the gunman out of the air ...

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