With the shutdown of the second-generation controllable fusion experimental reactor, the bright aurora over the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration has also merged into the night behind. As soon as the light completely disappeared into sight, the whispering of the discussion was like a wave of waves, spreading in the venues in the heart of Asia.

Slowly lowering the camera held in his hands, staring into the deep night, Clooney muttered to himself.

"... Is this a gift from Academician Lu?"

It's a bunker!

Compared with the shock of a reporter, the shocks felt by the leaders of the countries sitting on the VIP seats in the exhibition hall are much stronger.

After admiring the aurora lighting up the night sky, the Ottosky Minister of the Slavic Union's Science and Technology Department had a serious expression on his face.

After taking a deep breath, he glanced at Chairman Willgeev, who was sitting next to him, and said in a serious tone.

"Aurora ... incredible. Forming aurora in mid-latitudes is almost impossible under natural conditions. Unless ..."

Will Jeff, who had just returned to God, immediately asked.

"Unless what?"

"With some special technology, the atmosphere is ionized artificially. Or, to put it better, they use lasers, microwaves or the like to ignite the air."

Lit the air?

The look on Wiljeev's face moved slightly, and he asked quickly.

"Can such a thing be done? Isn't it dangerous?"

Ortosky shook his head and said.

"It is so dangerous that the earth ’s atmospheric environment is even tougher than we thought. As long as it is not a long-term effect in units of ten or twenty years, the impact is still small. But we have to admit that even if it is only two Minutes, it is really not easy to create an artificial aurora of this scale. "

Taking a look at Li Guangya's direction, Otowski moved closer to Wilhelm, his voice lowered and continued.

"Aurora can be seen in the entire Yangtze River Delta city group ... rough estimate, they need at least a high-power laser emitting device capable of 100gw-even 1000gw!"

"Not only that, but even more surprising is how they did it in space. I am afraid that a nuclear fusion generator may not have enough power to generate power for such a laser transmitter, and It is even less visible in difficult-to-cool space. "

"You know, even the peak power generation in Guanghan City is not as exaggerated as 1000gw ..."

Even if all solar power stations on the moon were requisitioned, it would not be possible to meet this level of energy demand.

If the laser transmitter can also be realized by integrating multiple dot matrix lasers to form an emission array, then the energy alone is almost insoluble in terms of current technology and practical conditions.

Even if that academician Lu is no longer rich, this is not a problem that money can solve!

After hearing Otowski's explanation, Wiljeve's expression became more serious, and he asked in a serious tone.

"What is your guess ..."

"There is only one possibility."

Looking at the expression on Ortosky's face, Wilgeef took a moment's notice, and soon read something from his eyes, and the serious expression was gradually replaced by an incredible shock.

"Don't you mean ..."

"Yes," Ortosky nodded, and continued in a complex tone. "Although this may sound a little ridiculous ... but the second-generation controllable fusion research that has been stagnating for a century may have been solved by them. "

Not just the Slavic Union.

The leaders of the North Sea Alliance, the North American Alliance, and the Iberian-French Alliance sitting not far away also learned something from their staff or the head of the R & D department.

In fact, this is not difficult to guess.

East Asia Power is studying the second-generation controllable fusion technology. It is already a well-known thing. Even at the beginning of the year, residents of Guanghan City have been emotional about this matter, and major media are following the progress of related events.

Prior to this, the fusion technology research centers of various countries have invariably made comprehensive evaluation reports on the projects of East Asia Electric Power's second-generation experimental reactor plan. Including technical feasibility demonstration, project success rate, predicted completion cycle, possible technical routes ... Basically, everything that can be analyzed has been analyzed.

Especially for the project success rate, almost no research center gave a rating above optimistic. And the expectation that the project will make significant progress in the short term is almost without exception pessimistic evaluation.

These reports were even borrowed from the capital market for a while, and became the theoretical basis for many international capital followers Song Yang Wei to sell East Asia power ... Although some of the big names who did not follow the rules, they were blown up Already.

However, no one expected that East Asia Electric Power really made this technology out? !!

Not just high-level officials from regional alliances ...

The chairman of Pan-Asian Cooperation did not even think of it!

There was applause in the stadium.

This ingenious gift was beyond everyone's expectation and imagination. Even putting together the entire Asian Heart exhibits, and even the Asian Heart itself, seemed overshadowed by the vast aurora.

After all, the former is nothing but artificial.

And the latter, although most of them are man-made objects, the magnificent scale and momentum are as captivating as the mysterious power beyond nature.

Even if it is only two minutes.

Bathed in a pair of enthusiastic and excited sights, as well as applause and cheers throughout the audience, Lu Zhou smiled and waved, ending his opening speech, turning back and backing up behind the scenes.

Almost immediately after he returned to the background, the Internet about the aurora that has never happened in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration has swiped the screen in the major virtual reality online communities.

People are talking like crazy, in the short two minutes, what did Academician Lu do!

Looking at Bow leaving the field, bypassing the backstage, and returning to the VIP seat where the VIP seat was sitting, Chairman Li Guangya could not wait to ask him to sit on the stool before he could wait.

"What was that light just now?"

Hearing this question, Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Isn't it obvious enough?"

"... second-generation fusion?"

Lu Zhou did not speak, but simply nodded.

After getting a positive answer from Lu Zhou, Li Guangya took a deep breath, and after a while, he relieved from the shock that was still inexhaustible.

"... I didn't expect you to really do it."

"I said that I never made a joke about what I decided to do," Lu Zhou asked casually, watching a large-scale literary performance that had already begun on the stage. "How long will this celebration end?"

"If you are asking about the opening ceremony, nine o'clock is over." Li Guangya glanced softly at a glance at the time on the holographic watch. "If you are asking about the whole celebration, this is the closing ceremony three days later."

Lu Zhou smashed his tongue and said.

"It's been three days like this."

"After all, there are a lot of exhibits participating in the exhibition, and scientific research institutions and high-tech companies around the world will come to lively ... even in the distant Mars colony."

As he said this, Li Guangya's heart was full of complex emotions.

Although the breakthrough of the second-generation controllable fusion technology is a good thing to be happy, he really did not expect that Lu Zhou would choose to be here and suddenly take it out in this way.

Although the expressions on the faces of the leaders of the regional alliances made him very happy, the consequence is that not only the exhibits in the entire Asian heart are overshadowed by that light, he had originally planned to announce it at the closing ceremony. That important event is not sure whether it can cover the limelight of the second-generation controllable fusion.

He finally realized it at this moment.

Those people in modern history feel love and hate for this big man ...

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